4 research outputs found

    Quicksort Revisited: Verifying Alternative Versions of Quicksort

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    © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016.We verify the correctness of a recursive version of Tony Hoare’s quicksort algorithm using the Hoare-logic based verification tool Dafny. We then develop a non-standard, iterative version which is based on a stack of pivot-locations rather than the standard stack of ranges. We outline an incomplete Dafny proof for the latter

    Fifty years of Hoare's Logic

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    We present a history of Hoare's logic.Comment: 79 pages. To appear in Formal Aspects of Computin

    A Model Checker for Operator Precedence Languages

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    The problem of extending model checking from finite state machines to procedural programs has fostered much research toward the definition of temporal logics for reasoning on context-free structures. The most notable of such results are temporal logics on Nested Words, such as CaRet and NWTL. Recently, Precedence Oriented Temporal Logic (POTL) has been introduced to specify and prove properties of programs coded trough an Operator Precedence Language (OPL). POTL is complete w.r.t. the FO restriction of the MSO logic previously defined as a logic fully equivalent to OPL. POTL increases NWTL's expressive power in a perfectly parallel way as OPLs are more powerful that nested words.In this article, we produce a model checker, named POMC, for OPL programs to prove properties expressed in POTL. To the best of our knowledge, POMC is the first implemented and openly available model checker for proving tree-structured properties of recursive procedural programs. We also report on the experimental evaluation we performed on POMC on a nontrivial benchmark