19,651 research outputs found


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    The investment office and one-stop integrated service (DPMPTSP) of Kuningan regency issues various kinds of permits, one of which is a building permit (IMB) issued by the investment office and one-stop integrated service on the applicant's side. Research is motivated by the vulnerability of counterfeiting permits that have been granted by the investment service and one-stop integrated services. The purpose of this research is to create a system or information technology that can help to make it easier to check building permits, one of which is by using QR-Code technology. This system can scan code that has been encrypted with the RSA algorithm so that the code created is not easily faked or read with similar applications. RSA Cryptography Algorithm, an algorithm used to encrypt and decrypt data. The RSA algorithm itself is an asymmetric algorithm, so it has a public key and a private key. RSA has a basic encryption and decryption process in the concepts of prime numbers and modulo arithmetic. The decryption and encryption keys are both integers. The encryption key is not kept secret and is known to the public so that the encryption key is also known as the public key, but the key for decryption is secret.Keywords: DPMPTSP, QR-Code, RSA Cryptrographic Algorith

    On the Efficiency of Fast RSA Variants in Modern Mobile Phones

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    Modern mobile phones are increasingly being used for more services that require modern security mechanisms such as the public key cryptosystem RSA. It is, however, well known that public key cryptography demands considerable computing resources and that RSA encryption is much faster than RSA decryption. It is consequently an interesting question if RSA as a whole can be executed efficiently on modern mobile phones. In this paper, we explore the efficiency on modern mobile phones of variants of the RSA cryptosystem, covering CRT, MultiPrime RSA, MultiPower RSA, Rebalanced RSA and R Prime RSA by comparing the encryption and decryption time using a simple Java implementation and a typical RSA setup.Comment: 5 pages IEEE format, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, IJCSIS December 2009, ISSN 1947 5500, http://sites.google.com/site/ijcsis

    Enhanced RSA Cryptosystem based on Multiplicity of Public and Private Keys

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    Security is one of the most important concern to the information and data sharing for companies, banks, organizations and government facilities. RSA is a public cryptographic algorithm that is designed specifically for authentication and data encryption. One of the most powerful reasons makes RSA more secure is that the avoidance of key exchange in the encryption and decryption processes. Standard RSA algorithm depends on the key length only to protect systems. However, RSA key is broken from time to another due to the development of computers hardware such as high speed processors and advanced technology. RSA developers have increased a key length or size of a key periodically to maintain a high security and privacy to systems that are protected by the RSA. In this paper, a method has been designed and implemented to strengthen the RSA algorithm by using multiple public and private keys. Therefore, in this method the security of RSA not only depends on the key size, but also relies on the multiplicity of public and private keys

    Program for Simulation and Testing of Apply Cryptography of Advance Encryption Standard (AES) Algorithm with Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) Algorithm for Good Performance

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    Nowadays, information security management systems are important parts of managing a system for better handling of the information security. In scenarios and situations where safety management is done by managing protection of malwares, it is important to manage security issues properly. Cryptography is an approach which makes possible for a recipient to encrypt and decrypt the information. A combination of two different strategies for encryption and decryption in the text encoding will be transformed into the used all content. The encryption and decryption key of the content decryption key is used. There are different types of information. A number, such as finding two large prime numbers with that product. The number, the size of the RSA key is large enough to make, it's hard to pinpoint these numbers. The key, known as the RSA public key, is the most prominent open encryption. Calculations were used for information exchange. In this paper, we created a program for simulation and testing of apply cryptography of Advance Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm with Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) algorithm for better performance. In this study, this program is an application of a new algorithm to be the AES&RSA principle of using a public key instead of a private key for cryptography, and the testing of encryption and decryption for the AES&RSA algorithm resulted in time is no different on the AES algorithm and more secure encryption and decryption. The results indicated that the time needed for encoding and decoding of AES&RSA algorithm has been reduced (i.e., efficiency has been improved)

    Hybrid Encryption of Cloud Processing With IOT Devices Using DNA And RSA Cryptography

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    The research paper titled "Hybrid Data Encryption as well as Decryption Using Hybrid RSA and DNA" develops a hybrid cryptosystem by combining the usefulness of such an asymmetric-key (public-key) cryptosystem with the efficacy of a symmetric-key (private-key) cryptosystem. These two types of cryptosystems use different types of keys. The method addresses concerns regarding the users' right to privacy, authentication, and accuracy by utilizing a data encryption process that is secure in both directions. Both the process of encrypting data and the process of decrypting data, which are both utilized by the system, are two different encryption methods. It has been suggested that a hybrid encryption algorithm, which combines DNA and RSA, be used for file encryption in order to address the issues with efficiency and security. The results of the testing show that the RSA and DNA hybrid encryption algorithm is suitable for use. In this particular research project's hybrid encryption and decoding for cloud processing with IOT devices, the DNA and RSA algorithms were used

    Program for Simulation and Testing of Apply Cryptography of Advance Encryption Standard (AES) Algorithm with Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) Algorithm for Good Performance

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    Nowadays, information security management systems are important parts of managing a system for better handling of the information security. In scenarios and situations where safety management is done by managing protection of malwares, it is important to manage security issues properly. Cryptography is an approach which makes possible for a recipient to encrypt and decrypt the information. A combination of two different strategies for encryption and decryption in the text encoding will be transformed into the used all content. The encryption and decryption key of the content decryption key is used. There are different types of information. A number, such as finding two large prime numbers with that product. The number, the size of the RSA key is large enough to make, it\u27s hard to pinpoint these numbers. The key, known as the RSA public key, is the most prominent open encryption. Calculations were used for information exchange. In this paper, we created a program for simulation and testing of apply cryptography of Advance Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm with Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) algorithm for better performance. In this study, this program is an application of a new algorithm to be the AES&RSA principle of using a public key instead of a private key for cryptography, and the testing of encryption and decryption for the AES&RSA algorithm resulted in time is no different on the AES algorithm and more secure encryption and decryption. The results indicated that the time needed for encoding and decoding of AES&RSA algorithm has been reduced (i.e., efficiency has been improved)

    A Realization of RSA Public-Key Encryption

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    Cryptography has originated from its initial and limited use by the Egyptians about 4000 years ago. It has explosively developed through both world wars. The most striking developement came in 1976 when Diffie and Hellman introduced the revolutionary concept of public-key cryptography although their method was inpractical. In 1978, the first practical public-key cryptosystem was discovered by Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman, now refered to as RSA. RSA scheme is the most widely used system and its security is based on a hard mathematical problem, the intractability of factoring large integers. In this paper, we introduce the general symmetric and public key cryptosystems and mainly, we attempt an effective realization of RSA cryptosystem using C++ language.Abstract = ⅱ 1. Introduction = 1 (1) 호환 암호 = 2 (2) 공개키 암호 시스템 = 5 2. RSA 암호 시스템 = 10 3. 구현 과정 = 17 4. Source = 23 (1) 키생성 = 22 (2) 암호화 = 24 (3) 복호화 = 28 5. 참고문헌 = 3

    Survey of RSA Vulnerabilities

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    Rivest et al. patented (US) RSA. RSA forms the basis of most public encryption systems. It describes a public key encryption algorithm and certification process, which protects user data over networks. The patent expired in September 2000 and now is available for general use. According to Marketsandmarkets.com, the global network encryption market size is expected to grow from USD 2.9 billion in 2018 to USD 4.6 billion by 2023, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.8%. Major growth drivers for the market include increasing adoption of optical transmission, an increasing demand to meet various regulatory compliances and a growing focus on shielding organizations from network security breaches. In short, RSA forms the basis of almost all public encryption systems. This, however, is not without risk. This chapter explores some of these vulnerabilities in a mathematical context and provides the reader with an appreciation of the strength of RSA

    A New Public-Key Cryptosystem Based On Mandelbrot And Julia Fractal Sets.

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    In this study, we are proposing a new cryptographic public-key encryption protocol based on Mandelbrot and Julia fractal sets. The fractal based public-key encryption protocol is possible because of the strong connection between the Mandelbrot and Julia fractal sets. In the proposed protocol Mandelbrot fractal function takes the chosen private key as the input parameter and generates the corresponding public-key. Julia fractal function is used to cipher the plaintext with receiver’s public key and decipher the ciphertext based on the receiver’s private key. The proposed protocol is designed to be resistant against attacks, utilize small key size and perform comparatively faster than the existing RSA public-key encryption protocol. The proposed fractal public-key encryption protocol is, therefore, an attractive alternative to the traditional number theory based public-key encryption protocol