39 research outputs found

    Quantum Supremacy Circuit Simulation on Sunway TaihuLight

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    © 1990-2012 IEEE. With the rapid progress made by industry and academia, quantum computers with dozens of qubits or even larger size are being realized. However, the fidelity of existing quantum computers often sharply decreases as the circuit depth increases. Thus, an ideal quantum circuit simulator on classical computers, especially on high-performance computers, is needed for benchmarking and validation. We design a large-scale simulator of universal random quantum circuits, often called 'quantum supremacy circuits', and implement it on Sunway TaihuLight. The simulator can be used to accomplish the following two tasks: 1) Computing a complete output state-vector; 2) Calculating one or a few amplitudes. We target the simulation of 49-qubit circuits. For task 1), we successfully simulate such a circuit of depth 39, and for task 2) we reach the 55-depth level. To the best of our knowledge, both of the simulation results reach the largest depth for 49-qubit quantum supremacy circuits

    A quantum circuit simulator and its applications on Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer

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    Classical simulation of quantum computation is vital for verifying quantum devices and assessing quantum algorithms. We present a new quantum circuit simulator developed on the Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer. Compared with other simulators, the present one is distinguished in two aspects. First, our simulator is more versatile. The simulator consists of three mutually independent parts to compute the full, partial and single amplitudes of a quantum state with different methods. It has the function of emulating the effect of noise and support more kinds of quantum operations. Second, our simulator is of high efficiency. The simulator is designed in a two-level parallel structure to be implemented efficiently on the distributed many-core Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer. Random quantum circuits can be simulated with 40, 75 and 200 qubits on the full, partial and single amplitude, respectively. As illustrative applications of the simulator, we present a quantum fast Poisson solver and an algorithm for quantum arithmetic of evaluating transcendental functions. Our simulator is expected to have broader applications in developing quantum algorithms in various fields.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure

    Entanglement Scaling in Quantum Advantage Benchmarks

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    A contemporary technological milestone is to build a quantum device performing a computational task beyond the capability of any classical computer, an achievement known as quantum adversarial advantage. In what ways can the entanglement realized in such a demonstration be quantified? Inspired by the area law of tensor networks, we derive an upper bound for the minimum random circuit depth needed to generate the maximal bipartite entanglement correlations between all problem variables (qubits). This bound is (i) lattice geometry dependent and (ii) makes explicit a nuance implicit in other proposals with physical consequence. The hardware itself should be able to support super-logarithmic ebits of entanglement across some poly(nn) number of qubit-bipartitions, otherwise the quantum state itself will not possess volumetric entanglement scaling and full-lattice-range correlations. Hence, as we present a connection between quantum advantage protocols and quantum entanglement, the entanglement implicitly generated by such protocols can be tested separately to further ascertain the validity of any quantum advantage claim.Comment: updates and improvements from the review process; 8 pages; 3 figure

    Massively parallel quantum computer simulator, eleven years later

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    A revised version of the massively parallel simulator of a universal quantum computer, described in this journal eleven years ago, is used to benchmark various gate-based quantum algorithms on some of the most powerful supercomputers that exist today. Adaptive encoding of the wave function reduces the memory requirement by a factor of eight, making it possible to simulate universal quantum computers with up to 48 qubits on the Sunway TaihuLight and on the K computer. The simulator exhibits close-to-ideal weak-scaling behavior on the Sunway TaihuLight,on the K computer, on an IBM Blue Gene/Q, and on Intel Xeon based clusters, implying that the combination of parallelization and hardware can track the exponential scaling due to the increasing number of qubits. Results of executing simple quantum circuits and Shor's factorization algorithm on quantum computers containing up to 48 qubits are presented.Comment: Substantially rewritten + new data. Published in Computer Physics Communicatio