107 research outputs found

    Quitting games - An example

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    Les jeux d'arrĂȘt sont des jeux sĂ©quentiels oĂč, Ă  chaque Ă©tape, chacun des joueurs peut dĂ©cider d'arrĂȘter ou de continuer. Le jeu s'arrĂȘte dĂšs lors que l'un au moins des joueurs dĂ©cide de s'arrĂȘter. Le paiement reçu alors par les joueurs dĂ©pend de l'ensemble des joueurs qui ont choisi de s'arrĂȘter Ă  cette date. Si le jeu ne s'arrĂȘte jamais, le paiement est nul. Nous Ă©tudions un jeu Ă  quatre joueurs. Dans ce jeu, les Ă©quilibres les plus simples sont pĂ©riodiques de pĂ©riode deux. Par ailleurs, nous utilisons des outils gĂ©omĂ©triques pour montrer que les techniques utilisĂ©es pour les jeux Ă  trois joueurs ne peuvent ĂȘtre adaptĂ©es au cas gĂ©nĂ©ral.Jeux d'arrĂȘt;Jeux stochastiques;Equilibre

    Quitting games - an example

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    Quitting games are I-player sequential games in which, at any stage, each player has the choice between continuing and quitting. The game ends as soon as at least one player chooses to quit; player i then receives a payoff , which depends on the set S of players that did choose to quit. If the game never ends, the payoff to each player is zero.stopping games; equilibrium; stochastic games

    Absorption paths and equilibria in quitting games

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    We study quitting games and introduce an alternative notion of strategy profiles—absorption paths. An absorption path is parametrized by the total probability of absorption in past play rather than by time, and it accommodates both discrete-time aspects and continuous-time aspects. We then define the concept of sequentially 0-perfect absorption paths, which are shown to be limits of Δ-equilibrium strategy profiles as Δ goes to 0. We establish that all quitting games that do not have simple equilibria (that is, an equilibrium where the game terminates in the first period or one where the game never terminates) have a sequentially 0-perfect absorption path. Finally, we prove the existence of sequentially 0-perfect absorption paths in a new class of quitting games

    Quitting Games

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    Quitting games are sequential games in which, at any stage, each player has the choice between continuing and quitting. The game ends as soon as at least player chooses to quit; player i then receives a payoff r, which depends on the set S of players that did choose to quit. If the game never ends, the payoff to each player is 0. We prove the existence of cyclic E-equilibrium under some assumptions on the payoff function (r sub s). We prove on an example that our result is essentially optimal. We also discuss the relation to Dynkin's stopping games, and provide a generalization of our result to these games.

    Quitting Games.

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    Quitting games are n-player sequential games in which, at any stage, each player has the choice between continuing and quitting. The game ends as soon as at least one player chooses to quit; player i then receives a payoff riS, which depends on the set S of players that did choose to quit. If the game never ends, the payoff to each player is 0. The paper has four goals: (i) We prove the existence of a subgame-perfect uniform {varepsilon}-equilibrium under some assumptions on the payoff structure; (ii) we study the structure of the {varepsilon}-equilibrium strategies; (iii) we present a new method for dealing with n-player games; and (iv) we study an example of a four-player quitting game where the "simplest" equilibrium is cyclic with Period 2. We also discuss the relation to Dynkin's stopping games and provide a generalization of our result to these games.Quitting games; uniform equilibrium; Dynkin's stopping games; n-player stochastic games;

    Equilibria in Quitting Games and Software for the Analysis

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    A quitting game is an undiscounted sequential stochastic game, with finitely many players. At any stage each player has only two possible actions, continue and quit. The game ends as soon as at least one player chooses to quit. The players then receive a payoff, which depends only on the set of players that did choose to quit. If the game never ends, the payoff to each player is zero. In this thesis we give a detailed introduction to quitting games. We examine the existing results for the existence of equilibria and improve an important result from Solan and Vieille stated in their article “Quitting Games” (2001). Since there is no software for the analysis of quitting games, or for stochastic games with more than two players, we provide algorithms and programs for symmetric quitting games, for a reduction by dominance and for the detection of a pure, instant and stationary epsilon-equilibrium
