6 research outputs found

    Image Outlier filtering (IOF) : A Machine learning based DWT optimization Approach

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    In this paper an image outlier technique, which is a hybrid model called SVM regression based DWT optimization have been introduced. Outlier filtering of RGB image is using the DWT model such as Optimal-HAAR wavelet changeover (OHC), which optimized by the Least Square Support Vector Machine (LS-SVM) . The LS-SVM regression predicts hyper coefficients obtained by using QPSO model. The mathematical models are discussed in brief in this paper: (i) OHC which results in better performance and reduces the complexity resulting in (Optimized FHT). (ii) QPSO by replacing the least good particle with the new best obtained particle resulting in 201C;Optimized Least Significant Particle based QPSO201D; (OLSP-QPSO). On comparing the proposed cross model of optimizing DWT by LS-SVM to perform oulier filtering with linear and nonlinear noise removal standards

    Prototype centric (PC) software development process model: A machine learning based Hybrid Software Development Model

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    Here in this paper we propose a Machine learning technique based Hybrid software development process model called prototype centric, in short can refer as PC. The proposed hybrid model works by considering any one or more traditional models as source models. We also conduct empirical study to analyze the performance of the PC over other traditional models that are most frequently quoted in literature

    Low Carbon Logistics Optimization for Multi-depot CVRP with Backhauls - Model and Solution

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    CVRP (Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems) is the integrated optimization of VRP and Bin Packing Problem (BPP), which has far-reaching practical significance, because only by taking both loading and routing into consideration can we make sure the delivery route is the most economic and the items are completely and reasonably loaded into the vehicles. In this paper, the CVRP with backhauls from multiple depots is addressed from the low carbon perspective. The problem calls for the minimization of the carbon emissions of a fleet of vehicles needed for the delivery of the items demanded by the clients. The overall problem, denoted as 2L-MDCVRPB, is NP-hard and it is very difficult to get a good performance solution in practice. We propose a quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization (QPSO) and exploration heuristic local search algorithm (EHLSA) in order to solve this model. In addition, three groups of computational experiments based on well-known benchmark instances are carried out to test the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed model and algorithm, thereby demonstrating that the proposed method takes a short computing time to generate high quality solutions. For some instances, our algorithm can obtain new better solutions