728 research outputs found

    A Vertical PRF Architecture for Microblog Search

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    In microblog retrieval, query expansion can be essential to obtain good search results due to the short size of queries and posts. Since information in microblogs is highly dynamic, an up-to-date index coupled with pseudo-relevance feedback (PRF) with an external corpus has a higher chance of retrieving more relevant documents and improving ranking. In this paper, we focus on the research question:how can we reduce the query expansion computational cost while maintaining the same retrieval precision as standard PRF? Therefore, we propose to accelerate the query expansion step of pseudo-relevance feedback. The hypothesis is that using an expansion corpus organized into verticals for expanding the query, will lead to a more efficient query expansion process and improved retrieval effectiveness. Thus, the proposed query expansion method uses a distributed search architecture and resource selection algorithms to provide an efficient query expansion process. Experiments on the TREC Microblog datasets show that the proposed approach can match or outperform standard PRF in MAP and NDCG@30, with a computational cost that is three orders of magnitude lower.Comment: To appear in ICTIR 201

    Hyperlink-extended pseudo relevance feedback for improved microblog retrieval

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    Microblog retrieval has received much attention in recent years due to the wide spread of social microblogging platforms such as Twitter. The main motive behind microblog retrieval is to serve users searching a big collection of microblogs a list of relevant documents (microblogs) matching their search needs. What makes microblog retrieval different from normal web retrieval is the short length of the user queries and the documents that you search in, which leads to a big vocabulary mismatch problem. Many research studies investigated different approaches for microblog retrieval. Query expansion is one of the approaches that showed stable performance for improving microblog retrieval effectiveness. Query expansion is used mainly to overcome the vocabulary mismatch problem between user queries and short relevant documents. In our work, we investigate existing query expansion method (Pseudo Relevance Feedback - PRF) comprehensively, and propose an extension using the information from hyperlinks attached to the top relevant documents. Our experimental results on TREC microblog data showed that Pseudo Relevance Feedback (PRF) alone could outperform many retrieval approaches if configured properly. We showed that combining the expansion terms with the original query by a weight, not to dilute the effect of the original query, could lead to superior results. The weighted combine of the expansion terms is different than what is commonly used in the literature by appending the expansion terms to the original query without weighting. We experimented using different weighting schemes, and empirically found that assigning a small weight for the expansion terms 0.2, and 0.8 for the original query performs the best for the three evaluation sets 2011, 2012, and 2013. We applied the previous weighting scheme to the most reported PRF configuration used in the literature and measured the retrieval performance. The P@30 performance achieved using our weighting scheme was 0.485, 0.4136, and 0.4811 compared to 0.4585, 0.3548, and 0.3861 without applying weighting for the three evaluation sets 2011, 2012 and 2013 respectively. The MAP performance achieved using our weighting scheme was 0.4386, 0.2845, and 0.3262 compared to 0.3592, 0.2074, and 0.2256 without applying weighting for the three evaluation sets 2011, 2012 and 2013 respectively. Results also showed that utilizing hyperlinked documents attached to the top relevant tweets in query expansion improves the results over traditional PRF. By utilizing hyperlinked documents in the query expansion our best runs achieved 0.5000, 0.4339, and 0.5546 P@30 compared to 0.4864, 0.4203, and 0.5322 when applying traditional PRF, and 0.4587, 0.3044, and 0.3584 MAP when applying traditional PRF compared to 0.4405, 0.2850, and 0.3492 when utilizing the hyperlinked document contents (using web page titles, and meta-descriptions) for the three evaluation sets 2011, 2012 and 2013 respectively. We explored different types of information extracted from the hyperlinked documents; we show that using the document titles and meta-descriptions helps in improving the retrieval performance the most. On the other hand, using the meta- keywords degraded the retrieval performance. For the test set released in 2013, using our hyperlinked-extended approach achieved the best improvement over the PRF baseline, 0.5546 P@30 compared to 0.5322 and 0.3584 MAP compared to 0.3492. For the test sets released in 2011 and 2012 we got less improvements over PRF, 0.5000, 0.4339 P@30 compared to 0.4864, 0.4203, and 0.4587, 0.3044 MAP compared to 0.4405, 0.2850. We showed that this behavior was due to the age of the collection, where a lot of hyperlinked documents were taken down or moved and we couldn\u27t get their information. Our best results achieved using hyperlink-extended PRF achieved statistically significant improvements over the traditional PRF for the test sets released in 2011, and 2013 using paired t-test with p-value \u3c 0.05. Moreover, our proposed approach outperformed the best results reported at TREC microblog track for the years 2011, and 2013, which applied more sophisticated algorithms. Our proposed approach achieved 0.5000, 0.5546 P@30 compared to 0.4551, 0.5528 achieved by the best runs in TREC, and 0.4587, 0.3584 MAP compared to 0.3350, 0.3524 for the evaluation sets of 2011 and 2013 respectively. The main contributions of our work can be listed as follows: 1. Providing a comprehensive study for the usage of traditional PRF with microblog retrieval using various configurations. 2. Introducing a hyperlink-based PRF approach for microblog retrieval by utilizing hyperlinks embedded in initially retrieved tweets, which showed a significant improvement to retrieval effectiveness

    IRIT at TREC Microblog Track 2013

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    National audienceThis paper describes the participation of the IRIT lab, University of Toulouse, France, to the Microblog Track of TREC 2013. Two different approaches are experimented by our team for the real-time ad-hoc search task: (i) a Bayesian network retrieval model for tweet search and (ii) a document and query expansion model for microblog search

    Knowledge-based Query Expansion in Real-Time Microblog Search

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    Since the length of microblog texts, such as tweets, is strictly limited to 140 characters, traditional Information Retrieval techniques suffer from the vocabulary mismatch problem severely and cannot yield good performance in the context of microblogosphere. To address this critical challenge, in this paper, we propose a new language modeling approach for microblog retrieval by inferring various types of context information. In particular, we expand the query using knowledge terms derived from Freebase so that the expanded one can better reflect users' search intent. Besides, in order to further satisfy users' real-time information need, we incorporate temporal evidences into the expansion method, which can boost recent tweets in the retrieval results with respect to a given topic. Experimental results on two official TREC Twitter corpora demonstrate the significant superiority of our approach over baseline methods.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    On the Impact of Entity Linking in Microblog Real-Time Filtering

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    Microblogging is a model of content sharing in which the temporal locality of posts with respect to important events, either of foreseeable or unforeseeable nature, makes applica- tions of real-time filtering of great practical interest. We propose the use of Entity Linking (EL) in order to improve the retrieval effectiveness, by enriching the representation of microblog posts and filtering queries. EL is the process of recognizing in an unstructured text the mention of relevant entities described in a knowledge base. EL of short pieces of text is a difficult task, but it is also a scenario in which the information EL adds to the text can have a substantial impact on the retrieval process. We implement a start-of-the-art filtering method, based on the best systems from the TREC Microblog track realtime adhoc retrieval and filtering tasks , and extend it with a Wikipedia-based EL method. Results show that the use of EL significantly improves over non-EL based versions of the filtering methods.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. SAC 2015, Salamanca, Spain - April 13 - 17, 201

    Modeling Temporal Evidence from External Collections

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    Newsworthy events are broadcast through multiple mediums and prompt the crowds to produce comments on social media. In this paper, we propose to leverage on this behavioral dynamics to estimate the most relevant time periods for an event (i.e., query). Recent advances have shown how to improve the estimation of the temporal relevance of such topics. In this approach, we build on two major novelties. First, we mine temporal evidences from hundreds of external sources into topic-based external collections to improve the robustness of the detection of relevant time periods. Second, we propose a formal retrieval model that generalizes the use of the temporal dimension across different aspects of the retrieval process. In particular, we show that temporal evidence of external collections can be used to (i) infer a topic's temporal relevance, (ii) select the query expansion terms, and (iii) re-rank the final results for improved precision. Experiments with TREC Microblog collections show that the proposed time-aware retrieval model makes an effective and extensive use of the temporal dimension to improve search results over the most recent temporal models. Interestingly, we observe a strong correlation between precision and the temporal distribution of retrieved and relevant documents.Comment: To appear in WSDM 201

    CLARITY at the TREC 2011 microblog track

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    For the first year of the TREC Microblog Track the CLARITY group concentrated on a number of areas, investigating the underlying term weighting scheme for ranking tweets, incorporating query expansion to introduce new terms into the query, as well as introducing an element of temporal re-weighting based on the temporal distribution of assumed relevant microblogs

    An investigation of term weighting approaches for microblog retrieval

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    The use of effective term frequency weighting and document length normalisation strategies have been shown over a number of decades to have a significant positive effect for document retrieval. When dealing with much shorter documents, such as those obtained from microblogs, it would seem intuitive that these would have less benefit. In this paper we investigate their effect on microblog retrieval performance using the Tweets2011 collection from the TREC 2011 Microblog Track