2,551 research outputs found

    Outsourcing in Sandy Springs and Other US Cities: Insights for Other Countries

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    This paper analyses the partnership-based outsourcing model of service transformation in USA local government, focusing on the city of Sandy Springs which became widely known for its large-scale ‘turnkey’ outsourcing of provision of its services in the mid-2000s. This city has been referred to in the literature as a special case not applicable to other countries, such as the UK, because of their very different contexts. However, there is now a public sector austerity context within which to reassess Sandy Springs’ use of turnkey outsourcing to achieve significant cost savings and improve services. The paper reports empirical research which it uses to derive insights for municipalities considering outsourcing. Those insights can help improve both policy and professional practice by outlining key issues for consideration when trying to ‘do more with less’ money

    Extreme Outsourcing in Local Government: At the Top and All but the Top

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    The prevailing paradigm of outsourcing in local government assumes high-level professional administrators make systematic assessments of program areas to determine whether a selected number could be delivered for a reduced cost and at a higher quality by an external provider. This article examines two fundamental deviations from this model occurring in local governments. First, a handful of newly incorporated cities have adopted a wholesale approach to contracting out, relying almost exclusively on private firms and other governmental jurisdictions for the production of core programs while employing only a handful of in-house staff. Conversely, several small towns and cities across North Carolina deliver most services and programs in house by permanent staff but contract out the highest-level administrative position, that of town or city manager. These strategies represent outsourcing at its most extreme and present important practical and paradigmatic challenges to public human resource management in contemporary subnational governance

    Georgia's Redevelopment Powers Law: A Policy Guide to the Evaluation and Use of Tax Allocation Districts

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    Within the past five years, eleven separate tax allocation districts (TADs) have been created in the metropolitan Atlanta region. Currently, policy-makers in the City of Atlanta are considering the use of TADs to finance the proposed "Beltline" project. While TADs are a powerful tool in a localities' economic development arsenal, these policies are not without cost and not without risk. The sudden surge in popularity of this economic development tool generally has not been accompanied by any systematic assessment or set of policies to guide their evaluation or their use. Thus, this report sets out to familiarize local policy makers with:* How TADs work;* The potential benefits of TADs;* The potential risks and costs associated with TADs and how these might be distributed across different stakeholder groups; and* Policies to help minimize costs and risks

    Proceedings of 2009 Kentucky Water Resources Annual Symposium

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    This conference was planned and conducted as part of the state water resources research annual program with the support and collaboration of the Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Kentucky Research Foundation, under Grant Agreement Number 06HQGR0087. The views and conclusions contained in this document and presented at the symposium are those of the abstract authors and presenters and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Government or other symposium organizers and sponsors

    Open Space Acquisitions and Management Opportunities in the City of Atlanta and Adjacent Jurisdictions

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    The great cities of the world are distinguished by their public parks. The urban fabric of New York, Barcelona, Berlin, Moscow, Paris, Rome, Sydney, and Shanghai are all woven around great parks. Yet, with all of Atlanta's outstanding achievements, the City and the region have a notably undistinguished park system. In a study conducted by the Trust for Public Land and the Urban Land Institute, Atlanta ranks near the bottom of the nation's largest 25 cities in acreage of parkland per capita with 7.3 acres for every 1,000 residents. Compare that to Austin, Texas' 39 acres per 1,000 residents or Oklahoma City's 43 acres per 1,000 residents and it becomes clear that something is amiss in metro Atlanta.This study identifies the obstacles to acquiring and maintaining open and green spaces in the metro Atlanta region. Addressing open space shortages in metro Atlanta is a sizable task. This study could be considered the first step in a larger process. Time spent researching the various obstacles and opportunities regarding open space acquisition raised many questions that are beyond the scope of this project. A second phase might test the recommendations made in this phase by working with local officials on a few select projects, and begin to identify critical pieces of property in metro Atlanta that must be protected from development. A detailed inventory of significant open space and natural resources in the metro area that includes the existing inventory of land inside of Interstate 285 should be considered either as a separate study or included in this recommended second phase

    Tennessee Valley Authority\u27s Payments in Lieu of Taxes, Annual Report to the Tennessee General Assembly, January 2021

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    Traffic management alternatives for business improvement districts

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    When a vehicle enters an intersection with insufficient space to exit on the opposite side the result is often the obstruction of pedestrians and other vehicles, this phenomenon is usually referred to as "blocking the box." The purpose of this study was to determine different characteristics of blocking that might be considered in determining the installment of a "Don't Block the Box" (DBTB) campaign. This study identified potentially problematic intersections in Atlanta, Georgia and collected information, such as the number of vehicles that block the intersection (box junction), the amount of green time with blocking, and the percentages in which approaches were blocked. Based on the results it was found the characteristics of the number of blockers, percentage of green time with blocking, and the percentage of lost capacity are excellent indicators for a possible DBTB campaign. Organizations interested in potentially starting a DBTB should consider these characteristics part of the determination of suitability of DBTB for an intersection. Within this study is was found that the intersections of Peachtree Road & Highland Drive, Peachtree Road & Stratford Road, Peachtree Road & Lenox Mall Entrance, and 10th Street & Williams Street showed to be potential candidates for a DBTB campaign in Atlanta, Georgia. During the study period these intersections had high percentages of lost capacity, high number of blocks, and high percentages of green time with blocking. In conjunction with the DBTB data analysis a "DBTB survey" was developed. The objective of this survey was to help gain a better understanding of the current trends in DBTB campaigns around the United States. The "DBTB Survey" received 75 responses from 415 organizations around the nation, a 18.1% response rate. Six (60%) of the ten participants that currently have a DBTB campaign found a sufficient level of improvement in traffic operations and 46 of the total respondents (60%) proclaimed that if DBTB campaigns were shown to be an economical alternative for traffic management they would consider starting one to help congestion and safety.M.S

    Housing for the cost burdened: a step toward a just society

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    Affordable housing is one of Atlanta, Georgia’s most pressing, pervasive, and persistent urban planning crises. Additionally, the advent of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the preexisting affordable housing issues across housing security, demographics, the supply and demand of affordable housing policy, and the health of low-income housing occupants. This report aims to address these issues, as they currently persist in Atlanta, and offer recommendations and considerations for their solutions. This document consists of four sections: Affordable Housing Finance in the City of Atlanta, Wealth Divide and Housing, Homelessness, Health & Hazards. A case study of Atlanta’s Healthy Hotel Project, and the Nexus of Housing, Transit, and Jobs. This report was created by graduate students in the master’s in City and Regional Planning Program (MCRP) at the Georgia Institute of Technology in collaboration with multiple local stakeholders. Though this report will not solve the affordable housing issue in the city of Atlanta, it will address the current conditions and numerous challenges associated with affordable housing in Atlanta and will offer a pointed recommendation to create a path toward solutions for these wicked problems
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