9 research outputs found

    Forward-Secure Public Key Encryption without Key Update from Proof-of-Stake Blockchain

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    A forward-secure public-key encryption (PKE) scheme prevents eavesdroppers from decrypting past ciphertexts in order to mitigate the damage caused by a potential secret key compromise. In prior works, forward security in a non-interactive setting, such as forward-secure PKE, is achieved by constantly updating (secret) keys. In this paper, we formalize the notion of blockchain-based forward-secure PKE and show the feasibility of constructing a forward-secure PKE scheme without key update (i.e. both the public key and the secret key are immutable), assuming the existence of a proof-of-stake blockchain with the distinguishable forking property introduced by Goyal, et al. (TCC 2017). Our construction uses the proof-of-stake blockchain as an immutable decryption log and witness encryption by Garg, et al. (STOC 2013) to ensure that the same ciphertext cannot be decrypted twice, thereby rendering a compromised secret key useless with respect to decryption of past ciphertext the legitimate user has already decrypted

    Single Secret Leader Election

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    In a Single Secret Leader Election (SSLE), a group of participants aim to randomly choose exactly one leader from the group with the restriction that the identity of the leader will be known to the chosen leader and nobody else. At a later time, the elected leader should be able to publicly reveal her identity and prove that she has won the election. The election process itself should work properly even if many registered users are passive and do not send any messages. Among the many applications of SSLEs, their potential for enabling more efficient proof-of-stake based cryptocurrencies have recently received increased attention. This paper formally defines SSLE schemes and presents three constructions that provide varying security and performance properties. First, as an existence argument, we show how to realize an ideal SSLE using indistinguishability obfuscation. Next, we show how to build SSLE from low-depth threshold fully homomorphic encryption (TFHE) via a construction which can be instantiated with a circuit of multiplicative depth as low as 10, for realistically-sized secret leader elections. Finally, we show a practical scheme relying on DDH that achieves a slightly relaxed notion of security but which boasts extremely lightweight computational requirements

    Homomorphic Time-Lock Puzzles and Applications

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    Time-lock puzzles allow one to encrypt messages for the future, by efficiently generating a puzzle with a solution ss that remains hidden until time TT has elapsed. The solution is required to be concealed from the eyes of any algorithm running in (parallel) time less than TT. We put forth the concept of \emph{homomorphic time-lock puzzles}, where one can evaluate functions over puzzles without solving them, i.e., one can manipulate a set of puzzles with solutions (s1,…,sn)(s_1, \dots, s_n) to obtain a puzzle that solves to f(s1,…,sn)f(s_1, \ldots, s_n), for any function ff. We propose candidate constructions under concrete cryptographic assumptions for different classes of functions. Then we show how homomorphic time-lock puzzles overcome the limitations of classical time-lock puzzles by proposing new protocols for applications of interest, such as e-voting, multi-party coin flipping, and fair contract signing

    Time-Lock Puzzles with Efficient Batch Solving

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    Time-Lock Puzzles (TLPs) are a powerful tool for concealing messages until a predetermined point in time. When solving multiple puzzles, it becomes crucial to have the ability to batch-solve puzzles, i.e., simultaneously open multiple puzzles while working to solve a single one . Unfortunately, all previously known TLP constructions equipped for batch solving rely on super-polynomially secure indistinguishability obfuscation, making them impractical. In light of this challenge, we present novel TLP constructions that offer batch-solving capabilities without using heavy cryptographic hammers. Our proposed schemes are simple and concretely efficient, and they can be constructed based on well-established cryptographic assumptions based on pairings or learning with errors (LWE). Along the way, we introduce new constructions of puncturable key-homomorphic PRFs both in the lattice and in the pairing setting, which may be of independent interest. Our analysis leverages an interesting connection to Hall\u27s marriage theorem and incorporates an optimized combinatorial approach, enhancing the practicality and feasibility of our TLP schemes. Furthermore, we introduce the concept of rogue-puzzle attacks , where maliciously crafted puzzle instances may disrupt the batch-solving process of honest puzzles. We then propose constructions of concrete and efficient TLPs designed to prevent such attacks

    OCash: Fully Anonymous Payments between Blockchain Light Clients

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    We study blockchain-based provably anonymous payment systems between light clients. Such clients interact with the blockchain through full nodes, who can see what the light clients read and write. The goal of our work is to enable light clients to perform anonymous payments, while maintaining privacy even against the full nodes through which they interact with the blockchain. We formalize the problem in the universal composability model and present a provably secure solution to it. In comparison to existing works, we are the first ones that simultaneously provide strong anonymity guarantees, provable security, and anonymity with respect to the full nodes. Along the way, we make several contributions that may be of independent interest. We define and construct efficient compressible randomness beacons, which produce unpredictable values in regular intervals and allow for storing all published values in a short digest. We define and construct anonymous-coin friendly encryption schemes and we show how they can be used within anonymous payment systems. We define and construct strongly oblivious read-once map, which can be seen as a special data structure that needs to satisfy a stronger notion of obliviousness than what is usually considered. We present a new approach, which is compatible with light clients, for mitigating double-spending attacks in anonymous cryptocurrencies

    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volum