1,690 research outputs found

    Scalable bloom-filter based content dissemination in community networks using information centric principles

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    Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is a new communication paradigm that shifts the focus from content location to content objects themselves. Users request the content by its name or some other form of identifier. Then, the network is responsible for locating the requested content and sending it to the users. Despite a large number of works on ICN in recent years, the problem of scalability of ICN systems has not been studied and addressed adequately. This is especially true when considering real-world deployments and the so-called alternative networks such as community networks. In this work, we explore the applicability of ICN principles in the challenging and unpredictable environments of community networks. In particular, we focus on stateless content dissemination based on Bloom filters (BFs). We highlight the scalability limitations of the classical single-stage BF based approach and argue that by enabling multiple BF stages would lead to performance enhancements. That is, a multi-stage BF based content dissemination mechanism could support large network topologies with heterogeneous traffic and diverse channel conditions. In addition to scalability improvements, this approach also is more secure with regard to Denial of Service attacks

    Directed Security Policies: A Stateful Network Implementation

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    Large systems are commonly internetworked. A security policy describes the communication relationship between the networked entities. The security policy defines rules, for example that A can connect to B, which results in a directed graph. However, this policy is often implemented in the network, for example by firewalls, such that A can establish a connection to B and all packets belonging to established connections are allowed. This stateful implementation is usually required for the network's functionality, but it introduces the backflow from B to A, which might contradict the security policy. We derive compliance criteria for a policy and its stateful implementation. In particular, we provide a criterion to verify the lack of side effects in linear time. Algorithms to automatically construct a stateful implementation of security policy rules are presented, which narrows the gap between formalization and real-world implementation. The solution scales to large networks, which is confirmed by a large real-world case study. Its correctness is guaranteed by the Isabelle/HOL theorem prover.Comment: In Proceedings ESSS 2014, arXiv:1405.055

    Patterns-based Evaluation of Open Source BPM Systems: The Cases of jBPM, OpenWFE, and Enhydra Shark

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    In keeping with the proliferation of free software development initiatives and the increased interest in the business process management domain, many open source workflow and business process management systems have appeared during the last few years and are now under active development. This upsurge gives rise to two important questions: what are the capabilities of these systems? and how do they compare to each other and to their closed source counterparts? i.e. in other words what is the state-of-the-art in the area?. To gain an insight into the area, we have conducted an in-depth analysis of three of the major open source workflow management systems - jBPM, OpenWFE and Enhydra Shark, the results of which are reported here. This analysis is based on the workflow patterns framework and provides a continuation of the series of evaluations performed using the same framework on closed source systems, business process modeling languages and web-service composition standards. The results from evaluations of the three open source systems are compared with each other and also with the results from evaluations of three representative closed source systems - Staffware, WebSphere MQ and Oracle BPEL PM, documented in earlier works. The overall conclusion is that open source systems are targeted more toward developers rather than business analysts. They generally provide less support for the patterns than closed source systems, particularly with respect to the resource perspective which describes the various ways in which work is distributed amongst business users and managed through to completion

    A Model of Layered Architectures

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    Architectural styles and patterns play an important role in software engineering. One of the most known ones is the layered architecture style. However, this style is usually only stated informally, which may cause problems such as ambiguity, wrong conclusions, and difficulty when checking the conformance of a system to the style. We address these problems by providing a formal, denotational semantics of the layered architecture style. Mainly, we present a sufficiently abstract and rigorous description of layered architectures. Loosely speaking, a layered architecture consists of a hierarchy of layers, in which services communicate via ports. A layer is modeled as a relation between used and provided services, and layer composition is defined by means of relational composition. Furthermore, we provide a formal definition for the notions of syntactic and semantic dependency between the layers. We show that these dependencies are not comparable in general. Moreover, we identify sufficient conditions under which, in an intuitive sense which we make precise in our treatment, the semantic dependency implies, is implied by, or even coincides with the reflexive-transitive closure of the syntactic dependency. Our results provide a technology-independent characterization of the layered architecture style, which may be used by software architects to ensure that a system is indeed built according to that style.Comment: In Proceedings FESCA 2015, arXiv:1503.0437

    A Practical Approach to Protect IoT Devices against Attacks and Compile Security Incident Datasets

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    open access articleThe Internet of Things (IoT) introduced the opportunity of remotely manipulating home appliances (such as heating systems, ovens, blinds, etc.) using computers and mobile devices. This idea fascinated people and originated a boom of IoT devices together with an increasing demand that was difficult to support. Many manufacturers quickly created hundreds of devices implementing functionalities but neglected some critical issues pertaining to device security. This oversight gave rise to the current situation where thousands of devices remain unpatched having many security issues that manufacturers cannot address after the devices have been produced and deployed. This article presents our novel research protecting IOT devices using Berkeley Packet Filters (BPFs) and evaluates our findings with the aid of our Filter.tlk tool, which is able to facilitate the development of BPF expressions that can be executed by GNU/Linux systems with a low impact on network packet throughput

    Software Defined Networking Reactive Stateful Firewall

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    Part 3: Cyber InfrastructureInternational audienceNetwork security is a crucial issue of Software Defined Networking (SDN). It is probably, one of the key features for the success and the future pervasion of the SDN technology. In this perspective, we propose a SDN reactive stateful firewall. Our solution is integrated into the SDN architecture. The application filters TCP communications according to the network security policies. It records and processes the different states of connections and interprets their possible transitions into OpenFlow (OF) rules. The proposition uses a reactive behavior in order to reduce the number of OpenFlow rules in the data plane devices and to mitigate some Denial of Service (DoS) attacks like SYN Flooding. The firewall processes the Finite State Machine of network protocols so as to withdraw useless traffic not corresponding to their transitions' conditions. In terms of cost efficiency, our proposal empowers the behavior of Openflow compatible devices to make them behaving like stateful firewalls. Therefore, organizations do not need to spend money and resources on buying and maintaining conventional firewalls. Furthermore, we propose an orchestrator in order to spread and to reinforce security policies in the whole network with a fine grained strategy. It is thereupon able to secure the network by filtering the traffic related to an application , a node, a subnetwork connected to a data plane device, a sub SDN network connected to a controller, traffic between different links, etc. The deployment of rules of the firewall becomes flexible according to a holistic network view provided by the management plane. In addition, the solution enlarges the security perimeter inside the network by securing accesses between its internal nodes

    Quality-Managed Group-Aware Stream Filtering

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    We consider a distributed system that disseminates high-volume event streams to many simultaneous monitoring applications over a low-bandwidth network. For bandwidth efficiency, we propose a group-aware stream filtering approach, used together with multicasting, that exploits two overlooked, yet important, properties of monitoring applications: 1) many of them can tolerate some degree of “slack” in their data quality requirements, and 2) there may exist multiple subsets of the source data satisfying the quality needs of an application. We can thus choose the “best alternative” subset for each application to maximize the data overlap within the group to best benefit from multicasting. Here we provide a general framework for the group-aware stream filtering problem, which we prove is NP-hard. We introduce a suite of heuristics-based algorithms that ensure data quality (specifically, granularity and timeliness) while preserving bandwidth. Our evaluation shows that group-aware stream filtering is effective in trading CPU time for bandwidth savings, compared with self-interested filtering

    Firewall strategies using network processors

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    The emergence of network processors provides a broad range of new applications, particularly in the field of network security. Firewalls have become one of the basic building blocks of implementing a network\u27s security policy; however, the security of a firewall can potentially lead to a bottleneck in the network. Therefore, improving the performance of the firewall means also improving the performance of the protected network. With the ability to direcdy monitor and modify packet information at wire speeds, the network processor provides a new avenue for the pursuit of faster, more efficient firewall products. This paper describes the implementation of two simulated network processor based firewalls. The first architecture, a basic packet filtering firewall, utilizes tree-based structures for manipulating IP and transport level firewall rules while also utilizing parallelism available in the network processor during firewall rule look-ups. In the second architecture, a parallel firewall is created using a network processor based, load-balancing switch along with two network processor based firewall machines, both utilizing the basic packet filter operations of the first architecture. When added to existing routing software, these implementations demonstrate the feasibility of creating dynamic packet-filtering routers using network processor technology