18 research outputs found

    Hate and harm

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    From a psychological point of view, hate speech can be conceptualized as harmful intergroup communication. In contrast to other forms of incivility, hate speech is directed toward individuals because of their (perceived) social identity. This explains why the harm of hate speech can extend to entire social groups and societies. Hate speech therefore cannot be separated from pre-existing power structures and resource inequalities, as its harm is particularly severe when coping resources are already deprived. Psychological research on the perpetrators of hate speech links hate speech to a lack of empathy and the acceptance of, or even desire for social inequalities. In summary, hate speech jars the norms of democratic discourses by denying fellow humans basic respect and violating the democratic minimal consent of human equality. Overall, the chapter demonstrates the usefulness of a (social) psychological perspective on the harms of hate speech for both researchers and practitioners

    Hate and harm

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    From a psychological point of view, hate speech can be conceptualized as harmful intergroup communication. In contrast to other forms of incivility, hate speech is directed toward individuals because of their (perceived) social identity. This explains why the harm of hate speech can extend to entire social groups and societies. Hate speech therefore cannot be separated from pre-existing power structures and resource inequalities, as its harm is particularly severe when coping resources are already deprived. Psychological research on the perpetrators of hate speech links hate speech to a lack of empathy and the acceptance of, or even desire for social inequalities. In summary, hate speech jars the norms of democratic discourses by denying fellow humans basic respect and violating the democratic minimal consent of human equality. Overall, the chapter demonstrates the usefulness of a (social) psychological perspective on the harms of hate speech for both researchers and practitioner

    Online Blaming and Intimate Partner Violence: A Content Analysis of Social Media Comments

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    Social media has become a ubiquitous form of interacting and sharing information. However, comments on social media sites are often aggressive and contemptuous, especially when topics are controversial or politically charged. For example, discussion of intimate partner violence (IPV) tends to provoke strong reactions from outsiders, who make angry or blaming remarks about those involved. Although IPV is common, it has not been widely discussed in popular media until recent years when high-profile cases of abuse have come to light. In 2016, a celebrity accusation of domestic violence led to thousands of comments on social media, with outsiders weighing in about who was at fault and what should be done. This study involved a content analysis of 400 of these comments, with the intent of better understanding typical types of social media reactions to domestic violence accusations. Key themes included judgment and blame, with around 37% of commenters blaming the supposed victim in this case, while only 9% blamed the alleged perpetrator. The findings show how people comment about domestic violence and illustrate the contentious and often distorted nature of social media interactions. Implications for professionals and researchers are discussed

    Online Harassment and Hate Among Media Professionals : Reactions to One’s Own and Others’ Victimization

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    This study investigated the experiences of Finnish media professionals with online harassment. Participants (N = 695) answered a survey including questions concerning their experiences with online harassment and a survey experiment involving a death threat received by someone else. Results showed that closeness to the victim was associated with increased anxiety levels, but it did not affect countermeasures recommendations for the victim. Victims’ reactions depended on their visibility in the public sphere and on the frequency and severity of the harassment. The results demonstrate that online harassment is prevalent among media professionals and that prevention and intervention are crucial.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Challenges and perspectives of hate speech research

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    This book is the result of a conference that could not take place. It is a collection of 26 texts that address and discuss the latest developments in international hate speech research from a wide range of disciplinary perspectives. This includes case studies from Brazil, Lebanon, Poland, Nigeria, and India, theoretical introductions to the concepts of hate speech, dangerous speech, incivility, toxicity, extreme speech, and dark participation, as well as reflections on methodological challenges such as scraping, annotation, datafication, implicity, explainability, and machine learning. As such, it provides a much-needed forum for cross-national and cross-disciplinary conversations in what is currently a very vibrant field of research

    Online correlates of cyberhate involvement among young people from ten European countries: an application of the routine activity and problem behaviour theory

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    Recent evidence shows that young people across Europe are encountering hateful content on the Internet. However, there is a lack of empirically tested theories and investigation of correlates that could help to understand young people’s involvement in cyberhate. To fill this gap, the present study aims to test the Routine Activity Theory to explain cyberhate victimisation and the Problem Behaviour Theory to understand cyberhate perpetration. Participants were 5433 young people (M age =14.12, SD age =1.38; 49.8% boys from ten countries of the EU Kids Online IV survey). Self-report questionnaires were administered to assess cyberhate involvement, experiences of data misuse, frequency of contact with unknown people online, problematic aspects of sharenting, excessive Internet use, and sensation seeking. Results showed that being a victim of cyberhate was positively associated with target suitability (e.g., experiences of data misuse, and contact with unknown people), lack of capable guardianship (e.g., problematic facets of sharenting), and exposure to potential offenders (e.g., witnessing cyberhate, and excessive Internet use). Findings support the general usefulness of using Routine Activity Theory to explain cyberhate victimisation. Being a perpetrator of cyberhate was positively associated with several online problem behaviours (e.g., having contact with unknown people online, excessive Internet use, and sensation seeking), which supports the general assumption of the Problem Behaviour Theory. The findings of this research can be used to develop intervention and prevention programmes on a local, national, and international level

    Assessing the Effects of Psychopathy, Sadism, Aggression, and Boredom Proneness on Cyber Aggression Perpetration in Emerging Adults: Is Moral Disengagement to Blame?

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    Prior research indicates that a number of dark personality traits (e.g., psychopathy and sadism) positively predict the perpetration of cyber aggression among emerging adults (e.g., Goodboy & Martin, 2015; Craker & March, 2016; Nocera & Dahlen, 2018); however, few studies have utilized psychometrically sound measures of cyber aggression developed for use with this population. Additionally, some traits that are theoretically relevant to cyber aggression (Koban, Stein, Eckhardt, & Ohler, 2018; Slonje & Smith, 2008; Varjas, Talley, Meyers, Parris, & Cutts, 2010) and have been useful predictors of other forms of aggression have received insufficient attention in the cyber aggression literature (e.g., trait aggressiveness, boredom proneness). In addition, the possible role of moral disengagement (i.e., a way for people who behave in conflict with their moral values to avoid guilt or shame; Renati, Berrone, & Zanetti, 2012) as a potential mediator of the relationships of various personality traits to cyber aggression perpetration has not received sufficient attention. In the present study, we recruited 404 emerging adult (age 18-29) volunteers living in the United States through Amazon’s MTurk. Workers completed an online survey assessing their use of electronic communication, psychopathic and sadistic personality traits, trait aggressiveness, boredom proneness, moral disengagement, and cyber aggression perpetration. Structural equation modeling tested whether psychopathic traits, sadistic traits, trait aggressiveness, and boredom proneness predicted cyber aggression perpetration and moral disengagement partially mediated these relationships. Sadism, anger, and moral disengagement predicted cyber aggression, and moral disengagement partially mediated the relationships between sadism and cyber aggression perpetration

    A personality-based surveillance model for Facebook apps

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    The surveillance of data through the use of Facebook Apps is an ongoing and persistent problem that impacts millions of users. Nonetheless, limited research has been conducted investigating to what extent a Facebook user’s personality influences their awareness of such surveillance practices. Thus, to understand this situation better, the current study inductively developed four propositions from secondary data sources as part of a detailed content analysis. Spanning three search and analysis phases the content analysis led to the development of the research model. Guided by the propositions and research questions, a questionnaire was developed based on the relevant constructs prescribed by the Theory of Planned Behaviour. This questionnaire was used, and a total of 651 responses were collected from Facebook users over the age of 18 years old and residing in the United States of America. Primary data took place at both a univariate and multivariate level with a specific focus on the development of a structural model. Interpretation of the structural model revealed that out of all the Big Five personality traits, Conscientiousness exhibited the strongest relationship with information security awareness followed by Openness to Experience and Neuroticism, respectively. The results further indicated that the model constructs based on attitude, social norms and awareness significantly influenced the intended use of Facebook Apps. The study also contributes by indicating which personality traits are most vulnerable to Facebook App surveillance. For example, it was found that individuals high in Conscientiousness are the least vulnerable with individuals high in Extraversion being the most vulnerable. Since the results indicate that not all the personality traits are significantly related to the model constructs, additional factors may contribute to App surveillance in this context. Concerning this, factors such as user apathy, information privacy, privacy concerns, control and Facebook dependency are discussed as a means to argue why this might be the case

    Linguistic variation across Twitter and Twitter trolling

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    Trolling is used to label a variety of behaviours, from the spread of misinformation and hyperbole to targeted abuse and malicious attacks. Despite this, little is known about how trolling varies linguistically and what its major linguistic repertoires and communicative functions are in comparison to general social media posts. Consequently, this dissertation collects two corpora of tweets – a general English Twitter corpus and a Twitter trolling corpus using other Twitter users’ accusations – and introduces and applies a new short-text version of Multi-Dimensional Analysis to each corpus, which is designed to identify aggregated dimensions of linguistic variation across them. The analysis finds that trolling tweets and general tweets only differ on the final dimension of linguistic variation, but share the following linguistic repertoires: “Informational versus Interactive”, “Personal versus Other Description”, and “Promotional versus Oppositional”. Moreover, the analysis compares trolling tweets to general Twitter’s dimensions and finds that trolling tweets and general tweets are remarkably more similar than they are different in their distribution along all dimensions. These findings counter various theories on trolling and problematise the notion that trolling can be detected automatically using grammatical variation. Overall, this dissertation provides empirical evidence on how trolling and general tweets vary linguistically