32 research outputs found

    On the finite termination of an entropy function based smoothing Newton method for vertical linear complementarity problems

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    By using a smooth entropy function to approximate the non-smooth max-type function, a vertical linear complementarity problem (VLCP) can be treated as a family of parameterized smooth equations. A Newton-type method with a testing procedure is proposed to solve such a system. We show that the proposed algorithm finds an exact solution of VLCP in a finite number of iterations, under some conditions milder than those assumed in literature. Some computational results are included to illustrate the potential of this approach.Newton method;Finite termination;Entropy function;Smoothing approximation;Vertical linear complementarity problems

    The convergence of a one-step smoothing Newton method for P0-NCP based on a new smoothing NCP-function

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    AbstractThe nonlinear complementarity problem (denoted by NCP(F)) can be reformulated as the solution of a nonsmooth system of equations. By introducing a new smoothing NCP-function, the problem is approximated by a family of parameterized smooth equations. A one-step smoothing Newton method is proposed for solving the nonlinear complementarity problem with P0-function (P0-NCP) based on the new smoothing NCP-function. The proposed algorithm solves only one linear system of equations and performs only one line search per iteration. Without requiring strict complementarity assumption at the P0-NCP solution, the proposed algorithm is proved to be convergent globally and superlinearly under suitable assumptions. Furthermore, the algorithm has local quadratic convergence under mild conditions

    On the finite termination of an entropy function based smoothing Newton method for vertical linear complementarity problems

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    By using a smooth entropy function to approximate the non-smooth max-type function, a vertical linear complementarity problem (VLCP) can be treated as a family of parameterized smooth equations. A Newton-type method with a testing procedure is proposed to solve such a system. We show that the proposed algorithm finds an exact solution of VLCP in a finite number of iterations, under some conditions milder than those assumed in literature. Some computational results are included to illustrate the potential of this approach

    A self-adaptive trust region method for the extended linear complementarity problems

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    summary:By using some NCP functions, we reformulate the extended linear complementarity problem as a nonsmooth equation. Then we propose a self-adaptive trust region algorithm for solving this nonsmooth equation. The novelty of this method is that the trust region radius is controlled by the objective function value which can be adjusted automatically according to the algorithm. The global convergence is obtained under mild conditions and the local superlinear convergence rate is also established under strict complementarity conditions

    A smoothing Newton method for the boundary-valued ODEs

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    Reformulation semi-lisse appliquée au problème de complémentarité

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    Ce mémoire fait une revue des notions élémentaires concernant le problème de complé- mentarité. On y fait aussi un survol des principales méthodes connues pour le résoudre. Plus précisément, on s’intéresse à la méthode de Newton semi-lisse. Un article proposant une légère modification à cette méthode est présenté. Cette nouvelle méthode compétitive est démontrée convergente. Un second article traitant de la complexité itérative de la méthode de Harker et Pang est aussi introduit

    Complementarity and related problems

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    In this thesis, we present results related to complementarity problems. We study the linear complementarity problems on extended second order cones. We convert a linear complementarity problem on an extended second order cone into a mixed complementarity problem on the non-negative orthant. We present algorithms for this problem, and exemplify it by a numerical example. Following this result, we explore the stochastic version of this linear complementarity problem. Finally, we apply complementarity problems on extended second order cones in a portfolio optimisation problem. In this application, we exploit our theoretical results to find an analytical solution to a new portfolio optimisation model. We also study the spherical quasi-convexity of quadratic functions on spherically self-dual convex sets. We start this study by exploring the characterisations and conditions for the spherical positive orthant. We present several conditions characterising the spherical quasi-convexity of quadratic functions. Then we generalise the conditions to the spherical quasi-convexity on spherically self-dual convex sets. In particular, we highlight the case of spherical second order cones

    Morceaux Choisis en Optimisation Continue et sur les Systèmes non Lisses

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    MasterThis course starts with the presentation of the optimality conditions of an optimization problem described in a rather abstract manner, so that these can be useful for dealing with a large variety of problems. Next, the course describes and analyzes various advanced algorithms to solve optimization problems (nonsmooth methods, linearization methods, proximal and augmented Lagrangian methods, interior point methods) and shows how they can be used to solve a few classical optimization problems (linear optimization, convex quadratic optimization, semidefinite optimization (SDO), nonlinear optimization). Along the way, various tools from convex and nonsmooth analysis will be presented. Everything is conceptualized in finite dimension. The goal of the lectures is therefore to consolidate basic knowledge in optimization, on both theoretical and algorithmic aspects