8 research outputs found

    Question Answering on Scholarly Knowledge Graphs

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    Answering questions on scholarly knowledge comprising text and other artifacts is a vital part of any research life cycle. Querying scholarly knowledge and retrieving suitable answers is currently hardly possible due to the following primary reason: machine inactionable, ambiguous and unstructured content in publications. We present JarvisQA, a BERT based system to answer questions on tabular views of scholarly knowledge graphs. Such tables can be found in a variety of shapes in the scholarly literature (e.g., surveys, comparisons or results). Our system can retrieve direct answers to a variety of different questions asked on tabular data in articles. Furthermore, we present a preliminary dataset of related tables and a corresponding set of natural language questions. This dataset is used as a benchmark for our system and can be reused by others. Additionally, JarvisQA is evaluated on two datasets against other baselines and shows an improvement of two to three folds in performance compared to related methods.Comment: Pre-print for TPDL2020 accepted full paper, 14 page

    Improving Access to Scientific Literature with Knowledge Graphs

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    The transfer of knowledge has not changed fundamentally for many hundreds of years: It is usually document-based - formerly printed on paper as a classic essay and nowadays as PDF. With around 2.5 million new research contributions every year, researchers drown in a flood of pseudo-digitized PDF publications. As a result research is seriously weakened. In this article, we argue for representing scholarly contributions in a structured and semantic way as a knowledge graph. The advantage is that information represented in a knowledge graph is readable by machines and humans. As an example, we give an overview on the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG), a service implementing this approach. For creating the knowledge graph representation, we rely on a mixture of manual (crowd/expert sourcing) and (semi-)automated techniques. Only with such a combination of human and machine intelligence, we can achieve the required quality of the representation to allow for novel exploration and assistance services for researchers. As a result, a scholarly knowledge graph such as the ORKG can be used to give a condensed overview on the state-of-the-art addressing a particular research quest, for example as a tabular comparison of contributions according to various characteristics of the approaches. Further possible intuitive access interfaces to such scholarly knowledge graphs include domain-specific (chart) visualizations or answering of natural language questions.Der Verbreitung wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse hat sich seit vielen hundert Jahren nicht grundlegend verändert: Er erfolgt in der Regel dokumentenbasiert - früher als klassischer Aufsatz auf Papier gedruckt und heute online als PDF. Mit rund 2,5 Millionen neuen Forschungsbeiträgen pro Jahr ertrinken Forscher in einer Flut von pseudo-digitalisierten PDF-Publikationen. Als Folge davon wird die Forschung stark geschwächt. In diesem Artikel plädieren wir dafür, wissenschaftliche Beiträge in strukturierter und semantischer Form als Wissensgraph zu repräsentieren. Der Vorteil ist, dass die in einem Wissensgraph dargestellten Informationen für Maschinen und Menschen lesbar sind. Als Beispiel geben wir einen Überblick über den Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG), einen Dienst, der diesen Ansatz umsetzt. Für die Erstellung des Wissensgraph setzen wir eine Mischung aus manuellen (crowd/expert sourcing) und (halb-)automatisierten Techniken ein. Nur mit einer solchen Kombination aus menschlicher und maschineller Intelligenz können wir die erforderliche Qualität der Darstellung erreichen, um neuartige Explorations- und Unterstützungsdienste für Forscher zu ermöglichen. Im Ergebnis kann ein Wissensgraph wie der ORKG verwendet werden, um einen komprimierten Überblick über den Stand der Technik in Bezug auf eine bestimmte Forschungsaufgabe zu geben, z.B. als tabellarischer Vergleich der Beiträge nach verschiedenen Merkmalen der Ansätze. Weitere mögliche intuitive Nutzungsschnittstellen zu solchen wissenschaftlichen Wissensgraphen sind domänenspezifische Visualisierungen oder die Beantwortung natürlichsprachlicher Fragen mittels Question Answering.Peer Reviewe

    DBLP-QuAD: A Question Answering Dataset over the DBLP Scholarly Knowledge Graph

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    In this work we create a question answering dataset over the DBLP scholarly knowledge graph (KG). DBLP is an on-line reference for bibliographic information on major computer science publications that indexes over 4.4 million publications published by more than 2.2 million authors. Our dataset consists of 10,000 question answer pairs with the corresponding SPARQL queries which can be executed over the DBLP KG to fetch the correct answer. DBLP-QuAD is the largest scholarly question answering dataset.Comment: 12 pages ceur-ws 1 column accepted at International Bibliometric Information Retrieval Workshp @ ECIR 202

    University Libraries and the Open Research Knowledge Graph

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    The transfer of knowledge has not changed fundamentally for many hundreds of years: It is usually document-based - formerly printed on paper as a classic essay and nowadays as PDF. With around 2.5 million new research contributions every year, researchers drown in a flood of pseudo-digitized PDF publications. As a result research is seriously weakened. In this article, we argue for representing scholarly contributions in a structured and semantic way as a knowledge graph. The advantage is that information represented in a knowledge graph is readable by machines and humans. As an example, we give an overview on the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG), a service implementing this approach. For creating the knowledge graph representation, we rely on a mixture of manual (crowd/expert sourcing) and (semi-)automated techniques. Only with such a combination of human and machine intelligence, we can achieve the required quality of the representation to allow for novel exploration and assistance services for researchers. As a result, a scholarly knowledge graph such as the ORKG can be used to give a condensed overview on the state-of-the-art addressing a particular research quest, for example as a tabular comparison of contributions according to various characteristics of the approaches. Further possible intuitive access interfaces to such scholarly knowledge graphs include domain-specific (chart) visualizations or answering of natural language questions

    The SciQA Scientific Question Answering Benchmark for Scholarly Knowledge

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    Knowledge graphs have gained increasing popularity in the last decade in science and technology. However, knowledge graphs are currently relatively simple to moderate semantic structures that are mainly a collection of factual statements. Question answering (QA) benchmarks and systems were so far mainly geared towards encyclopedic knowledge graphs such as DBpedia and Wikidata. We present SciQA a scientific QA benchmark for scholarly knowledge. The benchmark leverages the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG) which includes almost 170,000 resources describing research contributions of almost 15,000 scholarly articles from 709 research fields. Following a bottom-up methodology, we first manually developed a set of 100 complex questions that can be answered using this knowledge graph. Furthermore, we devised eight question templates with which we automatically generated further 2465 questions, that can also be answered with the ORKG. The questions cover a range of research fields and question types and are translated into corresponding SPARQL queries over the ORKG. Based on two preliminary evaluations, we show that the resulting SciQA benchmark represents a challenging task for next-generation QA systems. This task is part of the open competitions at the 22nd International Semantic Web Conference 2023 as the Scholarly Question Answering over Linked Data (QALD) Challenge

    Thinking outside the graph: scholarly knowledge graph construction leveraging natural language processing

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    Despite improved digital access to scholarly knowledge in recent decades, scholarly communication remains exclusively document-based. The document-oriented workflows in science publication have reached the limits of adequacy as highlighted by recent discussions on the increasing proliferation of scientific literature, the deficiency of peer-review and the reproducibility crisis. In this form, scientific knowledge remains locked in representations that are inadequate for machine processing. As long as scholarly communication remains in this form, we cannot take advantage of all the advancements taking place in machine learning and natural language processing techniques. Such techniques would facilitate the transformation from pure text based into (semi-)structured semantic descriptions that are interlinked in a collection of big federated graphs. We are in dire need for a new age of semantically enabled infrastructure adept at storing, manipulating, and querying scholarly knowledge. Equally important is a suite of machine assistance tools designed to populate, curate, and explore the resulting scholarly knowledge graph. In this thesis, we address the issue of constructing a scholarly knowledge graph using natural language processing techniques. First, we tackle the issue of developing a scholarly knowledge graph for structured scholarly communication, that can be populated and constructed automatically. We co-design and co-implement the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG), an infrastructure capable of modeling, storing, and automatically curating scholarly communications. Then, we propose a method to automatically extract information into knowledge graphs. With Plumber, we create a framework to dynamically compose open information extraction pipelines based on the input text. Such pipelines are composed from community-created information extraction components in an effort to consolidate individual research contributions under one umbrella. We further present MORTY as a more targeted approach that leverages automatic text summarization to create from the scholarly article's text structured summaries containing all required information. In contrast to the pipeline approach, MORTY only extracts the information it is instructed to, making it a more valuable tool for various curation and contribution use cases. Moreover, we study the problem of knowledge graph completion. exBERT is able to perform knowledge graph completion tasks such as relation and entity prediction tasks on scholarly knowledge graphs by means of textual triple classification. Lastly, we use the structured descriptions collected from manual and automated sources alike with a question answering approach that builds on the machine-actionable descriptions in the ORKG. We propose JarvisQA, a question answering interface operating on tabular views of scholarly knowledge graphs i.e., ORKG comparisons. JarvisQA is able to answer a variety of natural language questions, and retrieve complex answers on pre-selected sub-graphs. These contributions are key in the broader agenda of studying the feasibility of natural language processing methods on scholarly knowledge graphs, and lays the foundation of which methods can be used on which cases. Our work indicates what are the challenges and issues with automatically constructing scholarly knowledge graphs, and opens up future research directions