125,222 research outputs found

    Quantum Property Testing

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    A language L has a property tester if there exists a probabilistic algorithm that given an input x only asks a small number of bits of x and distinguishes the cases as to whether x is in L and x has large Hamming distance from all y in L. We define a similar notion of quantum property testing and show that there exist languages with quantum property testers but no good classical testers. We also show there exist languages which require a large number of queries even for quantumly testing

    New Results on Quantum Property Testing

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    We present several new examples of speed-ups obtainable by quantum algorithms in the context of property testing. First, motivated by sampling algorithms, we consider probability distributions given in the form of an oracle f:[n]→[m]f:[n]\to[m]. Here the probability \PP_f(j) of an outcome j∈[m]j\in[m] is the fraction of its domain that ff maps to jj. We give quantum algorithms for testing whether two such distributions are identical or ϵ\epsilon-far in L1L_1-norm. Recently, Bravyi, Hassidim, and Harrow \cite{BHH10} showed that if \PP_f and \PP_g are both unknown (i.e., given by oracles ff and gg), then this testing can be done in roughly m\sqrt{m} quantum queries to the functions. We consider the case where the second distribution is known, and show that testing can be done with roughly m1/3m^{1/3} quantum queries, which we prove to be essentially optimal. In contrast, it is known that classical testing algorithms need about m2/3m^{2/3} queries in the unknown-unknown case and about m\sqrt{m} queries in the known-unknown case. Based on this result, we also reduce the query complexity of graph isomorphism testers with quantum oracle access. While those examples provide polynomial quantum speed-ups, our third example gives a much larger improvement (constant quantum queries vs polynomial classical queries) for the problem of testing periodicity, based on Shor's algorithm and a modification of a classical lower bound by Lachish and Newman \cite{lachish&newman:periodicity}. This provides an alternative to a recent constant-vs-polynomial speed-up due to Aaronson \cite{aaronson:bqpph}.Comment: 2nd version: updated some references, in particular to Aaronson's Fourier checking proble

    Distributional Property Testing in a Quantum World

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    A fundamental problem in statistics and learning theory is to test properties of distributions. We show that quantum computers can solve such problems with significant speed-ups. We also introduce a novel access model for quantum distributions, enabling the coherent preparation of quantum samples, and propose a general framework that can naturally handle both classical and quantum distributions in a unified manner. Our framework generalizes and improves previous quantum algorithms for testing closeness between unknown distributions, testing independence between two distributions, and estimating the Shannon / von Neumann entropy of distributions. For classical distributions our algorithms significantly improve the precision dependence of some earlier results. We also show that in our framework procedures for classical distributions can be directly lifted to the more general case of quantum distributions, and thus obtain the first speed-ups for testing properties of density operators that can be accessed coherently rather than only via sampling

    General formulas for capacity of classical-quantum channels

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    The capacity of a classical-quantum channel (or in other words the classical capacity of a quantum channel) is considered in the most general setting, where no structural assumptions such as the stationary memoryless property are made on a channel. A capacity formula as well as a characterization of the strong converse property is given just in parallel with the corresponding classical results of Verd\'{u}-Han which are based on the so-called information-spectrum method. The general results are applied to the stationary memoryless case with or without cost constraint on inputs, whereby a deep relation between the channel coding theory and the hypothesis testing for two quantum states is elucidated. no structural assumptions such as the stationary memoryless property are made on a channel. A capacity formula as well as a characterization of the strong converse property is given just in parallel with the corresponding classical results of Verdu-Han which are based on the so-called information-spectrum method. The general results are applied to the stationary memoryless case with or without cost constraint on inputs, whereby a deep relation between the channel coding theory and the hypothesis testing for two quantum states is elucidated

    Quantum algorithms for testing properties of distributions

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    Suppose one has access to oracles generating samples from two unknown probability distributions P and Q on some N-element set. How many samples does one need to test whether the two distributions are close or far from each other in the L_1-norm ? This and related questions have been extensively studied during the last years in the field of property testing. In the present paper we study quantum algorithms for testing properties of distributions. It is shown that the L_1-distance between P and Q can be estimated with a constant precision using approximately N^{1/2} queries in the quantum settings, whereas classical computers need \Omega(N) queries. We also describe quantum algorithms for testing Uniformity and Orthogonality with query complexity O(N^{1/3}). The classical query complexity of these problems is known to be \Omega(N^{1/2}).Comment: 20 page
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