52 research outputs found

    Exploring Quantum Computing's Potential Breakthroughs and Challenges

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    Recent years have seen the rise of quantum computing as a game-changing technology that might alter the face of many industries, from optimization to cryptography. From theory to practice, this article covers quantum computing's journey. We review the quantum computing foundational concepts of superposition and entanglement and examine their consequences for the paradigm of computation. We emphasize the concrete advances in quantum hardware, error correction methods, and quantum algorithm creation through a thorough survey of recent discoveries. Nevertheless, significant obstacles accompany these advancements. An ever-present problem, quantum de coherence endangers both the consistency of quantum states and the accuracy of calculations. The effectiveness of quantum error correcting approaches in reducing de coherence is examined in our paper. We highlight the need for programming languages, compilers, and simulators that are customized to quantum hardware, as well as the increasing demands for quantum software infrastructure. Questions of security and ethics arise in light of the many possible uses of quantum computing in fields as diverse as optimization, cryptography, and materials research. Error correction and the execution of algorithms containing both classical and quantum logic require the classical part. We provide a comprehensive system stack outlining the various components of a quantum computer. We wrap up by talking about design decisions on the quantum plane and show the control logic and data flow that must be applied when quantum instructions are executed

    Factorization in Cybersecurity: a Dual Role of Defense and Vulnerability in the Age of Quantum Computing

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    One of the most critical components of modern cryptography and thus cybersecurity is the ability to factor large integers quickly and efficiently. RSA encryption, one of the most used types, is based largely on the assumption that factoring for large numbers is computationally infeasible for humans and computers alike. However, with quantum computers, people can use an algorithm like Shor’s algorithm to perform the same task exponentially faster than any normal device ever could. This investigation will go into the strength and vulnerability of RSA encryption using the power of factorization in an age of quantum computers.We start by looking at the foundations of both classical and quantum factoring with greater detail at number field sieve (NFS) and Shor’s. We examine the mathematical background of each topic and the associated algorithms. We conclude with theoretical analysis and experimental simulations that address the difficulty and implications of the above-mentioned algorithms in cryptography. The final thing that I will be discussing is where quantum computing is at present and how this could pose a threat to the current type of cryptographic systems, we use every day. I will be mentioning how we need post-quantum cryptography and how people are currently creating algorithms that are designed to be attack-resistant even to large-scale quantum computers. This investigation has shown the changing dynamics of cybersecurity in the quantum era and helps us understand the challenges and the need to innovate the current cryptographic systems

    Towards quantum advantage via topological data analysis

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    Even after decades of quantum computing development, examples of generally useful quantum algorithms with exponential speedups over classical counterparts are scarce. Recent progress in quantum algorithms for linear-algebra positioned quantum machine learning (QML) as a potential source of such useful exponential improvements. Yet, in an unexpected development, a recent series of "dequantization" results has equally rapidly removed the promise of exponential speedups for several QML algorithms. This raises the critical question whether exponential speedups of other linear-algebraic QML algorithms persist. In this paper, we study the quantum-algorithmic methods behind the algorithm for topological data analysis of Lloyd, Garnerone and Zanardi through this lens. We provide evidence that the problem solved by this algorithm is classically intractable by showing that its natural generalization is as hard as simulating the one clean qubit model -- which is widely believed to require superpolynomial time on a classical computer -- and is thus very likely immune to dequantizations. Based on this result, we provide a number of new quantum algorithms for problems such as rank estimation and complex network analysis, along with complexity-theoretic evidence for their classical intractability. Furthermore, we analyze the suitability of the proposed quantum algorithms for near-term implementations. Our results provide a number of useful applications for full-blown, and restricted quantum computers with a guaranteed exponential speedup over classical methods, recovering some of the potential for linear-algebraic QML to become one of quantum computing's killer applications.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures. New results added and improved expositio

    Quantum Computing: Past, Present, and Future

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    A look into quantum computing\u27s origins, modern-day real-world applications, and future potential in the scientific community..

    Quantum Computing Standards & Accounting Information Systems

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    This research investigates the potential implications of quantum technology on accounting information systems, and business overall. This endeavor focuses on the vulnerabilities of quantum computers and the emergence of quantum-resistant encryption algorithms. This paper critically analyzes quantum standards and their transformative effects on the efficiency, expediency, and security of commerce. By comparing the differences, similarities, and limitations of quantum standards, the research presents a collection of best practices and adaptation methods to fortify organizations against cyber threats in the quantum era. The study provides a guide to understanding and navigating the interplay between quantum technology and standard-setting organizations, enabling organizations to safeguard the integrity of their practices and adapt proactively to the challenges ushered in by the advent of quantum supremacy. This endeavor also contributes to research by painting the standard-setting ecosystem and noting its intricate processes. The findings include the identification of organizations involved with quantum standards, as well as observed distinctions, similarities, and limitations between American and European standards

    Quantum Software Engineering: A New Genre of Computing

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    Quantum computing (QC) is no longer only a scientific interest but is rapidly becoming an industrially available technology that can potentially tackle the limitations of classical computing. Over the last few years, major technology giants have invested in developing hardware and programming frameworks to develop quantum-specific applications. QC hardware technologies are gaining momentum, however, operationalizing the QC technologies trigger the need for software-intensive methodologies, techniques, processes, tools, roles, and responsibilities for developing industrial-centric quantum software applications. This paper presents the vision of the quantum software engineering (QSE) life cycle consisting of quantum requirements engineering, quantum software design, quantum software implementation, quantum software testing, and quantum software maintenance. This paper particularly calls for joint contributions of software engineering research and industrial community to present real-world solutions to support the entire quantum software development activities. The proposed vision facilitates the researchers and practitioners to propose new processes, reference architectures, novel tools, and practices to leverage quantum computers and develop emerging and next generations of quantum software

    A spin qubit in a fin field-effect transistor

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    Quantum computing's greatest challenge is scaling up. Several decades ago, classical computers faced the same problem and a single solution emerged: very-large-scale integration using silicon. Today's silicon chips consist of billions of field-effect transistors (FinFETs) in which current flow along the fin-shaped channel is controlled by wrap-around gates. The semiconductor industry currently employs fins of sub-10 \,nm width, small enough for quantum applications: at low temperature, an electron or hole can be trapped under the gate and serve as a spin qubit. An attractive benefit of silicon's advantageous scaling properties is that quantum hardware and its classical control circuitry can be integrated in the same package. This, however, requires qubit operation at temperatures greater than 1 \,K where the cooling is sufficient to overcome the heat dissipation. Here, we demonstrate that a silicon FinFET is an excellent host for spin qubits that operate even above 4 \,K. We achieve fast electrical control of hole spins with driving frequencies up to 150 \,MHz and single-qubit gate fidelities at the fault-tolerance threshold. The number of spin rotations before coherence is lost at these "hot" temperatures already matches or exceeds values on hole spin qubits at mK temperatures. While our devices feature both industry compatibility and quality, they are fabricated in a flexible and agile way to accelerate their development. This work paves the way towards large-scale integration of all-electrical and ultrafast spin qubits

    Shallow Depth Factoring Based on Quantum Feasibility Labeling and Variational Quantum Search

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    Large integer factorization is a prominent research challenge, particularly in the context of quantum computing. This holds significant importance, especially in information security that relies on public key cryptosystems. The classical computation of prime factors for an integer has exponential time complexity. Quantum computing offers the potential for significantly faster computational processes compared to classical processors. In this paper, we propose a new quantum algorithm, Shallow Depth Factoring (SDF), to factor a biprime integer. SDF consists of three steps. First, it converts a factoring problem to an optimization problem without an objective function. Then, it uses a Quantum Feasibility Labeling (QFL) method to label every possible solution according to whether it is feasible or infeasible for the optimization problem. Finally, it employs the Variational Quantum Search (VQS) to find all feasible solutions. The SDF utilizes shallow-depth quantum circuits for efficient factorization, with the circuit depth scaling linearly as the integer to be factorized increases. Through minimizing the number of gates in the circuit, the algorithm enhances feasibility and reduces vulnerability to errors.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Internetics: Technologies, Applications and Academic Field, or, Parallel Computing and Computational Science Do Not Quite Work

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    Ten years ago, we were all sure that parallel computing technology and the interdisciplinary academic field of computational science would be center pieces of both academic and economic growth. We show that this insight was, in principle, correct but was an incomplete vision for large-scale computation implies both increased computer power and increasing numbers of users and applications. Parallel computing undoubtedly works on essentially all problems, but we were unable to produce deployable software systems. Further, few industries could achieve adequate return to justify investment in parallel computers, except in a few areas such as databases. Computational science is the academic field on the interface of computer science with fields such as physics, chemistry, and applied mathematics. This expertise allows you to be very useful and, in principle, is an excellent area of study, but is not a wise field for many students as employers and universities prefer traditional fields. We show how parallel computing and computational science has evolved into Internetics, which is a vibrant growing and much larger field that surely does work both in principle and in practice. Internetics embodies the technologies and expertise used in building large-scale distributed systems and linking fields like physics not just with parallel computers, but with the Web of complex heterogeneous computers. This is CORBA and Java, and not just MPI and HPF. It is Internetics that is the emerging academic field, and not computational science, and internetics is of growing attraction to students and employers. Using an Internetics base, we will produce much better software environments for parallel systems, but the commercial and academic fields associated with parallelism will not grow in the near future. We argue that we almost got it right and the essential features of the original vision were correct and are part of current broader thrust
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