29,518 research outputs found

    Quantitative traits

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    Quantitative traits are phenotypic traits that are determined, jointly with the environment, by many genes of small effect. Most of the directly observable individual characteristics are quantitative traits. Differences in quantitative traits can give valuable signals on existence of separate stock components. Compared to neutral genetic markers, quantitative traits are more sensitive to population structure and may suggest differences where neutral genetic markers fail to show any. However, quantitative traits may also show differences where demographic separation is weak. An important challenge is to understand how the environment influences quantitative traits. Representing quantitative traits as reaction norms makes their dependence on the environment explicit and thereby facilitates their use in stock identification

    The evolution of genetic architectures underlying quantitative traits

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    In the classic view introduced by R. A. Fisher, a quantitative trait is encoded by many loci with small, additive effects. Recent advances in QTL mapping have begun to elucidate the genetic architectures underlying vast numbers of phenotypes across diverse taxa, producing observations that sometimes contrast with Fisher's blueprint. Despite these considerable empirical efforts to map the genetic determinants of traits, it remains poorly understood how the genetic architecture of a trait should evolve, or how it depends on the selection pressures on the trait. Here we develop a simple, population-genetic model for the evolution of genetic architectures. Our model predicts that traits under moderate selection should be encoded by many loci with highly variable effects, whereas traits under either weak or strong selection should be encoded by relatively few loci. We compare these theoretical predictions to qualitative trends in the genetics of human traits, and to systematic data on the genetics of gene expression levels in yeast. Our analysis provides an evolutionary explanation for broad empirical patterns in the genetic basis of traits, and it introduces a single framework that unifies the diversity of observed genetic architectures, ranging from Mendelian to Fisherian.Comment: Minor changes in the text; Added supplementary materia

    Multiple-line inference of selection on quantitative traits

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    Trait differences between species may be attributable to natural selection. However, quantifying the strength of evidence for selection acting on a particular trait is a difficult task. Here we develop a population-genetic test for selection acting on a quantitative trait which is based on multiple-line crosses. We show that using multiple lines increases both the power and the scope of selection inference. First, a test based on three or more lines detects selection with strongly increased statistical significance, and we show explicitly how the sensitivity of the test depends on the number of lines. Second, a multiple-line test allows to distinguish different lineage-specific selection scenarios. Our analytical results are complemented by extensive numerical simulations. We then apply the multiple-line test to QTL data on floral character traits in plant species of the Mimulus genus and on photoperiodic traits in different maize strains, where we find a signatures of lineage-specific selection not seen in a two-line test.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures; to appear in Genetic

    Genetic interactions contribute less than additive effects to quantitative trait variation in yeast.

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    Genetic mapping studies of quantitative traits typically focus on detecting loci that contribute additively to trait variation. Genetic interactions are often proposed as a contributing factor to trait variation, but the relative contribution of interactions to trait variation is a subject of debate. Here we use a very large cross between two yeast strains to accurately estimate the fraction of phenotypic variance due to pairwise QTL-QTL interactions for 20 quantitative traits. We find that this fraction is 9% on average, substantially less than the contribution of additive QTL (43%). Statistically significant QTL-QTL pairs typically have small individual effect sizes, but collectively explain 40% of the pairwise interaction variance. We show that pairwise interaction variance is largely explained by pairs of loci at least one of which has a significant additive effect. These results refine our understanding of the genetic architecture of quantitative traits and help guide future mapping studies

    forqs: Forward-in-time Simulation of Recombination, Quantitative Traits, and Selection

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    forqs is a forward-in-time simulation of recombination, quantitative traits, and selection. It was designed to investigate haplotype patterns resulting from scenarios where substantial evolutionary change has taken place in a small number of generations due to recombination and/or selection on polygenic quantitative traits. forqs is implemented as a command- line C++ program. Source code and binary executables for Linux, OSX, and Windows are freely available under a permissive BSD license.Comment: preprint include Supplementary Information. https://bitbucket.org/dkessner/forq

    Levels of genetic polymorphism: marker loci versus quantitative traits

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    Species are the units used to measure ecological diversity and alleles are the units of genetic diversity. Genetic variation within and among species has been documented most extensively using allozyme electrophoresis. This reveals wide differences in genetic variability within, and genetic distances among, species, demonstrating that species are not equivalent units of diversity. The extent to which the pattern observed for allozymes can be used to infer patterns of genetic variation in quantitative traits depends on the forces generating and maintaining variability. Allozyme variation is probably not strictly neutral but, nevertheless, heterozygosity is expected to be influenced by population size and genetic distance will be affected by time since divergence. The same is true for quantitative traits influenced by many genes and under weak stabilizing selection. However, the limited data available suggest that allozyme variability is a poor predictor of genetic variation in quantitative traits within populations. It is a better predictor of general phenotypic divergence and of postzygotic isolation between populations or species, but is only weakly correlated with prezygotic isolation. Studies of grasshopper and planthopper mating signal variation and assortative mating illustrate how these characters evolve independently of general genetic and morphological variation. The role of such traits in prezygotic isolation, and hence speciation, means that they will contribute significantly to the diversity of levels of genetic variation within and among species