11 research outputs found

    A Metric for Linear Temporal Logic

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    We propose a measure and a metric on the sets of infinite traces generated by a set of atomic propositions. To compute these quantities, we first map properties to subsets of the real numbers and then take the Lebesgue measure of the resulting sets. We analyze how this measure is computed for Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulas. An implementation for computing the measure of bounded LTL properties is provided and explained. This implementation leverages SAT model counting and effects independence checks on subexpressions to compute the measure and metric compositionally


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    Deteksi kesamaan dokumen untuk sistem plagiarisme termasuk dalam riset Natural Language Processing dalam bidang kecerdasan buatan. Plagiarisme banyak terjadi pada dokumen di lingkungan akademisi, begitupun yang terjadi pada PSMTS ULM. Deteksi plagiarisme diperlukan agar menjaga orisinalitas dari hasil tesis mahasiswa. Ada beberapa algoritma yang digunakan peneliti sebelumnya untuk mendeteksi plagiarisme. Namun, algoritma yang diperlukan adalah algoritma yang cepat karena yang sedang terjadi pada tesis mahasiswa relatif memiliki string yang banyak dan data tesis yang akan terus bertambah setiap saatnya mengakibatkan memperlambat kinerja algoritma. algoritma Levenshtein Distance mengungguli algoritma adaptif. Proses preprocessing yang terdiri dari metode case folding, tokenizing, stopword removal, dan stemming yang dapat melakukan estimasi proses sistem menjadi lebih cepat. Algoritma Levenshtein Distence dapat mendeteksi plagiasi dengan baik dan rata-rata lama proses sistem tanpa dilakukan preprocessing adalah 6,283 ms dan dengan preprocessing adalah 4,920 ms

    Quantitative and Approximate Monitoring

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    In runtime verification, a monitor watches a trace of a system and, if possible, decides after observing each finite prefix whether or not the unknown infinite trace satisfies a given specification. We generalize the theory of runtime verification to monitors that attempt to estimate numerical values of quantitative trace properties (instead of attempting to conclude boolean values of trace specifications), such as maximal or average response time along a trace. Quantitative monitors are approximate: with every finite prefix, they can improve their estimate of the infinite trace's unknown property value. Consequently, quantitative monitors can be compared with regard to a precision-cost trade-off: better approximations of the property value require more monitor resources, such as states (in the case of finite-state monitors) or registers, and additional resources yield better approximations. We introduce a formal framework for quantitative and approximate monitoring, show how it conservatively generalizes the classical boolean setting for monitoring, and give several precision-cost trade-offs for monitors. For example, we prove that there are quantitative properties for which every additional register improves monitoring precision.Comment: To appear in LICS 2021; corrected a referenc

    Introduction to Runtime Verification

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    International audienceThe aim of this chapter is to act as a primer for those wanting to learn about Runtime Verification (RV). We start by providing an overview of the main specification languages used for RV. We then introduce the standard terminology necessary to describe the monitoring problem, covering the pragmatic issues of monitoring and instrumentation, and discussing extensively the monitorability problem

    Statically-analyzed stream monitoring for cyber-physical Systems

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    Cyber-physical systems are digital systems interacting with the physical world. Even though this induces an inherent complexity, they are responsible for safety-critical tasks like governing nuclear power plants or controlling autonomous vehicles. To preserve trust into the safety of such systems, this thesis presents a runtime verification approach designed to generate trustworthy monitors from a formal specification. These monitors are responsible for observing the cyber-physical system during runtime and ensuring its safety. As underlying language, I present the asynchronous real-time specification language RTLola. It contains primitives for arithmetic properties and grants precise control over the timing of the monitor. With this, it enables specifiers to express properties relevant to cyber-physical systems. The thesis further presents a static analysis that identifies inconsistencies in the specification and provides insights into the dynamic behavior of the monitor. As a result, the resource consumption of the monitor becomes predictable. The generation of the monitor produces either a hardware description synthesizable onto programmable hardware, or Rust code with verification annotation. These annotations allow for proving the correctness of the monitor with respect to the semantics of RTLola. Last, I present the construction of a conservative hybrid model of the underlying system using information extracted from the specification. This model enables further verification steps.Cyber-physische Systeme sind digitale Systeme, die mit der physischen Welt interagieren. Obwohl das zu einer inhärenten Komplexität führt, sind sie verantwortlich für sicherheitskritische Aufgaben wie der Steuerung von Kernkraftwerken oder autonomen Fahrzeugen. Umdas Vertrauen in deren Sicherheit zu wahren, präsentiert diese Doktorarbeit einen Ansatz zur Laufzeitverifikation, konzipiert, um vertrauenswürdige Monitore aus einer formalen Spezifikation zu generieren. Diese Monitore sind dafür verantwortlich, das cyber-physische System zur Laufzeit zu überwachen und dessen Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Als zugrundeliegende Sprache präsentiere ich die asynchrone Echtzeit-Spezifikationssprache RTLola. Sie enthält Primitiven für arithmetische Eigenschaften und gewährt präzise Kontrolle über das Timing des Monitors. Damit wird es Spezifizierenden ermöglicht Eigenschaften auszudrücken, die für Cyber-physische Systeme relevant sind. Weiterhin präsentiert diese Doktorarbeit eine statische Analyse, die Unstimmigkeiten in der Spezifikation identifiziert und Einblicke in das dynamische Verhalten des Monitors liefert. Aufgrund dessen wird der Ressourcenverbrauch des Monitors vorhersehbar. Die Generierung des Monitors erzeugt entweder eine Hardwarebeschreibung, die auf programmierbarer Hardware synthetisiert werden kann, oder Rust Code mit Verifikationsannotationen. Diese Annotationen erlauben es, die Korrektheit des Monitors bezogen auf die Semantik von RTLola zu beweisen. Abschließend präsentiere ich die Konstruktion von einem konservativen hybriden Modell des zugrundeliegenden Systems anhand von Informationen, die aus der Spezifikation gewonnen wurden. Dieses Modell ermöglicht weitere Verifikationsschritte