4 research outputs found

    Symmetry adapted ro-vibrational basis functions for variational nuclear motion calculations: TROVE approach

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    We present a general, numerically motivated approach to the construction of symmetry adapted basis functions for solving ro-vibrational Schr\"{o}dinger equations. The approach is based on the property of the Hamiltonian operator to commute with the complete set of symmetry operators and hence to reflect the symmetry of the system. The symmetry adapted ro-vibrational basis set is constructed numerically by solving a set of reduced vibrational eigenvalue problems. In order to assign the irreducible representations associated with these eigenfunctions, their symmetry properties are probed on a grid of molecular geometries with the corresponding symmetry operations. The transformation matrices are re-constructed by solving over-determined systems of linear equations related to the transformation properties of the corresponding wavefunctions on the grid. Our method is implemented in the variational approach TROVE and has been successfully applied to a number of problems covering the most important molecular symmetry groups. Several examples are used to illustrate the procedure, which can be easily applied to different types of coordinates, basis sets, and molecular systems

    Quantum Numbers and the Eigenfunction Approach to Obtain Symmetry Adapted Functions for Discrete Symmetries

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    The eigenfunction approach used for discrete symmetries is deduced from the concept of quantum numbers. We show that the irreducible representations (irreps) associated with the eigenfunctions are indeed a shorthand notation for the set of eigenvalues of the class operators (character table). The need of a canonical chain of groups to establish a complete set of commuting operators is emphasized. This analysis allows us to establish in natural form the connection between the quantum numbers and the eigenfunction method proposed by J.Q. Chen to obtain symmetry adapted functions. We then proceed to present a friendly version of the eigenfunction method to project functions