43 research outputs found

    Improving Neural Question Generation using Answer Separation

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    Neural question generation (NQG) is the task of generating a question from a given passage with deep neural networks. Previous NQG models suffer from a problem that a significant proportion of the generated questions include words in the question target, resulting in the generation of unintended questions. In this paper, we propose answer-separated seq2seq, which better utilizes the information from both the passage and the target answer. By replacing the target answer in the original passage with a special token, our model learns to identify which interrogative word should be used. We also propose a new module termed keyword-net, which helps the model better capture the key information in the target answer and generate an appropriate question. Experimental results demonstrate that our answer separation method significantly reduces the number of improper questions which include answers. Consequently, our model significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art NQG models.Comment: The paper is accepted to AAAI 201

    On the Generation of Medical Question-Answer Pairs

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    Question answering (QA) has achieved promising progress recently. However, answering a question in real-world scenarios like the medical domain is still challenging, due to the requirement of external knowledge and the insufficient quantity of high-quality training data. In the light of these challenges, we study the task of generating medical QA pairs in this paper. With the insight that each medical question can be considered as a sample from the latent distribution of questions given answers, we propose an automated medical QA pair generation framework, consisting of an unsupervised key phrase detector that explores unstructured material for validity, and a generator that involves a multi-pass decoder to integrate structural knowledge for diversity. A series of experiments have been conducted on a real-world dataset collected from the National Medical Licensing Examination of China. Both automatic evaluation and human annotation demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Further investigation shows that, by incorporating the generated QA pairs for training, significant improvement in terms of accuracy can be achieved for the examination QA system.Comment: AAAI 202

    Synthetic Data Augmentation for Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Question Answering

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    Coupled with the availability of large scale datasets, deep learning architectures have enabled rapid progress on the Question Answering task. However, most of those datasets are in English, and the performances of state-of-the-art multilingual models are significantly lower when evaluated on non-English data. Due to high data collection costs, it is not realistic to obtain annotated data for each language one desires to support. We propose a method to improve the Cross-lingual Question Answering performance without requiring additional annotated data, leveraging Question Generation models to produce synthetic samples in a cross-lingual fashion. We show that the proposed method allows to significantly outperform the baselines trained on English data only. We report a new state-of-the-art on four multilingual datasets: MLQA, XQuAD, SQuAD-it and PIAF (fr).Comment: 7 page

    Generating Highly Relevant Questions

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    The neural seq2seq based question generation (QG) is prone to generating generic and undiversified questions that are poorly relevant to the given passage and target answer. In this paper, we propose two methods to address the issue. (1) By a partial copy mechanism, we prioritize words that are morphologically close to words in the input passage when generating questions; (2) By a QA-based reranker, from the n-best list of question candidates, we select questions that are preferred by both the QA and QG model. Experiments and analyses demonstrate that the proposed two methods substantially improve the relevance of generated questions to passages and answers.Comment: Accepted by EMNLP 201