2,489 research outputs found

    Quasi-Nelson Algebras

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    Abstract We introduce a generalization of Nelson algebras having a not-necessarily involutive negation; we suggest to dub this class quasi-Nelson algebras in analogy with quasi-De Morgan lattices, these being a non-involutive generalization of De Morgan lattices. We show that, similarly to the involutive case (and perhaps surprisingly), our new class of algebras can be equivalently presented as (1) quasi-Nelson residuated lattices, i.e. models of the well-known Full Lambek calculus with exchange and weakening, extended with the Nelson axiom; (2) non-involutive twist-structures, i.e. special products of Heyting algebras, which generalize the well-known construction for representing algebraic models of Nelson's constructive logic with strong negation; (3) quasi-Nelson algebras, i.e. models of non-involutive Nelson logic viewed as a conservative expansion of the negation-free fragment of intuitionistic logic. The equivalence of the three presentations, and in particular the extension of the twist-structure representation to the non-involutive case, is the main technical result of the paper. We hope, however, that the main impact may be the possibility of opening new ways to (i) obtain deeper insights into the distinguishing feature of Nelson's logic (the Nelson axiom) and its algebraic counterpart; (ii) be able to investigate certain purely algebraic properties (such as 3-potency and (0,1)-congruence orderability) in a more general setting

    Representation of Nelson Algebras by Rough Sets Determined by Quasiorders

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    In this paper, we show that every quasiorder RR induces a Nelson algebra RS\mathbb{RS} such that the underlying rough set lattice RSRS is algebraic. We note that RS\mathbb{RS} is a three-valued {\L}ukasiewicz algebra if and only if RR is an equivalence. Our main result says that if A\mathbb{A} is a Nelson algebra defined on an algebraic lattice, then there exists a set UU and a quasiorder RR on UU such that A≅RS\mathbb{A} \cong \mathbb{RS}.Comment: 16 page

    Locally convex quasi C*-algebras and noncommutative integration

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    In this paper we continue the analysis undertaken in a series of previous papers on structures arising as completions of C*-algebras under topologies coarser that their norm and we focus our attention on the so-called {\em locally convex quasi C*-algebras}. We show, in particular, that any strongly *-semisimple locally convex quasi C*-algebra (\X,\Ao), can be represented in a class of noncommutative local L2L^2-spaces.Comment: 12 page

    Quasi-derivations and QD-algebroids

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    Axioms of Lie algebroid are discussed in order to review some known aspects for non-experts. In particular, it is shown that a Lie QD-algebroid (i.e. a Lie algebra bracket on the Functions(M)-module F of sections of a vector bundle E over a manifold M which satisfies [X,fY]=f[X,Y]+A(X,f)Y for all X,Y from F, all f from Functions(M), and for certain A(X,f) from Functions(M)) is a Lie algebroid if rank(E)>1, and is a local Lie algebra in the sense of Kirillov if E is a line bundle. Under a weak condition also the skew-symmetry of the bracket is relaxed.Comment: LaTeX, 6 pages. Minor corrections, also in the terminology. A few references added. The final version to be published in Rep. Math. Phy

    Non-deterministic algebraization of logics by swap structures1

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    Multialgebras have been much studied in mathematics and in computer science. In 2016 Carnielli and Coniglio introduced a class of multialgebras called swap structures, as a semantic framework for dealing with several Logics of Formal Inconsistency that cannot be semantically characterized by a single finite matrix. In particular, these LFIs are not algebraizable by the standard tools of abstract algebraic logic. In this paper, the first steps towards a theory of non-deterministic algebraization of logics by swap structures are given. Specifically, a formal study of swap structures for LFIs is developed, by adapting concepts of universal algebra to multialgebras in a suitable way. A decomposition theorem similar to Birkhoff’s representation theorem is obtained for each class of swap structures. Moreover, when applied to the 3-valued algebraizable logics J3 and Ciore, their classes of algebraic models are retrieved, and the swap structures semantics become twist structures semantics. This fact, together with the existence of a functor from the category of Boolean algebras to the category of swap structures for each LFI, suggests that swap structures can be seen as non-deterministic twist structures. This opens new avenues for dealing with non-algebraizable logics by the more general methodology of multialgebraic semantics

    Thermal Quantum Fields without Cut-offs in 1+1 Space-time Dimensions

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    We construct interacting quantum fields in 1+1 dimensional Minkowski space, representing neutral scalar bosons at positive temperature. Our work is based on prior work by Klein and Landau and Hoegh-KrohnComment: 48 page
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