14 research outputs found

    Quantum and Classical Tradeoffs

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    We propose an approach for quantifying a quantum circuit's quantumness as a means to understand the nature of quantum algorithmic speedups. Since quantum gates that do not preserve the computational basis are necessary for achieving quantum speedups, it appears natural to define the quantumness of a quantum circuit using the number of such gates. Intuitively, a reduction in the quantumness requires an increase in the amount of classical computation, hence giving a ``quantum and classical tradeoff''. In this paper we present two results on this direction. The first gives an asymptotic answer to the question: ``what is the minimum number of non-basis-preserving gates required to generate a good approximation to a given state''. This question is the quantum analogy of the following classical question, ``how many fair coins are needed to generate a given probability distribution'', which was studied and resolved by Knuth and Yao in 1976. Our second result shows that any quantum algorithm that solves Grover's Problem of size n using k queries and l levels of non-basis-preserving gates must have k*l=\Omega(n)

    On the Role of Hadamard Gates in Quantum Circuits

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    We study a reduced quantum circuit computation paradigm in which the only allowable gates either permute the computational basis states or else apply a "global Hadamard operation", i.e. apply a Hadamard operation to every qubit simultaneously. In this model, we discuss complexity bounds (lower-bounding the number of global Hadamard operations) for common quantum algorithms : we illustrate upper bounds for Shor's Algorithm, and prove lower bounds for Grover's Algorithm. We also use our formalism to display a gate that is neither quantum-universal nor classically simulable, on the assumption that Integer Factoring is not in BPP.Comment: 16 pages, last section clarified, typos corrected, references added, minor rewordin

    NP-hard problems are not in BQP

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    Grover's algorithm can solve NP-complete problems on quantum computers faster than all the known algorithms on classical computers. However, Grover's algorithm still needs exponential time. Due to the BBBV theorem, Grover's algorithm is optimal for searches in the domain of a function, when the function is used as a black box. We analyze the NP-complete set {(⟹M⟩,1n,1t)∣ TM M accepts an x∈{0,1}n within t steps}.\{ (\langle M \rangle, 1^n, 1^t ) \mid \text{ TM }M\text{ accepts an }x\in\{0,1\}^n\text{ within }t\text{ steps}\}. If tt is large enough, then M accepts each word in L(M)L(M) with length nn within tt steps. So, one can use methods from computability theory to show that black box searching is the fastest way to find a solution. Therefore, Grover's algorithm is optimal for NP-complete problems

    Merlin-Arthur with efficient quantum Merlin and quantum supremacy for the second level of the Fourier hierarchy

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    We introduce a simple sub-universal quantum computing model, which we call the Hadamard-classical circuit with one-qubit (HC1Q) model. It consists of a classical reversible circuit sandwiched by two layers of Hadamard gates, and therefore it is in the second level of the Fourier hierarchy. We show that output probability distributions of the HC1Q model cannot be classically efficiently sampled within a multiplicative error unless the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses to the second level. The proof technique is different from those used for previous sub-universal models, such as IQP, Boson Sampling, and DQC1, and therefore the technique itself might be useful for finding other sub-universal models that are hard to classically simulate. We also study the classical verification of quantum computing in the second level of the Fourier hierarchy. To this end, we define a promise problem, which we call the probability distribution distinguishability with maximum norm (PDD-Max). It is a promise problem to decide whether output probability distributions of two quantum circuits are far apart or close. We show that PDD-Max is BQP-complete, but if the two circuits are restricted to some types in the second level of the Fourier hierarchy, such as the HC1Q model or the IQP model, PDD-Max has a Merlin-Arthur system with quantum polynomial-time Merlin and classical probabilistic polynomial-time Arthur.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figure

    The Quantum Frontier

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    The success of the abstract model of computation, in terms of bits, logical operations, programming language constructs, and the like, makes it easy to forget that computation is a physical process. Our cherished notions of computation and information are grounded in classical mechanics, but the physics underlying our world is quantum. In the early 80s researchers began to ask how computation would change if we adopted a quantum mechanical, instead of a classical mechanical, view of computation. Slowly, a new picture of computation arose, one that gave rise to a variety of faster algorithms, novel cryptographic mechanisms, and alternative methods of communication. Small quantum information processing devices have been built, and efforts are underway to build larger ones. Even apart from the existence of these devices, the quantum view on information processing has provided significant insight into the nature of computation and information, and a deeper understanding of the physics of our universe and its connections with computation. We start by describing aspects of quantum mechanics that are at the heart of a quantum view of information processing. We give our own idiosyncratic view of a number of these topics in the hopes of correcting common misconceptions and highlighting aspects that are often overlooked. A number of the phenomena described were initially viewed as oddities of quantum mechanics. It was quantum information processing, first quantum cryptography and then, more dramatically, quantum computing, that turned the tables and showed that these oddities could be put to practical effect. It is these application we describe next. We conclude with a section describing some of the many questions left for future work, especially the mysteries surrounding where the power of quantum information ultimately comes from.Comment: Invited book chapter for Computation for Humanity - Information Technology to Advance Society to be published by CRC Press. Concepts clarified and style made more uniform in version 2. Many thanks to the referees for their suggestions for improvement

    Delegating Quantum Computation in the Quantum Random Oracle Model

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    A delegation scheme allows a computationally weak client to use a server's resources to help it evaluate a complex circuit without leaking any information about the input (other than its length) to the server. In this paper, we consider delegation schemes for quantum circuits, where we try to minimize the quantum operations needed by the client. We construct a new scheme for delegating a large circuit family, which we call "C+P circuits". "C+P" circuits are the circuits composed of Toffoli gates and diagonal gates. Our scheme is non-interactive, requires very little quantum computation from the client (proportional to input length but independent of the circuit size), and can be proved secure in the quantum random oracle model, without relying on additional assumptions, such as the existence of fully homomorphic encryption. In practice the random oracle can be replaced by an appropriate hash function or block cipher, for example, SHA-3, AES. This protocol allows a client to delegate the most expensive part of some quantum algorithms, for example, Shor's algorithm. The previous protocols that are powerful enough to delegate Shor's algorithm require either many rounds of interactions or the existence of FHE. The protocol requires asymptotically fewer quantum gates on the client side compared to running Shor's algorithm locally. To hide the inputs, our scheme uses an encoding that maps one input qubit to multiple qubits. We then provide a novel generalization of classical garbled circuits ("reversible garbled circuits") to allow the computation of Toffoli circuits on this encoding. We also give a technique that can support the computation of phase gates on this encoding. To prove the security of this protocol, we study key dependent message(KDM) security in the quantum random oracle model. KDM security was not previously studied in quantum settings.Comment: 41 pages, 1 figures. Update to be consistent with the proceeding versio

    Interactive Proofs with Polynomial-Time Quantum Prover for Computing the Order of Solvable Groups

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    In this paper we consider what can be computed by a user interacting with a potentially malicious server, when the server performs polynomial-time quantum computation but the user can only perform polynomial-time classical (i.e., non-quantum) computation. Understanding the computational power of this model, which corresponds to polynomial-time quantum computation that can be efficiently verified classically, is a well-known open problem in quantum computing. Our result shows that computing the order of a solvable group, which is one of the most general problems for which quantum computing exhibits an exponential speed-up with respect to classical computing, can be realized in this model