379 research outputs found

    Supporting the Reuse of Open Educational Resources through Open Standards

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    Glahn, C., Kalz, M., Gruber, M., & Specht, M. (2010). Supporting the Reuse of Open Educational Resources through Open Standards. In T. Hirashima, A. F. Mohd Ayub, L. F. Kwok, S. L. Wong, S. C. Kong, & F. Y. Yu (Eds.), Workshop Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computers in Education: ICCE2010 (pp. 308-315). November, 29 - December, 3, 2010, Putrajaya, Malaysia: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.In this paper we analyse open standards for supporting the reuse of OER in different knowledge domains based on a generic architecture for content federation and higher-order services. Plenty OER are available at different institutions. We face the problem that the mere availability of these resources does not directly lead to their reuse. To increase the accessibility we integrated existing resource repositories to allow educational practitioners to discover appropriate resources. On top of this content federation we build higher order services to allow re-authoring and sharing of resources. Open standards play an important role in this process for developing high-level services for lowering the thresholds for the creation, distribution and reuse of OER in higher education.This paper has been partly sponsored by the GRAPPLE project (www.grapple-project.org) that is funded by the European Union within the Framework Programme 7 and the following European Projects funded in the eContentPlus Programme: MACE (ECP-2005-EDU-038098, portal.mace-orject.org), OpenScout (grant ECP-2008-EDU-428016, cf. www.openscout.net), and Share.TEC (ECP-2007-EDU-427015/Share.TEC, www.share-tec.eu)

    Using a Summarized Lecture Material Recommendation System to Enhance Students’ Preclass Preparation in a Flipped Classroom

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    Research has revealed the positive effects of flipped classroom approaches on students’ learning engagement and performance compared with conventional lecture-based classrooms. However, because of a lack of out-of-class learning support, many students fail to comprehensively prepare the provided lecture materials before class. One promising solution to this problem is recommendation systems in the educational area, which have been instrumental in helping learners identify useful and relevant lecture materials that satisfy their learning needs. Thus, in this study, we propose a summarized lecture material recommendation system, which is integrated into an e-book reading system as an enhancement of the flipped classroom approach. This system helps students identify pages that contain essential knowledge that must be thoroughly studied before class. The proposed system was constructed on the basis of our previous work. In this study, a quasi-experiment was conducted in a graduate course that implemented the flipped classroom model: experimental group students learned with the proposed system, whereas the control group students had no access to the additional features. The findings of this study suggest that students who learn with the proposed recommendation system significantly outperform those who learn without the system in a flipped classroom in terms of their learning outcomes and engagement in preclass preparation

    A lightweight web video model with content and context descriptions for integration with linked data

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    The rapid increase of video data on the Web has warranted an urgent need for effective representation, management and retrieval of web videos. Recently, many studies have been carried out for ontological representation of videos, either using domain dependent or generic schemas such as MPEG-7, MPEG-4, and COMM. In spite of their extensive coverage and sound theoretical grounding, they are yet to be widely used by users. Two main possible reasons are the complexities involved and a lack of tool support. We propose a lightweight video content model for content-context description and integration. The uniqueness of the model is that it tries to model the emerging social context to describe and interpret the video. Our approach is grounded on exploiting easily extractable evolving contextual metadata and on the availability of existing data on the Web. This enables representational homogeneity and a firm basis for information integration among semantically-enabled data sources. The model uses many existing schemas to describe various ontology classes and shows the scope of interlinking with the Linked Data cloud

    Social media: a new frontier for retailers?

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    During the last two decades the retailing industry is finding itself in a state of constant evolution and transformation. Globalization, mergers and acquisitions, and technological developments have drastically changed the retailing landscape. The explosive growth of the Internet has been one of the main catalysts in this process. The effects of the Internet have been mostly felt in retail sectors dealing mainly with intangibles or information products. But these are not likely to be limited to these sectors; increasingly retailers of physical products realize that the empowered, sophisticated, critical and well-informed consumer of today is essentially different to the consumer they have always known. The web, and particularly what is known as Social Media or Web 2.0, have given consumers much more control, information and power over the market process, posing retailers with a number of important dilemmas and challenges. This article explains what the new face of the Internet, widely referred to as Web 2.0 or Social Media, is, identifies its importance as a strategic marketing tool and proposes a number of alternative strategies for retailers. Implementing such strategies will allow retailers not only to survive, but also create competitive advantages and thrive in the new environment

    Foundations of Social Media Marketing

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    The Social Media have changed the power structures in the marketplace; evidence points to a major power migration taking place and to emergence of a new breed of powerful and sophisticated customer, difficult to influence, persuade and retain The paper outlines the nature, effects and present status of the Social Media, underlying their role as customer empowerment agents. It explains their aptitude and possible roles as part of the corporate Marketing strategy and identifies different ways of engaging them as marketing tools. The paper proposes two possible Social Media marketing strategies: a. The passive approach focusing on utilizing the Social Media domain as source of customer voice and market intelligence. b. The active approach i.e. engaging the Social Media as direct marketing and PR channels, as channels of customer influence, as tools of personalizing products and last but not least develop them as platforms of co-operation and customer-generated innovation. Finally the paper identifies future research directions around this new element of the marketing landscap

    Enabling Scalable Multi-channel Communication through Semantic Technologies

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    With the advance of the Web in the direction Social Media the number of communication possibilities has exponentially increased bringing new challenges and opportunities for companies to build and shape their reputation online as well as to engage and maintain the relationships to their customers. In this paper we describe how semantic technologies enable scalable, effective and efficient on-line communication. We illustrate four different ways in which semantics can be used for this purpose. First, we discuss semantic analysis of communication items based on 'classical' semantic, such as natural language processing. Second, we look at semantics as a channel, viewing Linked Open Data vocabularies not only as terminological assets but as communication channels. Third, semantics provide the methodologies and tools for content modeling by means of ontologies. Finally, semantics through semantic matchmaking enable semi-automatic assignment and distribution of content to channels and vice-versa

    Personalization and usage data in academic libraries : an exploratory study

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    Personalization is a service pattern for ensuring proactive information delivery tailored to an individual based on learned or perceived needs of the person. It is credited as a remedy for information explosion especially in the academic environment and its importance to libraries was described to the extent of justifying their existence. There have been numerous novel approaches or technical specifications forwarded for realization of personalization in libraries. However, literature shows that the implementation of the services in libraries is minimal which implies the need for a thorough analysis and discussion of issues underlying the practicality of this service in the library environment. This study was initiated by this need and it was done with the objective of finding answers for questions related to library usage data, user profiles and privacy which are among the factors determining the success of personalized services in academic libraries. With the aim of finding comprehensive answers, five distinct cases representing different approaches to academic library personalization were chosen for thorough analysis and themes extracted from them was substantiated by extensive literature review. Moreover, with the aim of getting more information, unstructured questions were presented to the libraries running the services. The overall finding shows that personalization can be realized in academic libraries but it has to address issues related to collecting and processing user/usage data, user interest management, safeguarding user privacy, library privacy laws and other important matters discovered in the course of the study.Joint Master Degree in Digital Library Learning (DILL

    Semantics-based information extraction for detecting economic events

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    As today's financial markets are sensitive to breaking news on economic events, accurate and timely automatic identification of events in news items is crucial. Unstructured news items originating from many heterogeneous sources have to be mined in order to extract knowledge useful for guiding decision making processes. Hence, we propose the Semantics-Based Pipeline for Economic Event Detection (SPEED), focusing on extracting financial events from news articles and annotating these with meta-data at a speed that enables real-time use. In our implementation, we use some components of an existing framework as well as new components, e.g., a high-performance Ontology Gazetteer, a Word Group Look-Up component, a Word Sense Disambiguator, and components for detecting economic events. Through their interaction with a domain-specific ontology, our novel, semantically enabled components constitute a feedback loop which fosters future reuse of acquired knowledge in the event detection process
