9 research outputs found

    Improved Approximation Algorithms for PRIZE-COLLECTING STEINER TREE and TSP

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    Abstract — We study the prize-collecting versions of the Steiner tree, traveling salesman, and stroll (a.k.a. PATH-TSP) problems (PCST, PCTSP, and PCS, respectively): given a graph (V, E) with costs on each edge and a penalty (a.k.a. prize) on each node, the goal is to find a tree (for PCST), cycle (for PCTSP), or stroll (for PCS) that minimizes the sum of the edge costs in the tree/cycle/stroll and the penalties of the nodes not spanned by it. In addition to being a useful theoretical tool for helping to solve other optimization problems, PCST has been applied fruitfully by AT&T to the optimization of real-world telecommunications networks. The most recent improvements for the first two problems, giving a 2-approximation algorithm for each, appeared first in 1992. (A 2-approximation for PCS appeared in 2003.) The natural linear programming (LP) relaxation of PCST has an integrality gap of 2, which has been a barrier to further improvements for this problem. We present (2 − ɛ)-approximation algorithms for all three problems, connected by a unified technique for improving prizecollecting algorithms that allows us to circumvent the integrality gap barrier. 1

    Approximation schemes for steiner forest on planar graphs and graphs of bounded treewidth

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    Node-Weighted Prize Collecting Steiner Tree and Applications

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    The Steiner Tree problem has appeared in the Karp's list of the first 21 NP-hard problems and is well known as one of the most fundamental problems in Network Design area. We study the Node-Weighted version of the Prize Collecting Steiner Tree problem. In this problem, we are given a simple graph with a cost and penalty value associated with each node. Our goal is to find a subtree T of the graph minimizing the cost of the nodes in T plus penalty of the nodes not in T. By a reduction from set cover problem it can be easily shown that the problem cannot be approximated in polynomial time within factor of (1-o(1))ln n unless NP has quasi-polynomial time algorithms, where n is the number of vertices of the graph. Moss and Rabani claimed an O(log n)-approximation algorithm for the problem using a Primal-Dual approach in their STOC'01 paper \cite{moss2001}. We show that their algorithm is incorrect by providing a counter example in which there is an O(n) gap between the dual solution constructed by their algorithm and the optimal solution. Further, evidence is given that their algorithm probably does not have a simple fix. We propose a new algorithm which is more involved and introduces novel ideas in primal dual approach for network design problems. Also, our algorithm is a Lagrangian Multiplier Preserving algorithm and we show how this property can be utilized to design an O(log n)-approximation algorithm for the Node-Weighted Quota Steiner Tree problem using the Lagrangian Relaxation method. We also show an application of the Node Weighted Quota Steiner Tree problem in designing algorithm with better approximation factor for Technology Diffusion problem, a problem proposed by Goldberg and Liu in \cite{goldberg2012} (SODA 2013). In Technology Diffusion, we are given a graph G and a threshold θ(v) associated with each vertex v and we are seeking a set of initial nodes called the seed set. Technology Diffusion is a dynamic process defined over time in which each vertex is either active or inactive. The vertices in the seed set are initially activated and each other vertex v gets activated whenever there are at least θ(v) active nodes connected to v through other active nodes. The Technology Diffusion problem asks to find the minimum seed set activating all nodes. Goldberg and Liu gave an O(rllog n)-approximation algorithm for the problem where r and l are the diameter of G and the number of distinct threshold values, respectively. We improve the approximation factor to O(min{r,l}log n) by establishing a close connection between the problem and the Node Weighted Quota Steiner Tree problem

    On the Integrality Gap of Directed Steiner Tree Problem

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    In the Directed Steiner Tree problem, we are given a directed graph G = (V,E) with edge costs, a root vertex r ∈ V, and a terminal set X ⊆ V . The goal is to find the cheapest subset of edges that contains an r-t path for every terminal t ∈ X. The only known polylogarithmic approximations for Directed Steiner Tree run in quasi-polynomial time and the best polynomial time approximations only achieve a guarantee of O(|X|^ε) for any constant ε > 0. Furthermore, the integrality gap of a natural LP relaxation can be as bad as Ω(√|X|).  We demonstrate that l rounds of the Sherali-Adams hierarchy suffice to reduce the integrality gap of a natural LP relaxation for Directed Steiner Tree in l-layered graphs from Ω( k) to O(l · log k) where k is the number of terminals. This is an improvement over Rothvoss’ result that 2l rounds of the considerably stronger Lasserre SDP hierarchy reduce the integrality gap of a similar formulation to O(l · log k). We also observe that Directed Steiner Tree instances with 3 layers of edges have only an O(logk) integrality gap bound in the standard LP relaxation, complementing the fact that the gap can be as large as Ω(√k) in graphs with 4 layers. Finally, we consider quasi-bipartite instances of Directed Steiner Tree meaning no edge in E connects two Steiner nodes V − (X ∪ {r}). By a simple reduction from Set Cover, it is still NP-hard to approximate quasi-bipartite instances within a ratio better than O(log|X|). We present a polynomial-time O(log |X|)-approximation for quasi-bipartite instances of Directed Steiner Tree. Our approach also bounds the integrality gap of the natural LP relaxation by the same quantity. A novel feature of our algorithm is that it is based on the primal-dual framework, which typically does not result in good approximations for network design problems in directed graphs

    Iterative Rounding Approximation Algorithms in Network Design

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    Iterative rounding has been an increasingly popular approach to solving network design optimization problems ever since Jain introduced the concept in his revolutionary 2-approximation for the Survivable Network Design Problem (SNDP). This paper looks at several important iterative rounding approximation algorithms and makes improvements to some of their proofs. We generalize a matrix restatement of Nagarajan et al.'s token argument, which we can use to simplify the proofs of Jain's 2-approximation for SNDP and Fleischer et al.'s 2-approximation for the Element Connectivity (ELC) problem. Lau et al. show how one can construct a (2,2B + 3)-approximation for the degree bounded ELC problem, and this thesis provides the proof. We provide some structural results for basic feasible solutions of the Prize-Collecting Steiner Tree problem, and introduce a new problem that arises, which we call the Prize-Collecting Generalized Steiner Tree problem

    RNC-Approximation Algorithms for the Steiner Problem

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    In this paper we present an RNC-algorithm for finding a minimum spanning tree in a weighted 3-uniform hypergraph, assuming the edge weights are given in unary, and a fully polynomial time randomized approximation scheme if the edge weights are given in binary. From this result we then derive RNC-approximation algorithms for the Steiner problem in networks with approximation ratio (1 + ffl) 5=3 for all ffl ? 0