13,642 research outputs found

    Grasping bulky objects with two anthropomorphic hands

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThis paper presents an algorithm to compute precision grasps for bulky objects using two anthropomorphic hands. We use objects modeled as point clouds obtained from a sensor camera or from a CAD model. We then process the point clouds dividing them into two set of slices where we look for sets of triplets of points. Each triplet must accomplish some physical conditions based on the structure of the hands. Then, the triplets of points from each set of slices are evaluated to find a combination that satisfies the force closure condition (FC). Once one valid couple of triplets have been found the inverse kinematics of the system is computed in order to know if the corresponding points are reachable by the hands, if so, motion planning and a collision check are performed to asses if the final grasp configuration of the system is suitable. The paper inclu des some application examples of the proposed approachAccepted versio

    Deep Depth Completion of a Single RGB-D Image

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    The goal of our work is to complete the depth channel of an RGB-D image. Commodity-grade depth cameras often fail to sense depth for shiny, bright, transparent, and distant surfaces. To address this problem, we train a deep network that takes an RGB image as input and predicts dense surface normals and occlusion boundaries. Those predictions are then combined with raw depth observations provided by the RGB-D camera to solve for depths for all pixels, including those missing in the original observation. This method was chosen over others (e.g., inpainting depths directly) as the result of extensive experiments with a new depth completion benchmark dataset, where holes are filled in training data through the rendering of surface reconstructions created from multiview RGB-D scans. Experiments with different network inputs, depth representations, loss functions, optimization methods, inpainting methods, and deep depth estimation networks show that our proposed approach provides better depth completions than these alternatives.Comment: Accepted by CVPR2018 (Spotlight). Project webpage: http://deepcompletion.cs.princeton.edu/ This version includes supplementary materials which provide more implementation details, quantitative evaluation, and qualitative results. Due to file size limit, please check project website for high-res pape

    GeoUDF: Surface Reconstruction from 3D Point Clouds via Geometry-guided Distance Representation

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    We present a learning-based method, namely GeoUDF,to tackle the long-standing and challenging problem of reconstructing a discrete surface from a sparse point cloud.To be specific, we propose a geometry-guided learning method for UDF and its gradient estimation that explicitly formulates the unsigned distance of a query point as the learnable affine averaging of its distances to the tangent planes of neighboring points on the surface. Besides,we model the local geometric structure of the input point clouds by explicitly learning a quadratic polynomial for each point. This not only facilitates upsampling the input sparse point cloud but also naturally induces unoriented normal, which further augments UDF estimation. Finally, to extract triangle meshes from the predicted UDF we propose a customized edge-based marching cube module. We conduct extensive experiments and ablation studies to demonstrate the significant advantages of our method over state-of-the-art methods in terms of reconstruction accuracy, efficiency, and generality. The source code is publicly available at https://github.com/rsy6318/GeoUDF

    Optimization in Differentiable Manifolds in Order to Determine the Method of Construction of Prehistoric Wall-Paintings

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    In this paper a general methodology is introduced for the determination of potential prototype curves used for the drawing of prehistoric wall-paintings. The approach includes a) preprocessing of the wall-paintings contours to properly partition them, according to their curvature, b) choice of prototype curves families, c) analysis and optimization in 4-manifold for a first estimation of the form of these prototypes, d) clustering of the contour parts and the prototypes, to determine a minimal number of potential guides, e) further optimization in 4-manifold, applied to each cluster separately, in order to determine the exact functional form of the potential guides, together with the corresponding drawn contour parts. The introduced methodology simultaneously deals with two problems: a) the arbitrariness in data-points orientation and b) the determination of one proper form for a prototype curve that optimally fits the corresponding contour data. Arbitrariness in orientation has been dealt with a novel curvature based error, while the proper forms of curve prototypes have been exhaustively determined by embedding curvature deformations of the prototypes into 4-manifolds. Application of this methodology to celebrated wall-paintings excavated at Tyrins, Greece and the Greek island of Thera, manifests it is highly probable that these wall-paintings had been drawn by means of geometric guides that correspond to linear spirals and hyperbolae. These geometric forms fit the drawings' lines with an exceptionally low average error, less than 0.39mm. Hence, the approach suggests the existence of accurate realizations of complicated geometric entities, more than 1000 years before their axiomatic formulation in Classical Ages

    Multi-set canonical correlation analysis for 3D abnormal gait behaviour recognition based on virtual sample generation

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    Small sample dataset and two-dimensional (2D) approach are challenges to vision-based abnormal gait behaviour recognition (AGBR). The lack of three-dimensional (3D) structure of the human body causes 2D based methods to be limited in abnormal gait virtual sample generation (VSG). In this paper, 3D AGBR based on VSG and multi-set canonical correlation analysis (3D-AGRBMCCA) is proposed. First, the unstructured point cloud data of gait are obtained by using a structured light sensor. A 3D parametric body model is then deformed to fit the point cloud data, both in shape and posture. The features of point cloud data are then converted to a high-level structured representation of the body. The parametric body model is used for VSG based on the estimated body pose and shape data. Symmetry virtual samples, pose-perturbation virtual samples and various body-shape virtual samples with multi-views are generated to extend the training samples. The spatial-temporal features of the abnormal gait behaviour from different views, body pose and shape parameters are then extracted by convolutional neural network based Long Short-Term Memory model network. These are projected onto a uniform pattern space using deep learning based multi-set canonical correlation analysis. Experiments on four publicly available datasets show the proposed system performs well under various conditions