11 research outputs found

    An Exploratory Study of RFID Implementation in the Supply Chain

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the barriers and motivations for adopting radio frequency identification (RFID), the level of RFID implementation, the processes RFID is utilized in, and issues in the deployment of RFID. A survey instrument was developed based on a literature review. The survey was then distributed to the members of the Association for Operations Management Rhode Island and Boston chapters. The results were then analyzed. It was found that the majority of the surveyed firms are not considering RFID implementation. Lack of a business case and lack of understanding were cited as their main concerns. For firms considering RFID implementation and firms that had implemented RFID, better inventory management, obtaining competitive advantage, and cost reduction were the three most important motivations for adopting RFID. Financial concerns and the lack of a business case were the most prevalent issues. In addition, product tracking (pallets, cases, and items) in shipping was the most cited RFID application. It was also found that considering firms are facing less pressure from customers to adopt RFID and reported a much higher degree of apprehension regarding potential issues than implementing firms reported for actual difficulties faced. One of the limitations is the small sample size (n = 49) which may limit the generalizability of the results. By identifying barriers, motivations, and issues in the implementation of RFID, this study further educates practitioners on the challenges and opportunities of RFID, as well as providing direction to academicians for further research on this area

    A New Technology of Smart Shopping Cart using RFID and ZIGBEE

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    Now a days it is common to see people getting enthusiast in online shopping through e-commerce websites but still the shopping centers are popular. We come across many types of carts used for shopping in malls and shopping centers. We are proposing smart shopping cart which uses the RFID and ZIGBEE technology to identify the products details and sends the data wirelessly to the receiver. We propose to have facility to browse the available products list on-screen in the display connected to the microcontroller which is situated in smart cart. The cart is interacting with the Main Server and it will have the facility to generate the bill for all the products added into the cart. The proposed system will be helpful for avoiding queues in shopping malls for billing. With the proposed design conventional queue system for billing generation and hence the shopping becomes easy and enjoyable

    Empirical Evidence of RFID Impacts on Supply Chain Performance

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to investigate the actual benefits of radio frequency identification (RFID) on supply chain performance through the empirical evidence. Design/methodology/approach - The research reviews and classifies the existing quantitative empirical evidence of RFID on supply chain performance. The evidence is classified by process (operational or managerial) and for each process by effect (automational, informational, and transformational). Findings - The empirical evidence shows that the major effects from the implementation of RFID are automational effects on operational processes followed by informational effects on managerial processes. The RFID implementation has not reached transformational level on either operational or managerial processes. RFID has an automational effect on operational processes through inventory control and efficiency improvements. An informational effect for managerial processes is observed for improved decision quality, production control and the effectiveness of retail sales and promotions coordination. In addition, a three-stage model is proposed to explain the effects of RFID on the supply chain. Research limitations/implications - Limitations of this research include the use of secondary sources and the lack of consistency in performance measure definitions. Future research could focus on detailed case studies that investigate cross-functional applications across the organization and the supply chain. Practical implications - For managers, the empirical evidence presented can help them identify implementation areas where RFID can have the greatest impact. The data can be used to build the business case for RFID and therefore better estimate ROI and the payback period. Originality/value - This research fills a void in the literature by providing practitioners and researchers with a better understanding of the quantitative benefits of RFID in the supply chain

    Enhancing the information transmission for pharmaceutical supply chain based on radio frequency identification (RFID) and internet of things

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    Author name used in this publication: S.K. Kwok,Author name used in this publication: Albert H.C. TsangRefereed conference paper2010-2011 > Academic research: refereed > Refereed conference paperVersion of RecordPublishe

    RFID como ferramenta para a otimização dos estoques na cadeia de suprimentos : uma abordagem CPFR e Lean Management

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    Orientador: Darli Rodrigues VieiraMonografia(Especialização) - Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ,Setor de CiĂȘncias Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização em GerĂȘncia de Sistemas LogĂ­sticosMonografia da biblioteca SA nĂŁo possuia a pĂĄgina 42

    Probabilistic analysis of supply chains resilience based on their characteristics using dynamic Bayesian networks

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    Previously held under moratorium from 14 December 2016 until 19 January 2022There is an increasing interest in the resilience of supply chains given the growing awareness of their vulnerabilities to natural and man-made hazards. Contemporary academic literature considers, for example, so-called resilience enablers and strategies, such as improving the nature of collaboration and flexibility within the supply chain. Efforts to analyse resilience tend to view the supply chain as a complex system. The present research adopts a distinctive approach to the analysis of supply resilience by building formal models from the perspective of the responsible manager. Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBNs) are selected as the modelling method since they are capable of representing the temporal evolution of uncertainties affecting supply. They also support probabilistic analysis to estimate the impact of potentially hazardous events through time. In this way, the recovery rate of the supply chain under mitigation action scenarios and an understanding of resilience can be obtained. The research is grounded in multiple case studies of manufacturing and retail supply chains, involving focal companies in the UK, Canada and Malaysia, respectively. Each case involves building models to estimate the resilience of the supply chain given uncertainties about, for example, business continuity, lumpy spare parts demand and operations of critical infrastructure. DBNs have been developed by using relevant data from historical empirical records and subjective judgement. Through the modelling practice, It has been found that some SC characteristics (i.e. level of integration, structure, SC operating system) play a vital role in shaping and quantifying DBNs and reduce their elicitation burden. Similarly, It has been found that the static and dynamic discretization methods of continuous variables affect the DBNs building process. I also studied the effect of level of integration, visibility, structure and SC operating system on the resilience level of SCs through the analysis of DBNs outputs. I found that the influence of the integration intensity on supply chain resilience can be revealed through understanding the dependency level of the focal firm on SC members resources. I have also noticed the relationship between the span of integration and the level of visibility to SC members. This visibility affects the capability of SC managers in the focal firm to identify the SC hazards and their consequences and, therefore, improve the planning for adverse events. I also explained how some decision rules related to SC operating system such as the inventory strategy could influence the intermediate ability of SC to react to adverse events. By interpreting my case data in the light of the existing academic literature, I can formulate some specific propositions.There is an increasing interest in the resilience of supply chains given the growing awareness of their vulnerabilities to natural and man-made hazards. Contemporary academic literature considers, for example, so-called resilience enablers and strategies, such as improving the nature of collaboration and flexibility within the supply chain. Efforts to analyse resilience tend to view the supply chain as a complex system. The present research adopts a distinctive approach to the analysis of supply resilience by building formal models from the perspective of the responsible manager. Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBNs) are selected as the modelling method since they are capable of representing the temporal evolution of uncertainties affecting supply. They also support probabilistic analysis to estimate the impact of potentially hazardous events through time. In this way, the recovery rate of the supply chain under mitigation action scenarios and an understanding of resilience can be obtained. The research is grounded in multiple case studies of manufacturing and retail supply chains, involving focal companies in the UK, Canada and Malaysia, respectively. Each case involves building models to estimate the resilience of the supply chain given uncertainties about, for example, business continuity, lumpy spare parts demand and operations of critical infrastructure. DBNs have been developed by using relevant data from historical empirical records and subjective judgement. Through the modelling practice, It has been found that some SC characteristics (i.e. level of integration, structure, SC operating system) play a vital role in shaping and quantifying DBNs and reduce their elicitation burden. Similarly, It has been found that the static and dynamic discretization methods of continuous variables affect the DBNs building process. I also studied the effect of level of integration, visibility, structure and SC operating system on the resilience level of SCs through the analysis of DBNs outputs. I found that the influence of the integration intensity on supply chain resilience can be revealed through understanding the dependency level of the focal firm on SC members resources. I have also noticed the relationship between the span of integration and the level of visibility to SC members. This visibility affects the capability of SC managers in the focal firm to identify the SC hazards and their consequences and, therefore, improve the planning for adverse events. I also explained how some decision rules related to SC operating system such as the inventory strategy could influence the intermediate ability of SC to react to adverse events. By interpreting my case data in the light of the existing academic literature, I can formulate some specific propositions

    Les impacts de la technologie RFID et du réseau EPC sur la gestion de la chaßne d'approvisionnement : le cas de l'industrie du commerce de détail

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    «RÉSUMÉ» : DĂ©finie comme une technologie sans-fil d’identification et de collecte automatique des donnĂ©es, la technologie d’identification par radiofrĂ©quence (RFID) est en train d’émerger comme un nouveau systĂšme inter-organisationnel, qui va profondĂ©ment transformer les processus et pratiques d’affaires de la chaĂźne d’approvisionnement. Toutefois, l’importance de la co-adoption de la technologie RFID et du rĂ©seau EPC dans la chaĂźne d’approvisionnement a jusqu’à prĂ©sent reçu peu d’attention dans la littĂ©rature et trĂšs peu d’études empiriques ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es sur la valeur et les impacts de cette co-adoption de la RFID et du rĂ©seau EPC dans un contexte de chaĂźne d’approvisionnement. Cette recherche reprĂ©sente un premier effort visant Ă  combler cette lacune dans la littĂ©rature sur ces questions spĂ©cifiques. Notre Ă©tude s’appuie sur la revue de littĂ©rature existante sur la technologie RFID et le rĂ©seau EPC, la thĂ©orie de la gestion de l’innovation, la gestion de la chaĂźne et les systĂšmes inter-organisationnels pour rĂ©pondre aux questions de recherche suivantes : (i) Que comprend prĂ©cisĂ©ment la technologie RFID?; (ii) Quelle est l’infrastructure minimale que requiert cette technologie?; (iii) Quel lien existe-t-il entre la technologie RFID et le rĂ©seau EPC?; (iv) Quel rĂŽle pourrait jouer un laboratoire universitaire dans le processus d’adoption de la technologie RFID et du rĂ©seau EPC?; (v) Quels sont les impacts de la technologie RFID et du rĂ©seau EPC sur les processus d’affaires et les flux d’informations intra- et inter-organisationnels, sur la main-d’Ɠuvre, et sur les modĂšles d’affaires; (vi) Quelles sont les stratĂ©gies Ă  mettre en Ɠuvre pour, d’une part, guider l’élaboration et la mise en Ɠuvre des divers scĂ©narios d’adoption intĂ©grant la technologie RFID et le rĂ©seau EPC et, d’autre part, faciliter la communication entre les diffĂ©rents acteurs impliquĂ©s dans le processus d’identification des modĂšles d’affaires appropriĂ©s et les infrastructures technologiques pouvant supporter l’adoption d’un scenario intĂ©grant de ces technologies?»----------«ABSTRACT : Defined as a wireless automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) technology, the Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is emerging as an innovative inter-organizational system (IOS) that will profoundly transform the supply chain business processes and practices. However, the importance of the co-adoption of RFID and the EPC network within the supply chain has so far received insignificant attention in the literature and very few empirical studies have been conducted on the value and impacts of the co-adoption of RFID and EPC network in a supply chain context. This research represents an initial effort towards bridging the existing knowledge gap on these specific issues. Our study draws from the literature review on the RFID technology and the EPC network, the innovation management theory, the supply chain management and the inter-organizational systems to examine the following research questions : (i) What precisely does the RFID infrastructure include?; (ii) What is the link between the RFID technology and the EPC network? (iii) What role could play a university-based laboratory in the adoption process of the RFID technology and the EPC network?; (iv) What are the impacts of the RFID technology and the EPC network on intra-organizational and inter-organizational business processes and information flows, on the workforce, and on the existing business models; (v) What strategies should be implemented in order to, first, guide the development and the implementation of various adoption scenarios integrating the RFID technology and the EPC network, and, secondly, facilitate communication between the different stakeholders involved in the process of identifying the appropriate business models and technological infrastructure supporting the adoption of an optimal scenario integrating these technologies?

    RFID-Enabled Discovery of Supply Networks

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    Many organizations have very limited information about the supply networks in which they are involved. For the purpose of planning business strategies, tracing products, and assuring product quality, organizations are eager to know their entire supply networks, i.e., who are their suppliers ’ suppliers and who are their buyers ’ buyers. However, because an organization’s higher-tier suppliers and buyers are not directly connected to the organization, it is difficult for the organization to obtain the information about all entities and their relationships in its supply networks. This paper aims at providing an innovative solution for organizations to discover their supply networks. We first propose a new taxonomy of supply networks, which provides a necessary and systematic framework for mapping supply networks based on the mapping purpose and available information. We then develop a methodology for discovering and mapping supply networks by means of RFID-enabled capture and sharing of the information about the movement of products throughout supply networks. This research solves a real-world supply chain management problem of what supply networks can be discovered using RFID and Internet technologies and how to discover them