358 research outputs found

    Advanced cranial navigation

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    Neurosurgery is performed with extremely low margins of error. Surgical inaccuracy may have disastrous consequences. The overall aim of this thesis was to improve accuracy in cranial neurosurgical procedures by the application of new technical aids. Two technical methods were evaluated: augmented reality (AR) for surgical navigation (Papers I-II) and the optical technique of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) for real-time tissue identification (Papers III-V). Minimally invasive skull-base endoscopy has several potential benefits compared to traditional craniotomy, but approaching the skull base through this route implies that at-risk organs and surgical targets are covered by bone and out of the surgeon’s direct line of sight. In Paper I, a new application for AR-navigated endoscopic skull-base surgery, based on an augmented-reality surgical navigation (ARSN) system, was developed. The accuracy of the system, defined by mean target registration error (TRE), was evaluated and found to be 0.55±0.24 mm, the lowest value reported error in the literature. As a first step toward the development of a cranial application for AR navigation, in Paper II this ARSN system was used to enable insertions of biopsy needles and external ventricular drainages (EVDs). The technical accuracy (i.e., deviation from the target or intended path) and efficacy (i.e., insertion time) were assessed on a 3D-printed realistic, anthropomorphic skull and brain phantom; Thirty cranial biopsies and 10 EVD insertions were performed. Accuracy for biopsy was 0.8±0.43 mm with a median insertion time of 149 (87-233) seconds, and for EVD accuracy was 2.9±0.8 mm at the tip with a median angular deviation of 0.7±0.5° and a median insertion time of 188 (135-400) seconds. Glial tumors grow diffusely in the brain, and patient survival is correlated with the extent of tumor removal. Tumor borders are often invisible. Resection beyond borders as defined by conventional methods may further improve a patient’s prognosis. In Paper III, DRS was evaluated for discrimination between glioma and normal brain tissue ex vivo. DRS spectra and histology were acquired from 22 tumor samples and 9 brain tissue samples retrieved from 30 patients. Sensitivity and specificity for the detection of low-grade gliomas were 82.0% and 82.7%, respectively, with an AUC of 0.91. Acute ischemic stroke caused by large vessel occlusion is treated with endovascular thrombectomy, but treatment failure can occur when clot composition and thrombectomy technique are mismatched. Intra-procedural knowledge of clot composition could guide the choice of treatment modality. In Paper IV, DRS, in vivo, was evaluated for intravascular clot characterization. Three types of clot analogs, red blood cell (RBC)-rich, fibrin-rich and mixed clots, were injected into the external carotids of a domestic pig. An intravascular DRS probe was used for in-situ measurements of clots, blood, and vessel walls, and the spectral data were analyzed. DRS could differentiate clot types, vessel walls, and blood in vivo (p<0,001). The sensitivity and specificity for detection were 73.8% and 98.8% for RBC clots, 100% and 100% for mixed clots, and 80.6% and 97.8% for fibrin clots, respectively. Paper V evaluated DRS for characterization of human clot composition ex vivo: 45 clot units were retrieved from 29 stroke patients and examined with DRS and histopathological evaluation. DRS parameters correlated with clot RBC fraction (R=81, p<0.001) and could be used for the classification of clot type with sensitivity and specificity rates for the detection of RBC-rich clots of 0.722 and 0.846, respectively. Applied in an intravascular probe, DRS may provide intra-procedural information on clot composition to improve endovascular thrombectomy efficiency

    Review on Augmented Reality in Oral and Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery: Toward 'Surgery-Specific' Head-Up Displays

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    In recent years, there has been an increasing interest towards the augmented reality as applied to the surgical field. We conducted a systematic review of literature classifying the augmented reality applications in oral and cranio-maxillofacial surgery (OCMS) in order to pave the way to future solutions that may ease the adoption of AR guidance in surgical practice. Publications containing the terms 'augmented reality' AND 'maxillofacial surgery', and the terms 'augmented reality' AND 'oral surgery' were searched in the PubMed database. Through the selected studies, we performed a preliminary breakdown according to general aspects, such as surgical subspecialty, year of publication and country of research; then, a more specific breakdown was provided according to technical features of AR-based devices, such as virtual data source, visualization processing mode, tracking mode, registration technique and AR display type. The systematic search identified 30 eligible publications. Most studies (14) were in orthognatic surgery, the minority (2) concerned traumatology, while 6 studies were in oncology and 8 in general OCMS. In 8 of 30 studies the AR systems were based on a head-mounted approach using smart glasses or headsets. In most of these cases (7), a video-see-through mode was implemented, while only 1 study described an optical-see-through mode. In the remaining 22 studies, the AR content was displayed on 2D displays (10), full-parallax 3D displays (6) and projectors (5). In 1 case the AR display type is not specified. AR applications are of increasing interest and adoption in oral and cranio-maxillofacial surgery, however, the quality of the AR experience represents the key requisite for a successful result. Widespread use of AR systems in the operating room may be encouraged by the availability of 'surgery-specific' head-mounted devices that should guarantee the accuracy required for surgical tasks and the optimal ergonomics

    Review of Fluorescence Guided Surgery Visualization and Overlay Techniques

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    In fluorescence guided surgery, data visualization represents a critical step between signal capture and display needed for clinical decisions informed by that signal. The diversity of methods for displaying surgical images are reviewed, and a particular focus is placed on electronically detected and visualized signals, as required for near-infrared or low concentration tracers. Factors driving the choices such as human perception, the need for rapid decision making in a surgical environment, and biases induced by display choices are outlined. Five practical suggestions are outlined for optimal display orientation, color map, transparency/alpha function, dynamic range compression, and color perception check

    Comparison of the lateral supraorbital approach and endoscopic endonasal transclival approach to basilar apex aneurysms among other possible applications of the endoscopic endonasal technique to vascular neurosurgery: anatomic and clinical study.

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    Abstract Introduction. The expansion of the endoscopic endonasal approach in neurosurgery during the last three decades recently led the neurosurgical clinical interest to the investigation of further application of this technique, namely to neurovascular pathologies. Cadaver dissections studies have represented the milestone in the progressive application of this technique. Integrating anatomical studies with advanced visualization tools and quantification methods increases their impact toward clinical application. Material and methods. The main endoscopic endonasal approaches were performed and exposure of the vascular intracranial structures was analyzed: the anterior communicating artery complex was investigated through the transplanum transtuberculum approach; the transsphenoidal approach to the sellar area was performed for the exposure of the intracavernous internal carotid artery; the basilar artery was exposed by means of the endoscopic endonasal transclival approach, and the vertebral arteries through the extended endonasal approach to the craniovertebral junction. Possible clinical application of each approach was investigated during anatomical dissections upgraded with imaging and quantification methods. Results. The transtuberculum transplanum approach allows for the exposure and control of the anterior communicating artery complex; the relationship between the proximal anterior cerebral artery, gyrus rectus, and optic chiasm is the main determinant for the exposure and control of the vessel. Temporary occlusion of the internal carotid artery with a Fogarty balloon catheter through the endoscopic transsphenoidal route might be another maneuver that is useful for obtaining intraoperative control of the vessel. The endoscopic transclival approach may be considered a minimally invasive route to the basilar apex in the presence of specific anatomical and pathological features. Comparative analysis of the anatomical exposure of the vertebro-basilar junction as obtained through transcranial and endoscopic endonasal approaches may be helpful in unlocking this complex skull base area. Conclusions. The introduction of the endoscopic endonasal approaches for the treatment of cerebrovascular pathologies represents the most advanced and innovative step forward of the skull base endoscopic endonasal surgical technique. The present PhD research activity may add relevant anatomical and clinical information to the rather sparse literature directly focused on surgical indication of the endoscopic endonasal approaches to vascular neurosurgery

    Smart Surgical Microscope based on Optical Coherence Domain Reflectometry

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    Department of Biomedical EngineeringOver the several decades, there have been clinical needs that requires advanced technologies in medicine. Optical coherence tomography (OCT), one of the newly emerged medical imaging devices, provides non-invasive cross-sectional images in high resolution which is mainly used in ophthalmology. However, due to the limited penetration depth of 1-2 mm in bio-samples, there is a limit to be widely used. In order to easily integrate with existing medical tools and be convenient to users, it is necessary that the sample unit of OCT should be compact and simple. In this study, we developed high-speed swept-source OCT (SS-OCT) for advanced screening of otolaryngology. Synchronized signal sampling with a high-speed digitizer using a clock signal from a swept laser source, its trigger signal is also used to synchronize with the movement of the scanning mirror. The SS-OCT system can reliably provide high-throughput images, and two-axis scanning of galvano mirrors enables real-time acquisition of 3D data. Graphic processing unit (GPU) can performs high-speed data processing through parallel programming, and can also implement perspective projection 3D OCT visualization with optimal ray casting techniques. In the Clinical Study of Otolaryngology, OCT was applied to identify the microscopic extrathyroidal extension (mETE) of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). As a result to detect the mETE of around 60% in conventional ultrasonography, it could be improved to 84.1% accuracy in our study. The detection ratio of the mETE was calculated by the pathologist analyzing the histologic image. In chapter 3, we present a novel study using combined OCT system integrated with a conventional surgical microscope. In the current set-up of surgical microscope, only two-dimensional microscopic images through the eyepiece view are provided to the surgeon. Thus, image-guided surgery, which provides real-time image information of the tissues or the organs, has been developed as an advanced surgical technique. This study illustrate newly designed optical set-up of smart surgical microscope that combined sample arm of the OCT with an existing microscope. Specifically, we used a beam projector to overlay OCT images on existing eyepiece views, and demonstrated augmented reality images. In chapter 4, in order to develop novel microsurgical instruments, optical coherence domain reflectometry (OCDR) was applied. Introduces smart surgical forceps using OCDR as a sensor that provides high-speed, high-resolution distance information in the tissue. To attach the sensor to the forceps, the lensed fiber which is a small and high sensitivity sensor was fabricated and the results are shown to be less affected by the tilt angle. In addition, the piezo actuator compensates the hand tremor, resulting in a reduction in the human hand tremor of 5 to 15 Hz. Finally, M-mode OCT needle is proposed for microsurgery guidance in ophthalmic surgery. Stepwise transitional core (STC) fiber was applied as a sensor to measure information within the tissue and attached to a 26 gauge needle. It shows the modified OCT system and the position-guided needle design of the sample stage and shows the algorithm flowchart of M-mode OCT imaging software. The developed M-mode OCT needle has been applied to animal studies using rabbit eyes and demonstrates the big-bubble deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) surgery for corneal transplantation. Through this study, we propose a novel microsurgical instrument for lamellar keratoplasty and evaluate its feasibility with conventional regular OCT system images. In conclusion, for fundamental study required new augmented reality guided surgery with smart surgical microscope, it is expected that OCT combined with surgical microscope can be widely used. We demonstrated a novel microsurgical instrument to share with light source and the various optical components. Acquired information throughout our integrated system would be a key method to meet a wide range of different clinical needs in the real world.ope

    Medical Robotics

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    The first generation of surgical robots are already being installed in a number of operating rooms around the world. Robotics is being introduced to medicine because it allows for unprecedented control and precision of surgical instruments in minimally invasive procedures. So far, robots have been used to position an endoscope, perform gallbladder surgery and correct gastroesophogeal reflux and heartburn. The ultimate goal of the robotic surgery field is to design a robot that can be used to perform closed-chest, beating-heart surgery. The use of robotics in surgery will expand over the next decades without any doubt. Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) is a revolutionary approach in surgery. In MIS, the operation is performed with instruments and viewing equipment inserted into the body through small incisions created by the surgeon, in contrast to open surgery with large incisions. This minimizes surgical trauma and damage to healthy tissue, resulting in shorter patient recovery time. The aim of this book is to provide an overview of the state-of-art, to present new ideas, original results and practical experiences in this expanding area. Nevertheless, many chapters in the book concern advanced research on this growing area. The book provides critical analysis of clinical trials, assessment of the benefits and risks of the application of these technologies. This book is certainly a small sample of the research activity on Medical Robotics going on around the globe as you read it, but it surely covers a good deal of what has been done in the field recently, and as such it works as a valuable source for researchers interested in the involved subjects, whether they are currently “medical roboticists” or not


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    Endoscopy is a fast moving field, and new techniques are continuously emerging. In recent decades, endoscopy has evolved and branched out from a diagnostic modality to enhanced video and computer assisting imaging with impressive interventional capabilities. The modern endoscopy has seen advances not only in types of endoscopes available, but also in types of interventions amenable to the endoscopic approach. To date, there are a lot more developments that are being trialed. Modern endoscopic equipment provides physicians with the benefit of many technical advances. Endoscopy is an effective and safe procedure even in special populations including pediatric patients and renal transplant patients. It serves as the tool for diagnosis and therapeutic interventions of many organs including gastrointestinal tract, head and neck, urinary tract and others

    A comprehensive evaluation of work and simulation based assessment in otolaryngology training

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    Introduction: The otolaryngology curriculum requires trainees to show evidence of operative competence before completion of training. The General Medical Council recommended that structured assessment be used throughout training to monitor and guide trainee progression. Despite the reduction in operative exposure and the variation in trainee performance, a ‘one size fits all’ approach continues to be applied. The number of procedures performed remains the main indicator of competence. Objectives: To analyse the utilisation, reliability and validity of workplace-based assessments in otolaryngology training. To identify, develop and validate a series of simulation platforms suitable for incorporation into the otolaryngology curriculum. To develop a model of interchangeable workplace- and simulation-based assessment that reflects trainee’s trajectory, audit the delivery of training and set milestones for modular learning. Methods: A detailed review of the literature identified a list of procedure-specific assessment tools as well as simulators suitable to be used as assessment platforms. A simulation-integrated training programme was piloted and models were tested for feasibility, face, content and construct validity before being incorporated into the North London training programme. The outcomes of workplace- and simulation-based assessments of all core and specialty otolaryngology trainees were collated and analysed. Results: The outcomes of 6535 workplace-based assessments were analysed. The strengths and weaknesses of 4 different assessment tools are highlighted. Validated platforms utilising cadavers, animal tissue, synthetic material and virtual reality simulators were incorporated into the curriculum. 60 trainees and 40 consultants participated in the process and found it of great educational value. Conclusion: Assessment with structured feedback is integral to surgical training. Assessment using validated simulation modules can complement that undertaken in the workplace. The outcomes of structures assessments can be used to monitor and guide trainee trajectory at individual and regional level. The derived learning curves can shape and audit future otolaryngological training.Open Acces