82 research outputs found

    Resource management with adaptive capacity in C-RAN

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    This work was supported in part by the Spanish ministry of science through the projectRTI2018-099880-B-C32, with ERFD funds, and the Grant FPI-UPC provided by theUPC. It has been done under COST CA15104 IRACON EU project.Efficient computational resource management in 5G Cloud Radio Access Network (CRAN) environments is a challenging problem because it has to account simultaneously for throughput, latency, power efficiency, and optimization tradeoffs. This work proposes the use of a modified and improved version of the realistic Vienna Scenario that was defined in COST action IC1004, to test two different scale C-RAN deployments. First, a large-scale analysis with 628 Macro-cells (Mcells) and 221 Small-cells (Scells) is used to test different algorithms oriented to optimize the network deployment by minimizing delays, balancing the load among the Base Band Unit (BBU) pools, or clustering the Remote Radio Heads (RRH) efficiently to maximize the multiplexing gain. After planning, real-time resource allocation strategies with Quality of Service (QoS) constraints should be optimized as well. To do so, a realistic small-scale scenario for the metropolitan area is defined by modeling the individual time-variant traffic patterns of 7000 users (UEs) connected to different services. The distribution of resources among UEs and BBUs is optimized by algorithms, based on a realistic calculation of the UEs Signal to Interference and Noise Ratios (SINRs), that account for the required computational capacity per cell, the QoS constraints and the service priorities. However, the assumption of a fixed computational capacity at the BBU pools may result in underutilized or oversubscribed resources, thus affecting the overall QoS. As resources are virtualized at the BBU pools, they could be dynamically instantiated according to the required computational capacity (RCC). For this reason, a new strategy for Dynamic Resource Management with Adaptive Computational capacity (DRM-AC) using machine learning (ML) techniques is proposed. Three ML algorithms have been tested to select the best predicting approach: support vector machine (SVM), time-delay neural network (TDNN), and long short-term memory (LSTM). DRM-AC reduces the average of unused resources by 96 %, but there is still QoS degradation when RCC is higher than the predicted computational capacity (PCC). For this reason, two new strategies are proposed and tested: DRM-AC with pre-filtering (DRM-AC-PF) and DRM-AC with error shifting (DRM-AC-ES), reducing the average of unsatisfied resources by 99.9 % and 98 % compared to the DRM-AC, respectively

    QoS-aware Adaptive Resource Management in OFDMA Networks

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    PhDOne important feature of the future communication network is that users in the network are required to experience a guaranteed high quality of service (QoS) due to the popularity of multimedia applications. This thesis studies QoS-aware radio resource management schemes in different OFDMA network scenarios. Motivated by the fact that in current 4G networks, the QoS provisioning is severely constrained by the availability of radio resources, especially the scarce spectrum as well as the unbalanced traffic distribution from cell to cell, a joint antenna and subcarrier management scheme is proposed to maximise user satisfaction with load balancing. Antenna pattern update mechanism is further investigated with moving users. Combining network densi fication with cloud computing technologies, cloud radio access network (C-RAN) has been proposed as the emerging 5G network architecture consisting of baseband unit (BBU) pool, remote radio heads (RRHs) and fronthaul links. With cloud based information sharing through the BBU pool, a joint resource block and power allocation scheme is proposed to maximise the number of satisfi ed users whose required QoS is achieved. In this scenario, users are served by high power nodes only. With spatial reuse of system bandwidth by network densi fication, users' QoS provisioning can be ensured but it introduces energy and operating effciency issue. Therefore two network energy optimisation schemes with QoS guarantee are further studied for C-RANs: an energy-effective network deployment scheme is designed for C-RAN based small cells; a joint RRH selection and user association scheme is investigated in heterogeneous C-RAN. Thorough theoretical analysis is conducted in the development of all proposed algorithms, and the effectiveness of all proposed algorithms is validated via comprehensive simulations.China Scholarship Counci

    Performance Optimization of Cloud Radio Access Networks

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    The exponential growth of cellular data traffic over the years imposes a hard challenge on the next cellular generations. The cloud radio access network (CRAN) is an emerging cellular architecture that is expected to face that challenge effectively. The main difference between the CRAN architecture and the conventional cellular architecture is that the baseband units (BBUs) are aggregated at a centralized baseband unit pool, hence, enabling statistical multiplexing gains. However, to acquire the several advantages offered by the CRAN architecture, efficient optimization algorithms and transmission techniques should be implemented to enhance the network performance. Hence, in this thesis, we consider jointly optimizing user association, resource allocation and power allocation in a two tier heterogeneous cloud radio access network (H-CRAN). Our objective is to utilize all the network resources in the most efficient way to maximize the network average throughput, while keeping some constraints such as the quality of service (QoS), interference protection to the devices associated with the Macro remote radio head (MRRH), and fronthaul capacity. In our system, we propose using coordinated multi-point (CoMP) transmissions to utilize any excess resources to maximize the network performance, in contrast to the literature, in which CoMP is usually used only to support edge users. We divide our joint problem into three sub-problems: user association, radio resource allocation, and power allocation. We propose matching game based low complexity algorithms to tackle the first two sub-problems. For the power allocation sub-problem, we propose a novel technique to convexify the non-convex original problem to obtain the optimal solution. Given the conducted simulations, our proposed algorithms proved to enhance the network average weighted sum rate significantly, compared to the state of the art algorithms in the literature. The high computational complexity of the optimization techniques currently proposed in the literature prevents from totally reaping the benefits of the CRAN architecture. Learning based techniques are expected to replace the conventional optimization techniques due to their high performance and very low online computational complexity. In this thesis, we propose tackling the power allocation in CRAN via an unsupervised deep learning based approach. Different from the previous works, user association is considered in our optimization problem to reflect a real cellular scenario. Additionally, we propose a novel scheme that can enhance the deep learning based power allocation approaches, significantly. We provide intensive analysis to discuss the trade-offs faced when employing our deep learning based approach for power allocation. Simulation results prove that the proposed technique can obtain a very close to optimal performance with negligible computational complexity
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