4,417 research outputs found

    Artificial neural network analysis of teachersïżœïżœïżœ performance against thermal comfort

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Emerald in International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation on 17/04/2020, available online at: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJBPA-11-2019-0098 The accepted manuscript may differ from the final published version.Purpose: The impact of thermal comfort in educational buildings continues to be of major importance in both the design and construction phases. Given this, it is also equally important to understand and appreciate the impact of design decisions on post-occupancy performance, particularly on staff and students. This study aims to present the effect of IEQ on teachersïżœïżœïżœ performance. This study would provide thermal environment requirements to BIM-led school refurbishment projects. Design: This paper presents a detailed investigation into the direct impact of thermal parameters (temperature, relative humidity and ventilation rates) on teacher performance. In doing so, the research methodological approach combines explicit mixed-methods using questionnaire surveys and physical measurements of thermal parameters to identify correlation and inference. It was conducted through a single case study using a technical college based in Saudi Arabia. Findings: Findings from this work were used to develop a model using an Artificial Neural Network to establish causal relationships. Research findings indicate an optimal temperature range between 23ïżœïżœC and 25ïżœïżœC, with a 65% relative humidity and 0.4m/s ventilation rate. This ratio delivered optimum results for both comfort and performance

    Sense, Model and Identify the Load Signatures of HVAC Systems in Metro Stations

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    The HVAC systems in subway stations are energy consuming giants, each of which may consume over 10, 000 Kilowatts per day for cooling and ventilation. To save energy for the HVAC systems, it is critically important to firstly know the "load signatures" of the HVAC system, i.e., the quantity of heat imported from the outdoor environments and by the passengers respectively in different periods of a day, which will significantly benefit the design of control policies. In this paper, we present a novel sensing and learning approach to identify the load signature of the HVAC system in the subway stations. In particular, sensors and smart meters were deployed to monitor the indoor, outdoor temperatures, and the energy consumptions of the HVAC system in real-time. The number of passengers was counted by the ticket checking system. At the same time, the cooling supply provided by the HVAC system was inferred via the energy consumption logs of the HVAC system. Since the indoor temperature variations are driven by the difference of the loads and the cooling supply, linear regression model was proposed for the load signature, whose coefficients are derived via a proposed algorithm . We collected real sensing data and energy log data from HaiDianHuangZhuang Subway station, which is in line 4 of Beijing from the duration of July 2012 to Sept. 2012. The data was used to evaluate the coefficients of the regression model. The experiment results show typical variation signatures of the loads from the passengers and from the outdoor environments respectively, which provide important contexts for smart control policies.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    ENVIE Co-ordination action on indoor air quality and health effects; WP3 Final report – Characterisation of spaces and source

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    Human exposure to environmental pollutants occurs via various pathways. For many pollutants, especially the volatile ones, air exposure is the dominant pathway. Exposure via air occurs both outdoors and indoors, with diverse types of indoor spaces playing a role, e.g., home, workplace, and passenger cabins of means of transportation. In average people spend over 90% of their time indoors, that percentage being particularly high for some specific groups as new-born, elderly, disabled or sick people. The global exposure to air contaminants is therefore drastically determined by indoor conditions. It is now well established that indoor air pollution contributes significantly to the global burden of disease of the population. For a majority of indoor air contaminants, particularly in the presence of common indoor sources, however, indoor concentrations usually exceed outdoor concentrations, for some pollutants even with an indoor/outdoor ratio of 10 or 20. Emissions are identified, accordingly to the EnVIE approach and grouped into four categories: building materials and related sources, including dampness and moulds; ventilation, natural and mechanical, including, or not, heating, cooling and humidification/ dehumidification; consumer products, furnishing, cleaning and household products; and occupant activities. Emission of chemical substances from construction materials and products in buildings to the indoor air have been reported and reviewed for a wide range of substances, including those formed during secondary reactions, causing complaints of irritation and odour. During the last two decades there has been increasing advances in construction technology that have caused a much greater use of synthetic building materials. Whilst these improvements have led to more comfortable buildings, they also provide indoor environments with contaminants in higher concentrations than are found outside. Wood and cork are now frequently used as a building product for floor coverings, because the material is often regarded as “natural” and “healthy”. However, industrial products, even based on natural raw materials, may contain a number of artificial ingredients and the chemical emissions will strongly depend on the type of additives and the manufacturing process. Modern interior paints are usually based on a polymeric binder. In order to fulfil requirements on e.g., durability, paint contains various functional chemicals. Water-borne paints usually also contains small amounts of approved biocides. Polymeric binders with a very low content of residual monomers have been developed for paint. Besides the release of substances to the indoor air due to primary emission, damp building materials may give rise to volatile substances formed during secondary reactions. Semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) are now receiving much more attention than heretofore. The HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) systems as providers, among others, of services of cleaning and dilution of pollutants in the indoor air are also recognized as potential pollution sources. Several studies have shown that the prevalence of SBS symptoms is often higher in air conditioned buildings than in buildings with natural ventilation. 8 The outdoor air introduced indoors through either ventilation systems or natural means is also an important and not always controllable source for the intake of some outdoor pollutants. Outdoor air used for ventilation may also be source of pollution containing particulate matter, particulates of biological origin (microorganisms, pollen, etc.) and various gases like NOx and O building structures which is a driving force for the airflows which will transport to indoors water vapour and gaseous or particulate contaminants. Volatile organic compounds are emitted from a wide variety of household and consumer products with emission rates that are strongly dependent on the type of application and are distributed over several orders of magnitude. A number of product classes are identified and information on ingredients and available data on emissions from individual products are presented. Human activities and the associated use of products encompass a wide range of indoor sources involving release of inorganic gases, particles and organic compounds as a consequence of the activity. For some releases such as with air fresheners the release is a necessary part of the activity to achieve the intended effect whereas for others, such as the release of combustion fumes from a gas appliance, the purpose of the action (in this case generation of heat) is different from the emission. Combustion processes are an important source of a range of air pollutants as carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, particulates and associated inorganic and organic chemicals, organic vapours e.g. formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and benzene. Sources of these are present in both ambient and indoor environments. The concentrations present in the ambient air provide a baseline for the level of pollutant found indoors as this air enters indoors by processes of infiltration and ventilation. However, the concentration indoors will be modified by processes of sorption to surfaces and chemical reaction depending on the chemical and physical properties of the pollutant and internal surfaces. People themselves are a source of emissions of chemicals and gases, notably CO range of organic compounds that are referred to as body odours. The removal of such body odours is a prime objective of ventilation in order to achieve a satisfactory indoor environment. WP3 aims at to characterize spaces and sources in order to understand where and how to act to guarantee good IAQ. From the two strategies for good IAQ, source control and ventilation, the precautionary principle suggests that first priority shall be given to source control, avoiding, mitigating or simply managing sources of emissions. An overview of all policies on IAQ or related to IAQ, existing or in preparation, directly related to indoor air sources, but also covering outdoor air and industrial emissions, which could affect indirectly IAQ is made. Considering the presented it could be concluded that IAQ is yet poorly regulated at EU level, and in view of that some recommendations are made. The recommendations on policies have taken into account the existing related to IAQ policies such as new EU policies on chemicals (REACH; 2006/121/EC), consumer products (GPSD; 2001/95/EC), construction products (CPD; 89/106/EC) and energy performance of buildings (EPBD; 2002/91/EC) all refer to IAQ issues - suggesting that they could, and probably should, contribute to IAQ policy development and advocate an integrative and comprehensive policy approach centred

    A Transfer Operator Methodology for Optimal Sensor Placement Accounting for Uncertainty

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    Sensors in buildings are used for a wide variety of applications such as monitoring air quality, contaminants, indoor temperature, and relative humidity. These are used for accessing and ensuring indoor air quality, and also for ensuring safety in the event of chemical and biological attacks. It follows that optimal placement of sensors become important to accurately monitor contaminant levels in the indoor environment. However, contaminant transport inside the indoor environment is governed by the indoor flow conditions which are affected by various uncertainties associated with the building systems including occupancy and boundary fluxes. Therefore, it is important to account for all associated uncertainties while designing the sensor layout. The transfer operator based framework provides an effective way to identify optimal placement of sensors. Previous work has been limited to sensor placements under deterministic scenarios. In this work we extend the transfer operator based approach for optimal sensor placement while accounting for building systems uncertainties. The methodology provides a probabilistic metric to gauge coverage under uncertain conditions. We illustrate the capabilities of the framework with examples exhibiting boundary flux uncertainty

    Evaluation of CFD codes by comparison of numerical predictions of an air-conditioned room case study

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    Nowadays, the advances in computer hardware and software allowed the development of a new generation of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes which are much more user-friendly in terms of mathematical modelling, numerical techniques and presentation of results. The aim of this study is to present the evaluation and comparison between the numerical results obtained with two commercial codes, an academic one and experimental data for a of a typical ventilation case study. Therefore, the scope includes the validation of the numerical results and discussion of the potentialities, complexity and user interface of each code.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Model Predictive Control for Signal Temporal Logic Specification

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    We present a mathematical programming-based method for model predictive control of cyber-physical systems subject to signal temporal logic (STL) specifications. We describe the use of STL to specify a wide range of properties of these systems, including safety, response and bounded liveness. For synthesis, we encode STL specifications as mixed integer-linear constraints on the system variables in the optimization problem at each step of a receding horizon control framework. We prove correctness of our algorithms, and present experimental results for controller synthesis for building energy and climate control
