11,956 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of 3D faces by shape estimation and texture interpolation

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    This paper aims to address the ill-posed problem of reconstructing 3D faces from single 2D face images. An extended Tikhonov regularization method is connected with the standard 3D morphable model in order to reconstruct the 3D face shapes from a small set of 2D facial points. Further, by interpolating the input 2D texture with the model texture and warping the interpolated texture to the reconstructed face shapes, 3D face reconstruction is achieved. For the texture warping, the 2D face deformation has been learned from the model texture using a set of facial landmarks. Our experimental results justify the robustness of the proposed approach with respect to the reconstruction of realistic 3D face shapes

    Expressive Body Capture: 3D Hands, Face, and Body from a Single Image

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    To facilitate the analysis of human actions, interactions and emotions, we compute a 3D model of human body pose, hand pose, and facial expression from a single monocular image. To achieve this, we use thousands of 3D scans to train a new, unified, 3D model of the human body, SMPL-X, that extends SMPL with fully articulated hands and an expressive face. Learning to regress the parameters of SMPL-X directly from images is challenging without paired images and 3D ground truth. Consequently, we follow the approach of SMPLify, which estimates 2D features and then optimizes model parameters to fit the features. We improve on SMPLify in several significant ways: (1) we detect 2D features corresponding to the face, hands, and feet and fit the full SMPL-X model to these; (2) we train a new neural network pose prior using a large MoCap dataset; (3) we define a new interpenetration penalty that is both fast and accurate; (4) we automatically detect gender and the appropriate body models (male, female, or neutral); (5) our PyTorch implementation achieves a speedup of more than 8x over Chumpy. We use the new method, SMPLify-X, to fit SMPL-X to both controlled images and images in the wild. We evaluate 3D accuracy on a new curated dataset comprising 100 images with pseudo ground-truth. This is a step towards automatic expressive human capture from monocular RGB data. The models, code, and data are available for research purposes at https://smpl-x.is.tue.mpg.de.Comment: To appear in CVPR 201

    Visual ageing of human faces in three dimensions using morphable models and projection to latent structures

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    We present an approach to synthesising the effects of ageing on human face images using three-dimensional modelling. We extract a set of three dimensional face models from a set of two-dimensional face images by fitting a Morphable Model. We propose a method to age these face models using Partial Least Squares to extract from the data-set those factors most related to ageing. These ageing related factors are used to train an individually weighted linear model. We show that this is an effective means of producing an aged face image and compare this method to two other linear ageing methods for ageing face models. This is demonstrated both quantitatively and with perceptual evaluation using human raters.Postprin

    MoFA: Model-based Deep Convolutional Face Autoencoder for Unsupervised Monocular Reconstruction

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    In this work we propose a novel model-based deep convolutional autoencoder that addresses the highly challenging problem of reconstructing a 3D human face from a single in-the-wild color image. To this end, we combine a convolutional encoder network with an expert-designed generative model that serves as decoder. The core innovation is our new differentiable parametric decoder that encapsulates image formation analytically based on a generative model. Our decoder takes as input a code vector with exactly defined semantic meaning that encodes detailed face pose, shape, expression, skin reflectance and scene illumination. Due to this new way of combining CNN-based with model-based face reconstruction, the CNN-based encoder learns to extract semantically meaningful parameters from a single monocular input image. For the first time, a CNN encoder and an expert-designed generative model can be trained end-to-end in an unsupervised manner, which renders training on very large (unlabeled) real world data feasible. The obtained reconstructions compare favorably to current state-of-the-art approaches in terms of quality and richness of representation.Comment: International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2017 (Oral), 13 page

    FML: Face Model Learning from Videos

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    Monocular image-based 3D reconstruction of faces is a long-standing problem in computer vision. Since image data is a 2D projection of a 3D face, the resulting depth ambiguity makes the problem ill-posed. Most existing methods rely on data-driven priors that are built from limited 3D face scans. In contrast, we propose multi-frame video-based self-supervised training of a deep network that (i) learns a face identity model both in shape and appearance while (ii) jointly learning to reconstruct 3D faces. Our face model is learned using only corpora of in-the-wild video clips collected from the Internet. This virtually endless source of training data enables learning of a highly general 3D face model. In order to achieve this, we propose a novel multi-frame consistency loss that ensures consistent shape and appearance across multiple frames of a subject's face, thus minimizing depth ambiguity. At test time we can use an arbitrary number of frames, so that we can perform both monocular as well as multi-frame reconstruction.Comment: CVPR 2019 (Oral). Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG2BwxCw0lQ, Project Page: https://gvv.mpi-inf.mpg.de/projects/FML19

    A Decoupled 3D Facial Shape Model by Adversarial Training

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    Data-driven generative 3D face models are used to compactly encode facial shape data into meaningful parametric representations. A desirable property of these models is their ability to effectively decouple natural sources of variation, in particular identity and expression. While factorized representations have been proposed for that purpose, they are still limited in the variability they can capture and may present modeling artifacts when applied to tasks such as expression transfer. In this work, we explore a new direction with Generative Adversarial Networks and show that they contribute to better face modeling performances, especially in decoupling natural factors, while also achieving more diverse samples. To train the model we introduce a novel architecture that combines a 3D generator with a 2D discriminator that leverages conventional CNNs, where the two components are bridged by a geometry mapping layer. We further present a training scheme, based on auxiliary classifiers, to explicitly disentangle identity and expression attributes. Through quantitative and qualitative results on standard face datasets, we illustrate the benefits of our model and demonstrate that it outperforms competing state of the art methods in terms of decoupling and diversity.Comment: camera-ready version for ICCV'1