75 research outputs found

    Attack on Liao and Hsiao\u27s Secure ECC-based RFID Authentication Scheme integrated with ID-Verifier Transfer Protocol

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    We show that the Liao and Hsiao\u27s protocol achieves neither tag-authentication nor privacy

    A secure sharing design for multi-tag RFID authentication protocol

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    Off-line NFC Tag Authentication

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    NTRU based group oriented signature

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    In order to prevent illegal tracking and stealing personal or cargo information, the authentication services should be provided for the tags to identify a Reader. A NTRU based signature scheme is proposed in this paper, which meets the demand for a group of tags to quickly and securely identify a Reader in RFID system. In our scheme, only the tag in specified group can verify the reader’s message. Because of fast operation, easy key generation and limited source occupied, our signature is very suit for the RFID systems

    The RFId Technology for Monitoring the Supply Chain and for Fighting against Counterfeiting: A Fashion Company Case Study

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    The purpose of this chapter, after a brief literature review, is to analyse how the RFId technologies applied by an Italian fashion firm, Oscalito, contribute to monitoring the supply chain and are a useful tool to fight against counterfeiting, enhancing the Made in Italy. In the textile sector, characterised by a short and constantly evolving production cycle, the RFId technology has enormous potential. According to Regulation (EU) No 1007/2011 on textile fibre names and related labelling and marking of the fibre composition of textile products, consumer protection requires transparent and consistent trade rules, including as regards, indications of origin. When such indications are used, they should enable consumers to be fully aware of the origin of the products they purchase, so as to protect them against fraudulent, inaccurate or misleading claims of origin. In this context, RFId technology has emerged as a valid support for the company not only to monitor the supply chain, especially with reference to inventory management, waste disposal, logistics and transport, but also to protect the Italian origin of production. This study also has some limitations, typical of the applied methodology

    Privacy-enhanced RFID Tag Search System

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    Privacy-preserving authorised RFID authentication protocols

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has been widely adopted for object identification. An RFID system comprises three essential components, namely RFID tags, readers and a backend server. Conventionally, the system is considered to be controlled by a single party who maintains all the secret information. However, in some practical scenarios, RFID tags, readers and servers could be operated by different parties. Although the private information should not be shared, the system should allow a valid tag to be authenticated by a legal reader. The challenge in designing the system is preserving the tag and reader\u27s privacy. In this paper, we propose a novel concept of authorized RFID authentication. The proposed protocols allow the tag to be merely identifiable by an authorized reader and the server cannot reveal the tag during the reader-server interaction. We provide a formal definition of privacy and security models of authorized authentication protocols under the strong and weak notions and propose three provably secure protocol

    A survey of RFID privacy approaches

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    A bewildering number of proposals have offered solutions to the privacy problems inherent in RFID communication. This article tries to give an overview of the currently discussed approaches and their attribute