3 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Physico-Chemical and Fungal Species Associated with Oil Contaminated Soil from Selected Automobile Garage in Sokoto Metropolis

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    This study was conducted with a view to evaluating the physicochemical and mycological properties of different oil contaminated soils collected from three different automobile garages in Sokoto Metropolis, and uncontaminated soil from the temporary site, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (UDUS) was used as the control. The pH was determined using pH meter model Hanna (H1991301), quantity of mineral elements was evaluated in accordance with Murphy and Fungi were isolated from the three oil contaminated samples (A, B. and C) and the uncontaminated (sample D) as control, this was done by standard procedure using the method of P. Ren, T. Jankun & B. Leaderer. The physical, chemical, and mineral elements from the oil-contaminated soils of the three automobile garages and control. The results of particle soil analysis revealed the high content of sandy soil (96.2 to 87.3) and silt is the lowest with (2.5–0.6). Magnesium had the highest concentration of studied minerals, ranging from 193 to 649.2 mg/kg. while PH result revealed that the soil samples were pH value ranged from (16.85–16.20) in oil Contaminated samples, while the control had 15.90, and electrical conductivity ranged from 12.8–13.8 % and 28 % in control, four fungal isolates Aspergillus sp., Penicillum sp., Mucor sp. and Sporobolomyces sp. were identified based on colonial, sexual and morphological characteristics. These fungal strains can be used in bioremediation process and oil pollution reduction in aquatic ecosystems

    Виробничі впровадження перманганату натрію (Carusol) для покращення якості питної води на очисних спорудах комунального підприємства «Житомирводоканал»

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    The article presents the results of the research, obtained during the production of a new reagent - sodium permanganate oxidant (Carusol trademark) in the technology of water treatment at the treatment plant of the «Zhytomyrvodokanal» utility company. The purpose of this work is to determine the effectiveness of removal from the composition of tap water of such pollutants as permanganate oxidation, manganese, phytoplankton, and especially chloroform and improve its quality by organoleptic parameters.This experiment was conducted in summer to determine the technological and environmental efficiency of the reagent at high water temperatures, because it is in summer that the water supply source in Zhytomyr is characterized by the increased levels of organic pollution, which causes excessive concentration of chloroform, high concentration of manganese and phytoplankton. The production experiment showed that the efficiency of water purification with Carusol reagent in the warm period of the year at increased water temperatures in terms of chromaticity is quite high; according to the oxidation index of permanganate, although it is not sufficient for the normative quality of drinking water and requires the use of additional activated carbon for more thorough removal of organic pollution; there is a high technological and environmental efficiency of purification of drinking water from chloroform, in some experimental days the efficiency was up to 60-70%; oxidation of manganese occurred by 60-90%; removal of phytoplankton with the reagent was characterized by high efficiency and was at the level of 90% or more.В статті представлені результати досліджень, які були отримані в процесі виробничого впровадження нового реагенту – окисника перманганату натрію (торгова марка Carusol) в технологію водопідготовки на очисних спорудах водопроводу КП «Житомирводоканал». Метою даної роботи було визначити ефективність видалення із складу водопровідної води таких забруднюючих речовин, як окиснюваність перманганатна, марганець, фітопланктон, а особливо, хлороформ та покращення її якості за органолептичними показниками. Даний експеримент був проведений в літній час для визначення технологічної та екологічної ефективності використання реагенту при високих температурах води, оскільки саме в літній час джерело водопостачання м. Житомира характеризується підвищеним рівнем органічного забруднення, що спричиняє утворення понаднормативних концентрацій хлороформу, наявністю високих концентрацій марганцю та фітопланктону. Виробничий експеримент показав, що ефективність очищення води реагентом Carusol в теплий період року при підвищених температурах води за показником кольоровості достатньо висока; за показником окиснюваності перманганатної має місце, хоча для нормативної якості питної води не достатня та потребує застосовувати додатково активоване вугілля для більш ретельного видалення органічного забруднення; відзначається висока технологічна та екологічна ефективність очищення питної води від вмісту хлороформу, в деякі експериментальні дні ефективність була на рівні до 60-70%; окислення марганцю відбувалося на 60-90%; видалення фітопланктону за допомогою реагенту характеризувалося високою ефективністю та було на рівні 90% і більше

    Making Sense of Climate Change: How to Avoid the Next Big Flood

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    Over the last two decades, management studies on sustainability have grown considerably, including a recent surge of research on climate change. However, environmental problems have not been resolved, and most of the top management journals remain focused on the firm, not the system. This presents both a paradox and an opportunity. The year 2010 was the hottest year on record, making it the warmest decade since 1880. In certain places (like Australia and the Arctic), the impacts of climate change are already apparent. In the future, as CO2 continues to rise, we can expect more extreme events like floods, droughts, fires, and melting ice caps. This has profound implications for the way we manage and organize our societies. Before we can manage something, we have to make sense of the situation. In a complex environment, people need to pay attention to subtle cues, overcome barriers, and collectively develop ‘sensemaking’ across organizations. If people do not pay sufficient attention, they will encounter a ‘predictable surprise’ – a crisis situation that could be avoided but isn’t because of existing social and economic structures. This lecture considers how to make better sense of climate change. Professor Whiteman argues that it essential for managers and academics to take a more systemic approach and collaborate with the natural sciences and local people. She ends with management lessons for the 21st Century