63 research outputs found

    Ideal-quasi-Cauchy sequences

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    An ideal II is a family of subsets of positive integers N\textbf{N} which is closed under taking finite unions and subsets of its elements. A sequence (xn)(x_n) of real numbers is said to be II-convergent to a real number LL, if for each \;ε>0 \varepsilon> 0 the set {n:xnLε}\{n:|x_{n}-L|\geq \varepsilon\} belongs to II. We introduce II-ward compactness of a subset of R\textbf{R}, the set of real numbers, and II-ward continuity of a real function in the senses that a subset EE of R\textbf{R} is II-ward compact if any sequence (xn)(x_{n}) of points in EE has an II-quasi-Cauchy subsequence, and a real function is II-ward continuous if it preserves II-quasi-Cauchy sequences where a sequence (xn)(x_{n}) is called to be II-quasi-Cauchy when (Δxn)(\Delta x_{n}) is II-convergent to 0. We obtain results related to II-ward continuity, II-ward compactness, ward continuity, ward compactness, ordinary compactness, ordinary continuity, δ\delta-ward continuity, and slowly oscillating continuity.Comment: 16 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1005.494

    On certain new notion of order Cauchy sequences, continuity in (l)-group

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    [EN] In this paper, we introduce the notions of order quasi-Cauchy sequences, downward and upward order quasi-Cauchy sequences, order half Cauchy sequences. Next we consider an associated idea of continuity namely, ward order continuous functions [2] and investigate certain interesting results. The entire investigation is performed in (l)-group setting to extend the recent results in [5, 6].Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, HRDG, IndiaPal, SK.; Chakraborty, S. (2022). On certain new notion of order Cauchy sequences, continuity in (l)-group. Applied General Topology. 23(1):55-68. https://doi.org/10.4995/agt.2022.16126OJS556823

    Upward and downward statistical continuities

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    A real valued function ff defined on a subset EE of R\textbf{R}, the set of real numbers, is statistically upward continuous if it preserves statistically upward half quasi-Cauchy sequences, is statistically downward continuous if it preserves statistically downward half quasi-Cauchy sequences; and a subset EE of R\textbf{R}, is statistically upward compact if any sequence of points in EE has a statistically upward half quasi-Cauchy subsequence, is statistically downward compact if any sequence of points in EE has a statistically downward half quasi-Cauchy subsequence where a sequence (xn)(x_{n}) of points in R\textbf{R} is called statistically upward half quasi-Cauchy if limn1n{kn:xkxk+1ε}=0 \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\frac{1}{n}|\{k\leq n: x_{k}-x_{k+1}\geq \varepsilon\}|=0 is statistically downward half quasi-Cauchy if limn1n{kn:xk+1xkε}=0 \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\frac{1}{n}|\{k\leq n: x_{k+1}-x_{k}\geq \varepsilon\}|=0 for every ε>0\varepsilon>0. We investigate statistically upward continuity, statistically downward continuity, statistically upward half compactness, statistically downward half compactness and prove interesting theorems. It turns out that uniform limit of a sequence of statistically upward continuous functions is statistically upward continuous, and uniform limit of a sequence of statistically downward continuous functions is statistically downward continuous.Comment: 25 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1205.3674, arXiv:1103.1230, arXiv:1102.1531, arXiv:1305.069