15 research outputs found

    On the impossibility of coin-flipping in generalized probabilistic theories via discretizations of semi-infinite programs

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    Coin-flipping is a fundamental cryptographic task where a spatially separated Alice and Bob wish to generate a fair coin-flip over a communication channel. It is known that ideal coin-flipping is impossible in both classical and quantum theory. In this work, we give a short proof that it is also impossible in generalized probabilistic theories under the Generalized No-Restriction Hypothesis. Our proof relies crucially on a formulation of cheating strategies as semi-infinite programs, i.e., cone programs with infinitely many constraints. This introduces a new formalism which may be of independent interest to the quantum community

    How to make unforgeable money in generalised probabilistic theories

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    We discuss the possibility of creating money that is physically impossible to counterfeit. Of course, "physically impossible" is dependent on the theory that is a faithful description of nature. Currently there are several proposals for quantum money which have their security based on the validity of quantum mechanics. In this work, we examine Wiesner's money scheme in the framework of generalised probabilistic theories. This framework is broad enough to allow for essentially any potential theory of nature, provided that it admits an operational description. We prove that under a quantifiable version of the no-cloning theorem, one can create physical money which has an exponentially small chance of being counterfeited. Our proof relies on cone programming, a natural generalisation of semidefinite programming. Moreover, we discuss some of the difficulties that arise when considering non-quantum theories.Comment: 27 pages, many diagrams. Comments welcom

    QMA with subset state witnesses

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    The class QMA plays a fundamental role in quantum complexity theory and it has found surprising connections to condensed matter physics and in particular in the study of the minimum energy of quantum systems. In this paper, we further investigate the class QMA and its related class QCMA by asking what makes quantum witnesses potentially more powerful than classical ones. We provide a definition of a new class, SQMA, where we restrict the possible quantum witnesses to the "simpler" subset states, i.e. a uniform superposition over the elements of a subset of n-bit strings. Surprisingly, we prove that this class is equal to QMA, hence providing a new characterisation of the class QMA. We also prove the analogous result for QMA(2) and describe a new complete problem for QMA and a stronger lower bound for the class QMA1_1

    Quantum de Finetti Theorems under Local Measurements with Applications

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    Quantum de Finetti theorems are a useful tool in the study of correlations in quantum multipartite states. In this paper we prove two new quantum de Finetti theorems, both showing that under tests formed by local measurements one can get a much improved error dependence on the dimension of the subsystems. We also obtain similar results for non-signaling probability distributions. We give the following applications of the results: We prove the optimality of the Chen-Drucker protocol for 3-SAT, under the exponential time hypothesis. We show that the maximum winning probability of free games can be estimated in polynomial time by linear programming. We also show that 3-SAT with m variables can be reduced to obtaining a constant error approximation of the maximum winning probability under entangled strategies of O(m^{1/2})-player one-round non-local games, in which the players communicate O(m^{1/2}) bits all together. We show that the optimization of certain polynomials over the hypersphere can be performed in quasipolynomial time in the number of variables n by considering O(log(n)) rounds of the Sum-of-Squares (Parrilo/Lasserre) hierarchy of semidefinite programs. As an application to entanglement theory, we find a quasipolynomial-time algorithm for deciding multipartite separability. We consider a result due to Aaronson -- showing that given an unknown n qubit state one can perform tomography that works well for most observables by measuring only O(n) independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) copies of the state -- and relax the assumption of having i.i.d copies of the state to merely the ability to select subsystems at random from a quantum multipartite state. The proofs of the new quantum de Finetti theorems are based on information theory, in particular on the chain rule of mutual information.Comment: 39 pages, no figure. v2: changes to references and other minor improvements. v3: added some explanations, mostly about Theorem 1 and Conjecture 5. STOC version. v4, v5. small improvements and fixe

    Testing product states, quantum Merlin-Arthur games and tensor optimisation

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    We give a test that can distinguish efficiently between product states of n quantum systems and states which are far from product. If applied to a state psi whose maximum overlap with a product state is 1-epsilon, the test passes with probability 1-Theta(epsilon), regardless of n or the local dimensions of the individual systems. The test uses two copies of psi. We prove correctness of this test as a special case of a more general result regarding stability of maximum output purity of the depolarising channel. A key application of the test is to quantum Merlin-Arthur games with multiple Merlins, where we obtain several structural results that had been previously conjectured, including the fact that efficient soundness amplification is possible and that two Merlins can simulate many Merlins: QMA(k)=QMA(2) for k>=2. Building on a previous result of Aaronson et al, this implies that there is an efficient quantum algorithm to verify 3-SAT with constant soundness, given two unentangled proofs of O(sqrt(n) polylog(n)) qubits. We also show how QMA(2) with log-sized proofs is equivalent to a large number of problems, some related to quantum information (such as testing separability of mixed states) as well as problems without any apparent connection to quantum mechanics (such as computing injective tensor norms of 3-index tensors). As a consequence, we obtain many hardness-of-approximation results, as well as potential algorithmic applications of methods for approximating QMA(2) acceptance probabilities. Finally, our test can also be used to construct an efficient test for determining whether a unitary operator is a tensor product, which is a generalisation of classical linearity testing.Comment: 44 pages, 1 figure, 7 appendices; v6: added references, rearranged sections, added discussion of connections to classical CS. Final version to appear in J of the AC

    Stronger Methods of Making Quantum Interactive Proofs Perfectly Complete

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    This paper presents stronger methods of achieving perfect completeness in quantum interactive proofs. First, it is proved that any problem in QMA has a two-message quantum interactive proof system of perfect completeness with constant soundness error, where the verifier has only to send a constant number of halves of EPR pairs. This in particular implies that the class QMA is necessarily included by the class QIP_1(2) of problems having two-message quantum interactive proofs of perfect completeness, which gives the first nontrivial upper bound for QMA in terms of quantum interactive proofs. It is also proved that any problem having an mm-message quantum interactive proof system necessarily has an (m+1)(m+1)-message quantum interactive proof system of perfect completeness. This improves the previous result due to Kitaev and Watrous, where the resulting system of perfect completeness requires m+2m+2 messages if not using the parallelization result.Comment: 41 pages; v2: soundness parameters improved, correction of a minor error in Lemma 23, and removal of the sentences claiming that our techniques are quantumly nonrelativizin

    Approximation, Proof Systems, and Correlations in a Quantum World

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    This thesis studies three topics in quantum computation and information: The approximability of quantum problems, quantum proof systems, and non-classical correlations in quantum systems. In the first area, we demonstrate a polynomial-time (classical) approximation algorithm for dense instances of the canonical QMA-complete quantum constraint satisfaction problem, the local Hamiltonian problem. In the opposite direction, we next introduce a quantum generalization of the polynomial-time hierarchy, and define problems which we prove are not only complete for the second level of this hierarchy, but are in fact hard to approximate. In the second area, we study variants of the interesting and stubbornly open question of whether a quantum proof system with multiple unentangled quantum provers is equal in expressive power to a proof system with a single quantum prover. Our results concern classes such as BellQMA(poly), and include a novel proof of perfect parallel repetition for SepQMA(m) based on cone programming duality. In the third area, we study non-classical quantum correlations beyond entanglement, often dubbed "non-classicality". Among our results are two novel schemes for quantifying non-classicality: The first proposes the new paradigm of exploiting local unitary operations to study non-classical correlations, and the second introduces a protocol through which non-classical correlations in a starting system can be "activated" into distillable entanglement with an ancilla system. An introduction to all required linear algebra and quantum mechanics is included.Comment: PhD Thesis, 240 page

    Quantum Information and Variants of Interactive Proof Systems

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    For nearly three decades, the model of interactive proof systems and its variants have been central to many important and exciting developments in computational complexity theory such as exact characterization of some well known complexity classes, development of probabilistically checkable proof systems and theory of hardness of approximation, and formalization of fundamental cryptographic primitives. On the other hand, the theory of quantum information, which is primarily concerned with harnessing quantum mechanical features for algorithmic, cryptographic, and information processing tasks has found many applications. In the past three decades, quantum information has been used to develop unconditionally secure quantum cryptography protocols, efficient quantum algorithms for certain problems that are believed to be intractable in classical world, and communication efficient protocols. In this thesis, we study the impact of quantum information on the models of interactive proof systems and their multi-prover variants. We study various quantum models and explore two questions. The first question we address pertains to the expressive power of such models with or without resource constraints. The second question is related to error reduction technique of such proof systems via parallel repetition. The question related to the expressive power of models of quantum interactive proof systems and their variants lead us to the following results. (1) We show that the expressive power of quantum interactive proof systems is exactly PSPACE, the class of problems that can be solved by a polynomial-space deterministic Turing machines and that also admit a classical interactive proof systems. This result shows that in terms of complexity-theoretic characterization, both the models are equivalent. The result is obtained using an algorithmic technique known as the matrix multiplicative weights update method to solve a semidefinite program that characterizes the success probability of the quantum prover. (2) We show that polynomially many logarithmic-size unentangled quantum proofs are no more powerful than a classical proof if the verifier has the ability to process quantum information. This result follows from an observation that logarithmic-size quantum states can be efficiently represented classically and such classical representation can be used to efficiently generate the quantum state. (3) We also establish that the model of multi-prover quantum Merlin Arthur proof system, where the verifier is only allowed to apply nonadaptive unentangled measurement on each proof and then a quantum circuit on the classical outcomes, is no more powerful than QMA under the restriction that there are only polynomial number of outcomes per proof. This result follows from showing that such proof systems also admit a QMA verification procedure. The question related to error reduction via parallel repetition lead us to following results on a class of two-prover one-round games with quantum provers and a class of multi-prover QMA proof systems. (1) We establish that for a certain class of two-prover one-round games known as XOR games, admit a perfect parallel repetition theorem in the following sense. When the provers play a collection of XOR games, an optimal strategy of the provers is to play each instance of the collection independently and optimally. In particular, the success probability of the quantum provers in the n-fold repetition of an XOR game G with quantum value w(G) is exactly (w(G))^n. (2) We show a parallel repetition theorem for two-prover one-round unique games. More specifically, we prove that if the quantum value of a unique game is 1-e, then the quantum value of n-fold repetition of the game is at most (1-e^2/49)^n. We also establish that for certain class of unique games, the quantum value of the n-fold repetition of the game is at most (1-e/4)^n. For the special case of XOR games, our proof technique gives an alternate proof of result mentioned above. 3. Our final result on parallel repetition is concerned with SepQMA(m) proof systems, where the verifier receives m unentangled quantum proofs and the measurement operator corresponding to outcome "accept" is a fully separable operator. We give an alternate proof of a result of Harrow and Montanaro [HM10] that states that perfect parallel repetition theorem holds for such proof systems. The first two results follow from the duality of semidefinite programs and the final result follows from cone programming duality