32 research outputs found

    Cost of breast preservation surgery for cancer

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    CITATION: Smit, B. J., Liebenberg, T. J. & Du Toit, D. F. 1992. Cost of breast preservation surgery for cancer. South African Medical Journal, 82:481.The original publication is available at http://www.samj.org.za[No abstract available]Publisher’s versio

    Quality of Life for the Elderly in the Jeulingke Health Center in Banda Aceh, Indonesia

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    The increase in the elderly population has several impacts on various aspects of life, such as social, economic and health. Moreover, various physical, cognitive and psychological changes occur in older people in the health field. Besides, life expectancy and quality of life are also significant for older people. The main goal of this study was to determine the elderly quality of life in Jeulingke Health Center Banda Aceh. This quantitative descriptive study involved 100 older adults. Data were collected through simple random sampling. The data collection tool used was the World Health Organization Quality of Life-Bref (WHOQOL) concept questionnaire, which consisted of 4 domains: biological, psychological, social, and environmental. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results showed that 59% of respondents had a high quality of life, with 52% having a high biological domain, 56%  having a high psychological environment, 57% having a low social field and 57% having a high environmental part. It is hoped that the Head of the Jeulingke Community Health Center in Banda Aceh can improve the quality of life of older people through a group mentoring program for elderly families

    Fine Motor Development in Toddlers Aged 36-60 Months Before and After Stimulation in Bineh Blang Village, Ingin Jaya District, Aceh Besar Regency, Indonesia

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    Fine motor skills are integral to child development, often receiving insufficient attention despite their significant impact on overall cognitive abilities. This study aims to evaluate the difference in the development of fine motor skills before and after receiving developmental stimulation among children aged 36-60 months in the village of Bineh Blang, Ingin Jaya District, Aceh Besar Regency. The research method employed a quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test approaches. A sample of 30 toddlers was selected using a purposive sampling technique. The given data shows a significant improvement in fine motor skills among 36-month-old children after receiving developmental stimulation. In the test of placing 4 cubes, there was an increase from a score of 1.00 in the pre-test to 1.00 in the post-test. In the test of placing eight cubes, there was an improvement from 0.83 (pre-test) to 1.00 (post-test). The test for building a bridge also increased from 0.67 (pre-test) to 1.00 (post-test). Although the tests of stacking blocks into a tower and drawing a cross line displayed minor improvements, progress was still seen from 0.33 to 0.50 and from 0.17 to 0.33, respectively. The test of drawing a circle also demonstrated improvement from 0.50 to 0.67

    The Prevalence of Depressive Symptoms in Schizophrenia: A Cross-sectional Study

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    Schizophrenia is a disorder with a highly heterogeneous clinical picture. Depressive symptoms occur in schizophrenia, and they increase the disease burden and distress. There are very few studies on this topic in India. This study aims to estimate the prevalence of depressive symptoms in schizophrenia and its correlation with socio-demographic factors as well as symptom domains such as positive, negative and general psychopathology. This cross-sectional study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital with consecutive sampling. Persons diagnosed with schizophrenia were administered a semi-structured proforma to collect socio-demographic data. Positive and Negative Symptom Scale (PANSS) was administered to assess symptom domains, and The Calgary Depression Scale for schizophrenia (CDSS) was used to measure depressive symptoms. The cut-off score to determine clinically significant depression was fixed at a score >7.This study found that 28.6 % of persons with schizophrenia had clinically significant depression. It was found that there were no significant differences in age, education, marital status, residence, occupation, or socio-economic class between the depressed and non-depressed groups. 40% of the depressed patients had a positive history of previous suicide attempts, while in the non-depressed group, only 14% had a positive history of prior suicide attempts. In this study, the psychopathology of schizophrenia measured by the PANSS positive scale, negative scale, general psychopathology scale, and the PANSS total score did not have any statistically significant correlation with the depressive symptoms assessed by the Calgary depression scale for schizophrenia. The multidimensional model of schizophrenia gives a valid explanation for the absence of any correlation between depressive symptoms and other psychopathological entities. The clinically significant depression in schizophrenia is probably an independent component rather than a consequence of the psychotic symptomatology. The depressive symptoms should be addressed while treating schizophrenia, and appropriate therapeutic interventions are required to decrease the disease burden and improve the quality of life

    The Influence of Oxytocin Massage and Nutmeg Aromatherapy on Relactation Success in the Public Health Center of Aceh Besar Regency Working Area, Indonesia

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effects of oxytocin massage and nutmeg aromatherapy on the success of relaxation among postpartum mothers in the Public Health Center of Aceh Besar Regency working area. The research employed a Quasi-Experimental design with a post-test Only Control Group Design. The study population consisted of non-exclusive breastfeeding mothers with infants under 12 months old. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, resulting in a sample size of 34 respondents divided into two groups: the group interested in relaxation (Group A) and the group not interested in peace (Group B). The intervention involved providing oxytocin massage and nutmeg aromatherapy for three weeks. Data collected included pretest and post-test scores using the LATCH assessment instrument. Data analysis was conducted using the Wilcoxon test and the Mann-Whitney test. The analysis results indicated significant differences between the pretest and post-test scores in both groups, both interested and not interested in relaxation (p < 0.05). This suggests that using oxytocin massage and nutmeg aromatherapy positively influences relaxation success. In the Mann-Whitney test, there was also a significant difference in the LATCH scores between the group interested and not interested in relaxation (p < 0.05). The group interested exhibited higher LATCH scores compared to the group not interested.In conclusion, oxytocin massage and nutmeg aromatherapy significantly improve relaxation success among postpartum mothers. These interventions can serve as effective alternatives in assisting mothers interested in continuing exclusive breastfeeding. However, further research with more robust designs and larger sample sizes is needed to reinforce these findings

    Analysis of the Menstrual Cycle and Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome in Martial Arts Athletes in 2024

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    The menstrual cycle experienced is undoubtedly different for each person, even for twin women. Symptoms felt before menstruation also vary, such as dizziness, difficulty concentrating, breast tenderness, sleep disturbances, defecation disorders, increased appetite, acne, fatigue, and excessive anxiety or anxiety. This study aims to describe the menstrual cycle and premenstrual symptoms felt by athletes. This study uses descriptive research, explaining what will be studied and measured with certainty. The approach used is a quantitative approach with the questionnaire method. The sample of this study was all martial arts athletes with centralised PON preparation of as many as 42 people using a total sampling technique. The data collection technique uses a closed questionnaire with yes and no answer options. The data obtained was then analysed using the questionnaire answer value, the percentage value was calculated, and the test was done using chi-square. This study concludes that all athletes have a regular menstrual cycle for 35 days. PMS symptoms that do not feel disturbing include sensitivity, sleep disturbances, acne, constipation, and increased appetite. Symptoms that are supposed to be unsettling, such as dizziness, headaches, fatigue, excessive anxiety, and difficulty concentrating. The results of the chi-square test show that by comparing the Asymp, Sig. with the critical value limit of 0.05". In the data tabulation above, it is known that the value of the chi-square analysis results is 0.040 at the confidence level of 0.05 or 95% or α = 0.05. Thus, it can be said that the chi-square is> 0.05. So, it can be concluded that there is no significant difference according to the variable level of PMS experienced between martial arts and nonmartial arts athletes. The coach should coordinate with medical personnel and the nutrition team to find a solution to relieve disturbing symptoms

    Serological Qualitative Diagnoses of Helicobacter pylori in Patients Accessing Care at the Bingham University Teaching Hospital Jos, Nigeria

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    The widespread Helicobacter pylori infection is a substantial global health problem affecting approximately 50% of the worldwide population, with 50% infection rates in developed countries and 80% in developing countries, mainly concentrating in resource-limited settings. The mode of transmission is through the faecal-oral route, contamination of food and water, where inadequate sanitation practices, low socioeconomic status and overcrowdedness seem to relate to the high prevalence of H. pylori infections. This study sought to serologically determine the prevalence of H. pylori and the disease-associated burden in patients accessing care in a Tertiary Hospital. This hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted at the Bingham University Teaching Hospital, North-Central Nigeria, for four months (September to December 2022). There, 551 blood specimens were collected from the patients into plain tubes and spun to obtain serum for the serological qualitative analysis. Out of the 551 screened specimens for H. pylori, 79% (n=437) were 58.4% reactive female and 41.6% male. Ages 15-49 had 62%, 50-70 yrs had 26.5%, and less than 14 yrs had 11.4% respectively. Furthermore, 64.3% of female patients presented with burning pains, nausea/vomiting, and trouble breathing.In comparison, 35.5% of the male counterparts presented symptoms of dyspepsia, and 32.1% had either taken one of the Nonsteroidal-inflammatory drugs. 86.7% of the suspected patients were hand washed after using the toilet, 83.3% had a loss of appetite, 55.4% reported alcohol intake and 35.9% smoked instead. 47.7% ate from mama-put, 30.1% from street-vended foods and 22.2% from classified restaurants, while 94.7% got their drinking water from sachet, bottled, borehole or tap, and well water, respectively.Serum antibody detection of H. pylori infection was higher in female than male patients accessing care at the Bingham University Teaching Hospital, Jos. This revealed that gender could be considered a potential risk factor. Thus, early risk identification factors, such as other transmission routes, are urgently needed in defining clinical and epidemiological characteristics to facilitate appropriate supportive care and prompt treatment

    A Review of Transient Elastography as a Screening Tool in Pediatric Hepatic Diseases

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    Fatty liver disease is now increasingly being identified in children and adolescents. It has even gained a new call, Metabolic Dysfunction – Associated Steatotic Liver Disease. It entails the entire spectrum, from simple accumulation of fat deposits inside the liver to causing inflammation and liver damage ensuing in cirrhosis. Currently, the gold standard for diagnosis is Liver Biopsy, which is an invasive technique. Suppose Ultrasonography with Transient Elastography is included at the screening stage, along with the routine tests. In that case, the chances of missing Metabolic Dysfunction – Associated Steatotic Liver Disease will be reduced, and corrective interventions can be taken early.There are numerous studies on Transient Elastography in children with Hepatic Diseases. It is practised worldwide but has yet to become popular in India. In most cases, it is USG Abdomen, stating that the liver is enlarged and has some features. The routine practice of Transient Elastography is performed by a few radiologists and a few centres. However, if Transient Elastography can be added as a feature, many chronic cases can be identified early. Furthermore, it can be used as a routine screening tool in our adolescent populations

    Utilisation and Preference of Contraceptives among Women of Reproductive Age in Rural Communities of Jos North, Plateau State, Nigeria

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    Despite the high population growth and fertility rate of women in Nigeria, contraceptive prevalence is one of the lowest in the world at 15%; however, every year, nearly 16 million teenagers aged 15-19 years give birth, and 95% of these births take place in resource-limited countries. Contraception is the act of intentionally preventing pregnancy using various devices such as good sexual practices, chemicals, drugs, or surgical procedures. This study aimed to assess the utilisation and contraceptive preference among women of reproductive age in Jos North, Plateau State, Nigeria. A cross-sectional survey that adopts the multi-staged sampling technique to select 396 women and data collected through an informed structured questionnaire between September 2021 to March 2022 and after that analysed with the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 21 presented in contingency tables, charts and percentages while inferential statistical analysis was done using Spearman Rho ranked order correlation to test for statistical significance of variables based on p<0.05. Most (84.8%) of the respondents were married, and 40.2% fell between 20-29. Most (88.1%) women had one form of formal education.Similarly, 95.4% of their partners had formal education, indicating that most had secondary school education as their highest educational qualification, and so did their partners. In comparison, most (93.4%) of the respondent women had between 1-5 children per family, with the majority (44.9%) having either one or two children, of which 89.9% had used family planning methods before with 71.0% of them currently using these methods rated to be moderately good. In comparison, the majority (81.3%) of the participants had plans to continue using these methods. This study revealed that rural women of reproductive age in the Jos North Local government area have been using, would still and intend to use contraceptives in the future to prevent maternal morbidity. The choices made by them preferred the hormonal injection methods as a matter of priority to increase the satisfactory utilisation of planned parenthood. Thus, nurses should be aware of particularly the preferred contraceptive choice of the women in rendering health care services to improve their level of utilisation

    Factors That Influence the Occurrence of Wasting in Toddlers

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    The general objective of this study was to identify and analyze the factors that influence wasting in toddlers at the Health Center. The research design used in this study was quantitative and qualitative with a cross-sectional approach. These approaches are carried out to answer research questions that cannot be fully answered with just one approach. Based on the study's results, there was no relationship between family income and the incidence of wasting in toddlers, as indicated by the results of the chi-square test analysis, p = 0.230 > 0.05 with a prevalence rate of 1.296 (95% CI) with a 1.29 chance. The chi-square test obtained p = 0.230 > 0.05 with a prevalence rate of 1.296 (95% CI), meaning there is no relationship between family income and wasting in toddlers, but families with income < Rp. 2,246,725 has a 1.29 times chance of having underweight toddlers compared to families with income ≥ Rp. 2,246,725. Based on the results of the study, there was no relationship between mother's knowledge and the incidence of wasting in toddlers, as indicated by the results of the chi-square test analysis obtained a p-value of 0.001 <0.05 with a prevalence rate of 0.655 (95% CI) which means that there is a relationship between mother's knowledge and wasting in toddlers. Still, mothers with poor knowledge have a 0.655 times chance of having a thin baby compared to mothers with good knowledge