16 research outputs found

    Treewidth with a Quantifier Alternation Revisited

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    In this paper we take a closer look at the parameterized complexity of existsforall SAT, the prototypical complete problem of the class Sigma_2^p, the second level of the polynomial hierarchy. We provide a number of tight fine-grained bounds on the complexity of this problem and its variants with respect to the most important structural graph parameters. Specifically, we show the following lower bounds (assuming the ETH): - It is impossible to decide existsforall SAT in time less than double-exponential in the input formula\u27s treewidth. More strongly, we establish the same bound with respect to the formula\u27s primal vertex cover, a much more restrictive measure. This lower bound, which matches the performance of known algorithms, shows that the degeneration of the performance of treewidth-based algorithms to a tower of exponentials already begins in problems with one quantifier alternation. - For the more general existsforall CSP problem over a non-boolean domain of size B, there is no algorithm running in time 2^{B^{o(vc)}}, where vc is the input\u27s primal vertex cover. - existsforall SAT is already NP-hard even when the input formula has constant modular treewidth (or clique-width), indicating that dense graph parameters are less useful for problems in Sigma_2^p. - For the two weighted versions of existsforall SAT recently introduced by de Haan and Szeider, called exists_kforall SAT and existsforall_k SAT, we give tight upper and lower bounds parameterized by treewidth (or primal vertex cover) and the weight k. Interestingly, the complexity of these two problems turns out to be quite different: one is double-exponential in treewidth, while the other is double-exponential in k. We complement the above negative results by showing a double-exponential FPT algorithm for QBF parameterized by vertex cover, showing that for this parameter the complexity never goes beyond double-exponential, for any number of quantifier alternations

    Graph Homomorphism, Monotone Classes and Bounded Pathwidth

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    A recent paper describes a framework for studying the computational complexity of graph problems on monotone classes, that is those omitting a set of graphs as a subgraph. If the problems lie in the framework, and many do, then the computational complexity can be described for all monotone classes defined by a finite set of omitted subgraphs. It is known that certain homomorphism problems, e.g. C5C_5-Colouring, do not sit in the framework. By contrast, we show that the more general problem of Graph Homomorphism does sit in the framework. The original framework had examples where hard versus easy were NP-complete versus P, or at least quadratic versus almost linear. We give the first example of a problem in the framework such that hardness is in the polynomial hierarchy above NP. Considering a variant of the colouring game as studied by Bodlaender, we show that with the restriction of bounded alternation, the list version of this problem is contained in the framework. The hard cases are Π2kP\Pi_{2k}^\mathrm{P}-complete and the easy cases are in P. The cases in P comprise those classes for which the pathwidth is bounded. Bodlaender explains that Sequential 33-Colouring Construction Game is in P on classes with bounded vertex separation number, which coincides with bounded pathwidth on unordered graphs. However, these graphs are ordered with a playing order for the two players, which corresponds to a prefix pattern in a quantified formula. We prove that Sequential 33-Colouring Construction Game is Pspace-complete on some class of bounded pathwidth, using a celebrated result of Atserias and Oliva. We consider several locally constrained variants of the homomorphism problem. Like C5C_5-Colouring, none of these is in the framework. However, when we consider the bounded-degree restrictions, we prove that each of these problems is in our framework

    Does Treewidth Help in Modal Satisfiability?

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    Many tractable algorithms for solving the Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) have been developed using the notion of the treewidth of some graph derived from the input CSP instance. In particular, the incidence graph of the CSP instance is one such graph. We introduce the notion of an incidence graph for modal logic formulae in a certain normal form. We investigate the parameterized complexity of modal satisfiability with the modal depth of the formula and the treewidth of the incidence graph as parameters. For various combinations of Euclidean, reflexive, symmetric and transitive models, we show either that modal satisfiability is FPT, or that it is W[1]-hard. In particular, modal satisfiability in general models is FPT, while it is W[1]-hard in transitive models. As might be expected, modal satisfiability in transitive and Euclidean models is FPT.Comment: Full version of the paper appearing in MFCS 2010. Change from v1: improved section 5 to avoid exponential blow-up in formula siz

    Generalizing Consistency and other Constraint Properties to Quantified Constraints

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    Quantified constraints and Quantified Boolean Formulae are typically much more difficult to reason with than classical constraints, because quantifier alternation makes the usual notion of solution inappropriate. As a consequence, basic properties of Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP), such as consistency or substitutability, are not completely understood in the quantified case. These properties are important because they are the basis of most of the reasoning methods used to solve classical (existentially quantified) constraints, and one would like to benefit from similar reasoning methods in the resolution of quantified constraints. In this paper, we show that most of the properties that are used by solvers for CSP can be generalized to quantified CSP. This requires a re-thinking of a number of basic concepts; in particular, we propose a notion of outcome that generalizes the classical notion of solution and on which all definitions are based. We propose a systematic study of the relations which hold between these properties, as well as complexity results regarding the decision of these properties. Finally, and since these problems are typically intractable, we generalize the approach used in CSP and propose weaker, easier to check notions based on locality, which allow to detect these properties incompletely but in polynomial time

    Backdoors to Acyclic SAT

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    Backdoor sets, a notion introduced by Williams et al. in 2003, are certain sets of key variables of a CNF formula F that make it easy to solve the formula; by assigning truth values to the variables in a backdoor set, the formula gets reduced to one or several polynomial-time solvable formulas. More specifically, a weak backdoor set of F is a set X of variables such that there exits a truth assignment t to X that reduces F to a satisfiable formula F[t] that belongs to a polynomial-time decidable base class C. A strong backdoor set is a set X of variables such that for all assignments t to X, the reduced formula F[t] belongs to C. We study the problem of finding backdoor sets of size at most k with respect to the base class of CNF formulas with acyclic incidence graphs, taking k as the parameter. We show that 1. the detection of weak backdoor sets is W[2]-hard in general but fixed-parameter tractable for r-CNF formulas, for any fixed r>=3, and 2. the detection of strong backdoor sets is fixed-parameter approximable. Result 1 is the the first positive one for a base class that does not have a characterization with obstructions of bounded size. Result 2 is the first positive one for a base class for which strong backdoor sets are more powerful than deletion backdoor sets. Not only SAT, but also #SAT can be solved in polynomial time for CNF formulas with acyclic incidence graphs. Hence Result 2 establishes a new structural parameter that makes #SAT fixed-parameter tractable and that is incomparable with known parameters such as treewidth and clique-width. We obtain the algorithms by a combination of an algorithmic version of the Erd\"os-P\'osa Theorem, Courcelle's model checking for monadic second order logic, and new combinatorial results on how disjoint cycles can interact with the backdoor set

    Decomposing quantified conjunctive (or disjunctive) formulas

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    Model checking---deciding if a logical sentence holds on a structure---is a basic computational task that is well known to be intractable in general. For first-order logic on finite structures, it is PSPACE-complete, and the natural evaluation algorithm exhibits exponential dependence on the formula. We study model checking on the quantified conjunctive fragment of first-order logic, namely, prenex sentences having a purely conjunctive quantifier-free part. Following a number of works, we associate a graph to the quantifier-free part; each sentence then induces a prefixed graph, a quantifier prefix paired with a graph on its variables. We give a comprehensive classification of the sets of prefixed graphs on which model checking is tractable based on a novel generalization of treewidth that generalizes and places into a unified framework a number of existing results


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    Lower Bounds for QBFs of Bounded Treewidth

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    The problem of deciding the validity (QSAT) of quantified Boolean formulas (QBF) is a vivid research area in both theory and practice. In the field of parameterized algorithmics, the well-studied graph measure treewidth turned out to be a successful parameter. A well-known result by Chen in parameterized complexity is that QSAT when parameterized by the treewidth of the primal graph of the input formula together with the quantifier depth of the formula is fixed-parameter tractable. More precisely, the runtime of such an algorithm is polynomial in the formula size and exponential in the treewidth, where the exponential function in the treewidth is a tower, whose height is the quantifier depth. A natural question is whether one can significantly improve these results and decrease the tower while assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH). In the last years, there has been a growing interest in the quest of establishing lower bounds under ETH, showing mostly problem-specific lower bounds up to the third level of the polynomial hierarchy. Still, an important question is to settle this as general as possible and to cover the whole polynomial hierarchy. In this work, we show lower bounds based on the ETH for arbitrary QBFs parameterized by treewidth (and quantifier depth). More formally, we establish lower bounds for QSAT and treewidth, namely, that under ETH there cannot be an algorithm that solves QSAT of quantifier depth i in runtime significantly better than i-fold exponential in the treewidth and polynomial in the input size. In doing so, we provide a versatile reduction technique to compress treewidth that encodes the essence of dynamic programming on arbitrary tree decompositions. Further, we describe a general methodology for a more fine-grained analysis of problems parameterized by treewidth that are at higher levels of the polynomial hierarchy