66,868 research outputs found

    Superplastically formed diffusion bonded metallic structure

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    A metallic sandwich structure particularly suited for use in aerospace industries comprising a base plate, a cover plate, and an orthogonally corrugated core is described. A pair of core plates formed of a superplastic alloy are interposed between the base plate and the cover plate and bonded. Each of the core plates is characterized by a plurality of protrusions comprising square-based, truncated pyramids uniformly aligned along orthogonally related axes perpendicularly bisecting the legs of the bases of the pyramids and alternately inverted along orthogonally related planes diagonally bisecting the pyramids, whereby an orthogonally corrugated core is provided

    MOCVD growth mechanisms of ZnO nanorods

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    ZnO is a promising material for the fabrication of light emitting devices. One approach to achieve this goal is to use ZnO nanorods because of their expected high crystalline and optical quality. Catalyst free growth of nanorods by metalorganic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) was carried out on (0001) sapphire substrates. Arrays of well-aligned, vertical nanorods were obtained with uniform lengths and diameters. A thin wetting layer in epitaxy with the sapphire substrate is formed first, followed by pyramids and nanorods. The nucleation of nanorods occurs either directly at the interface, or later on top of some of the pyramids, suggesting various nucleation mechanisms. It is shown that crystal polarity plays a critical role in the growth mechanism with nanorods of Zn polarity and their surrounding pyramids with O polarity. A growth mechanism is proposed to explain that most threading dislocations lie in the wetting layer, with only a few in the pyramids and none in the nanorods

    Near real-time stereo vision system

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    The apparatus for a near real-time stereo vision system for use with a robotic vehicle is described. The system is comprised of two cameras mounted on three-axis rotation platforms, image-processing boards, a CPU, and specialized stereo vision algorithms. Bandpass-filtered image pyramids are computed, stereo matching is performed by least-squares correlation, and confidence ranges are estimated by means of Bayes' theorem. In particular, Laplacian image pyramids are built and disparity maps are produced from the 60 x 64 level of the pyramids at rates of up to 2 seconds per image pair. The first autonomous cross-country robotic traverses (of up to 100 meters) have been achieved using the stereo vision system of the present invention with all computing done onboard the vehicle. The overall approach disclosed herein provides a unifying paradigm for practical domain-independent stereo ranging