6 research outputs found

    Extended Service Registry for Efficient Web Service Search

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    Service registries and web service engines are the main approaches for discovering web services. Current service directories are mainly based on Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI), which is an industry standard for service registries, developed to solve the web service search problem. However, UDDI offers limited search functionalities which may return a huge number of irrelevant services. Often consumers may be unaware of precise keywords to retrieve the required services satisfactorily and may be looking for services capable of providing certain outputs. In this paper, we propose a new system called Extended Service Registry (ESR) for extended and efficient service search using an object relational database. The functional requirements are provided by the user as a set of input parameters provided for and output parameters desired from the web service. The experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of service search in our Extended Service Registry (ESR) and the variety of user queries supported

    Bi-Level Selection Model for Web Services Search

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    Service registries and web service engines are the main approaches for discovering web services. Current service directories are mainly based on Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI), which is an industry standard for service registries, developed to solve the web service search problem. However, UDDI offers limited search functionalities which may return a huge number of irrelevant services. Another critical challenge in web service search and composition is the selection of web services, to be executed or to be composed, from the pool of matching services. Most of the current service selection proposals apply a weighted sum model (WSM) as an evaluation method for selection of services with the same functionality. In this paper, we propose a Bi-level service selection approach that selects the most appropriate web services from the pool of matching services that considers both the functional and non-functional requirements for service selection. The functional requirements are provided by the user as a set of input parameters provided for and output parameters desired from the web service. The user also provides a set of desired QoS values and the order of their preference for selection. The experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of service search in our bi-level model and the variety of user queries supported

    Uma abordagem para busca por web services com requisitos de QoS

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação.O objetivo dos Web Services é resolver problemas de interoperabilidade entre aplicações da Web. Um dos principais problemas recorrente aos Web Services atualmente está no fato de o cliente não conseguir a QoS (quality of service) necessária para receber ou acessar determinado serviço ou aplicação. Esta dissertação apresenta uma especificação para obtenção de QoS entre Web Services. Esta especificação utiliza um broker como módulo intermediário entre cliente, servidor e UDDI, coletando informações de QoS e tomando decisões para que o cliente consiga a qualidade de serviço desejada. Para a definição dos parâmetros de QoS forem criados Esquemas XML. São apresentados o Esquema XML e um estudo de caso para a validação da arquitetura

    QoS-Aware and Federated Enhancement for UDDI

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    Client-side Selection Of Replicated Web Services: An Empirical Assessment

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    Replicating web services over physically distributed servers can offer client applications a number of QoS benefits, including higher availability and reduced response time. However, selecting the "best" service replica to invoke at the client-side is not a trivial task, as this requires taking into account factors such as local and external network conditions, and the servers' current workload. This paper presents an empirical assessment of five representative client-side service selection policies for accessing replicated web services. The assessment measured the response time obtained with each of the five policies, at two different client configurations, when accessing a world-wide replicated service with four replicas located in three continents. The assessment's results were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. In essence, the results show that, in addition to the QoS levels provided by the external network and the remote servers, characteristics of the local client environment can have a significant impact on the performance of some of the policies investigated. In this regard, the paper presents a set of guidelines to help application developers in identifying a server selection policy that best suits a particular service replication scenario. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.81813461363Amini, L., Shaikh, A., Schulzrinne, H., Modeling redirection in geographically diverse server sets (2003) Proceedings of the 12th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2003), pp. 472-481. , ACM Press, Budapest, HungaryApache, 2006. AXIS Version 1.4. 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