438 research outputs found

    Dublin City University at CLEF 2007: Cross-Language Speech Retrieval Experiments

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    The Dublin City University participation in the CLEF 2007 CL-SR English task concentrated primarily on issues of topic translation. Our retrieval system used the BM25F model and pseudo relevance feedback. Topics were translated into English using the Yahoo! BabelFish free online service combined with domain-specific translation lexicons gathered automatically from Wikipedia. We explored alternative topic translation methods using these resources. Our results indicate that extending machine translation tools using automatically generated domainspecific translation lexicons can provide improved CLIR effectiveness for this task

    Extracting corpus specific knowledge bases from Wikipedia

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    Thesauri are useful knowledge structures for assisting information retrieval. Yet their production is labor-intensive, and few domains have comprehensive thesauri that cover domain-specific concepts and contemporary usage. One approach, which has been attempted without much success for decades, is to seek statistical natural language processing algorithms that work on free text. Instead, we propose to replace costly professional indexers with thousands of dedicated amateur volunteers--namely, those that are producing Wikipedia. This vast, open encyclopedia represents a rich tapestry of topics and semantics and a huge investment of human effort and judgment. We show how this can be directly exploited to provide WikiSauri: manually-defined yet inexpensive thesaurus structures that are specifically tailored to expose the topics, terminology and semantics of individual document collections. We also offer concrete evidence of the effectiveness of WikiSauri for assisting information retrieval

    Wiki-MetaSemantik: A Wikipedia-derived Query Expansion Approach based on Network Properties

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    This paper discusses the use of Wikipedia for building semantic ontologies to do Query Expansion (QE) in order to improve the search results of search engines. In this technique, selecting related Wikipedia concepts becomes important. We propose the use of network properties (degree, closeness, and pageRank) to build an ontology graph of user query concepts which is derived directly from Wikipedia structures. The resulting expansion system is called Wiki-MetaSemantik. We tested this system against other online thesauruses and ontology based QE in both individual and meta-search engines setups. Despite that our system has to build a Wikipedia ontology graph in order to do its work, the technique turns out to work very fast (1:281) compared to another ontology QE baseline (Wikipedia Persian ontology QE). It has thus the potential to be utilized online. Furthermore, it shows significant improvement in accuracy. Wiki-MetaSemantik also shows better performance in a meta-search engine (MSE) set up rather than in an individual search engine set up

    A Wikipedia powered state-based approach to automatic search query enhancement

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    This paper describes the development and testing of a novel Automatic Search Query Enhancement (ASQE) algorithm, the Wikipedia N Sub-state Algorithm (WNSSA), which utilises Wikipedia as the sole data source for prior knowledge. This algorithm is built upon the concept of iterative states and sub-states, harnessing the power of Wikipedia\u27s data set and link information to identify and utilise reoccurring terms to aid term selection and weighting during enhancement. This algorithm is designed to prevent query drift by making callbacks to the user\u27s original search intent by persisting the original query between internal states with additional selected enhancement terms. The developed algorithm has shown to improve both short and long queries by providing a better understanding of the query and available data. The proposed algorithm was compared against five existing ASQE algorithms that utilise Wikipedia as the sole data source, showing an average Mean Average Precision (MAP) improvement of 0.273 over the tested existing ASQE algorithms

    A comparison of automatic search query enhancement algorithms that utilise Wikipedia as a source of a priori knowledge

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    This paper describes the benchmarking and analysis of five Automatic Search Query Enhancement (ASQE) algorithms that utilise Wikipedia as the sole source for a priori knowledge. The contributions of this paper include: 1) A comprehensive review into current ASQE algorithms that utilise Wikipedia as the sole source for a priori knowledge; 2) benchmarking of five existing ASQE algorithms using the TREC-9 Web Topics on the ClueWeb12 data set and 3) analysis of the results from the benchmarking process to identify the strengths and weaknesses each algorithm. During the benchmarking process, 2,500 relevance assessments were performed. Results of these tests are analysed using the Average Precision @10 per query and Mean Average Precision @10 per algorithm. From this analysis we show that the scope of a priori knowledge utilised during enhancement and the available term weighting methods available from Wikipedia can further aid the ASQE process. Although approaches taken by the algorithms are still relevant, an over dependence on weighting schemes and data sources used can easily impact results of an ASQE algorithm

    Visualizing networks defined by links in Wikipedia articles

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    A Wikipedia é um dos portais mais populares da internet, contendo mais de 40 milhões de artigos em qualquer uma das línguas em que está disponível. Os artigos da Wikipedia referenciam outros artigos por meio de hiperligações. As hiperligações traduzem a ligação e interdependência entre artigos. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta uma aplicação para a visualização de um grafo de conhecimento definido por hiperligações entre artigos da Wikipedia Inglesa, partindo de um artigo inicial. Dado que, em geral, o número de hiperligações dos artigos da Wikipedia é muito elevado, a aplicação baseia-se num critério natural de seleção em função da sua relevância. Os nodos do grafo obtido têm hiperligações para artigos da Wikipedia, o que proporciona um modo alternativo de navegar na Wikipedia por meio de um grafo.Wikipedia is one of the most popular websites over the Internet with more than 40 million articles in any of the languages in which it is available. Links in Wikipedia articles target related articles. Links translate connections and dependencies upon Wikipedia articles. In this context, this work presents an application to visualize a knowledge graph defined by links in English Wikipedia articles, starting from a base one. Since, in general, the number of links in Wikipedia articles is very large, the application uses a natural criterion for selecting links in terms of their relevance. Moreover, the graph nodes have hyperlinks to Wikipedia articles which gives an alternative way to browse Wikipedia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mining Meaning from Wikipedia

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    Wikipedia is a goldmine of information; not just for its many readers, but also for the growing community of researchers who recognize it as a resource of exceptional scale and utility. It represents a vast investment of manual effort and judgment: a huge, constantly evolving tapestry of concepts and relations that is being applied to a host of tasks. This article provides a comprehensive description of this work. It focuses on research that extracts and makes use of the concepts, relations, facts and descriptions found in Wikipedia, and organizes the work into four broad categories: applying Wikipedia to natural language processing; using it to facilitate information retrieval and information extraction; and as a resource for ontology building. The article addresses how Wikipedia is being used as is, how it is being improved and adapted, and how it is being combined with other structures to create entirely new resources. We identify the research groups and individuals involved, and how their work has developed in the last few years. We provide a comprehensive list of the open-source software they have produced.Comment: An extensive survey of re-using information in Wikipedia in natural language processing, information retrieval and extraction and ontology building. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Human-Computer Studie

    Applying Wikipedia to Interactive Information Retrieval

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    There are many opportunities to improve the interactivity of information retrieval systems beyond the ubiquitous search box. One idea is to use knowledge bases—e.g. controlled vocabularies, classification schemes, thesauri and ontologies—to organize, describe and navigate the information space. These resources are popular in libraries and specialist collections, but have proven too expensive and narrow to be applied to everyday webscale search. Wikipedia has the potential to bring structured knowledge into more widespread use. This online, collaboratively generated encyclopaedia is one of the largest and most consulted reference works in existence. It is broader, deeper and more agile than the knowledge bases put forward to assist retrieval in the past. Rendering this resource machine-readable is a challenging task that has captured the interest of many researchers. Many see it as a key step required to break the knowledge acquisition bottleneck that crippled previous efforts. This thesis claims that the roadblock can be sidestepped: Wikipedia can be applied effectively to open-domain information retrieval with minimal natural language processing or information extraction. The key is to focus on gathering and applying human-readable rather than machine-readable knowledge. To demonstrate this claim, the thesis tackles three separate problems: extracting knowledge from Wikipedia; connecting it to textual documents; and applying it to the retrieval process. First, we demonstrate that a large thesaurus-like structure can be obtained directly from Wikipedia, and that accurate measures of semantic relatedness can be efficiently mined from it. Second, we show that Wikipedia provides the necessary features and training data for existing data mining techniques to accurately detect and disambiguate topics when they are mentioned in plain text. Third, we provide two systems and user studies that demonstrate the utility of the Wikipedia-derived knowledge base for interactive information retrieval

    Reasoning & Querying – State of the Art

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    Various query languages for Web and Semantic Web data, both for practical use and as an area of research in the scientific community, have emerged in recent years. At the same time, the broad adoption of the internet where keyword search is used in many applications, e.g. search engines, has familiarized casual users with using keyword queries to retrieve information on the internet. Unlike this easy-to-use querying, traditional query languages require knowledge of the language itself as well as of the data to be queried. Keyword-based query languages for XML and RDF bridge the gap between the two, aiming at enabling simple querying of semi-structured data, which is relevant e.g. in the context of the emerging Semantic Web. This article presents an overview of the field of keyword querying for XML and RDF