7 research outputs found

    A Review on Optimizing Radial Basis Function Neural Network using Nature Inspired Algorithm

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    Radial Basis Function (RBF) is a type of feed forward neural network .This function can be applied to interpolation, chaotic time-series modeling, control engineering, image restoration, data fusion etc. In RBF network, parameters of basis functions (such as width, the position and number of centers) in the nonlinear hidden layer have great influence on the performance of the network. Common RBF training algorithms cannot possibly find the global optima of nonlinear parameters in the hidden layer, and often have too many hidden units to reach certain approximation abilities, which will lead to too large a scale for the network and decline of generalization ability. Also, RBF neural network has the advantages of adaptive and self-learning ability, but it is difficult to determine the number of hidden layer neurons, and the weights learning ability from hidden layer to the output layer is low; these deficiencies easily lead to decreasing learning ability and recognition precision. Secondly, the Swarm Intelligence Algorithms are (Meta-Heuristic) development Algorithms, which attracted much attention and appeared its ability in the last ten years within many applications such as data mining, scheduling, improve the performance of artificial neural networks (ANN) and classification. So, in this paper the work of Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), Genetic algorithm(GA), Particle swarm optimization(PSO) and Bat algorithm(BA) have been reviewed, which optimized the RBF neural network in their own terms

    Hacia la clasificaci贸n de fonocardiogramas utilizando descriptores ca贸ticos y estad铆sticos

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    En este trabajo, tres descriptores: la dimensi贸n de correlaci贸n, el exponente de Lyapunov y la entrop铆a aproximada, son calculados a partir de series de tiempo procedentes de mediciones de fonocardiogramas, con el prop贸sito de entrenar una red neuronal auto-organizada para clasificar afecciones card铆acas. El uso de la red neuronal, en conjunto con descriptores ca贸ticos y estad铆sticos, muestran un buen desempe帽o y capacidad para lograr una segmentaci贸n entre clases.Palabra(s) Clave(s): an谩lisis de series de tiempo, entrop铆a aproximada,fonocardiograma, reconstrucci贸n del atractor, red neuronal auto-organizada, teor铆a de caos

    A sensitivity comparison of Neuro-fuzzy feature extraction methods from bearing failure signals

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    This thesis presents an account of investigations made into building bearing fault classifiers for outer race faults (ORF), inner race faults (IRF), ball faults (BF) and no fault (NF) cases using wavelet transforms, statistical parameter features and Artificial Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS). The test results showed that the ball fault (BF) classifier successfully achieved 100% accuracy without mis-classification, while the outer race fault (ORF), inner race fault (IRF) and no fault (NF) classifiers achieved mixed results

    RBF Neural Network Based on Particle Swarm Optimization

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