10 research outputs found

    Pseudorandomness via the discrete Fourier transform

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    We present a new approach to constructing unconditional pseudorandom generators against classes of functions that involve computing a linear function of the inputs. We give an explicit construction of a pseudorandom generator that fools the discrete Fourier transforms of linear functions with seed-length that is nearly logarithmic (up to polyloglog factors) in the input size and the desired error parameter. Our result gives a single pseudorandom generator that fools several important classes of tests computable in logspace that have been considered in the literature, including halfspaces (over general domains), modular tests and combinatorial shapes. For all these classes, our generator is the first that achieves near logarithmic seed-length in both the input length and the error parameter. Getting such a seed-length is a natural challenge in its own right, which needs to be overcome in order to derandomize RL - a central question in complexity theory. Our construction combines ideas from a large body of prior work, ranging from a classical construction of [NN93] to the recent gradually increasing independence paradigm of [KMN11, CRSW13, GMRTV12], while also introducing some novel analytic machinery which might find other applications

    Pseudorandom Generators for Width-3 Branching Programs

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    We construct pseudorandom generators of seed length O~(log(n)log(1/ϵ))\tilde{O}(\log(n)\cdot \log(1/\epsilon)) that ϵ\epsilon-fool ordered read-once branching programs (ROBPs) of width 33 and length nn. For unordered ROBPs, we construct pseudorandom generators with seed length O~(log(n)poly(1/ϵ))\tilde{O}(\log(n) \cdot \mathrm{poly}(1/\epsilon)). This is the first improvement for pseudorandom generators fooling width 33 ROBPs since the work of Nisan [Combinatorica, 1992]. Our constructions are based on the `iterated milder restrictions' approach of Gopalan et al. [FOCS, 2012] (which further extends the Ajtai-Wigderson framework [FOCS, 1985]), combined with the INW-generator [STOC, 1994] at the last step (as analyzed by Braverman et al. [SICOMP, 2014]). For the unordered case, we combine iterated milder restrictions with the generator of Chattopadhyay et al. [CCC, 2018]. Two conceptual ideas that play an important role in our analysis are: (1) A relabeling technique allowing us to analyze a relabeled version of the given branching program, which turns out to be much easier. (2) Treating the number of colliding layers in a branching program as a progress measure and showing that it reduces significantly under pseudorandom restrictions. In addition, we achieve nearly optimal seed-length O~(log(n/ϵ))\tilde{O}(\log(n/\epsilon)) for the classes of: (1) read-once polynomials on nn variables, (2) locally-monotone ROBPs of length nn and width 33 (generalizing read-once CNFs and DNFs), and (3) constant-width ROBPs of length nn having a layer of width 22 in every consecutive polylog(n)\mathrm{poly}\log(n) layers.Comment: 51 page

    Quantified Derandomization of Linear Threshold Circuits

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    One of the prominent current challenges in complexity theory is the attempt to prove lower bounds for TC0TC^0, the class of constant-depth, polynomial-size circuits with majority gates. Relying on the results of Williams (2013), an appealing approach to prove such lower bounds is to construct a non-trivial derandomization algorithm for TC0TC^0. In this work we take a first step towards the latter goal, by proving the first positive results regarding the derandomization of TC0TC^0 circuits of depth d>2d>2. Our first main result is a quantified derandomization algorithm for TC0TC^0 circuits with a super-linear number of wires. Specifically, we construct an algorithm that gets as input a TC0TC^0 circuit CC over nn input bits with depth dd and n1+exp(d)n^{1+\exp(-d)} wires, runs in almost-polynomial-time, and distinguishes between the case that CC rejects at most 2n11/5d2^{n^{1-1/5d}} inputs and the case that CC accepts at most 2n11/5d2^{n^{1-1/5d}} inputs. In fact, our algorithm works even when the circuit CC is a linear threshold circuit, rather than just a TC0TC^0 circuit (i.e., CC is a circuit with linear threshold gates, which are stronger than majority gates). Our second main result is that even a modest improvement of our quantified derandomization algorithm would yield a non-trivial algorithm for standard derandomization of all of TC0TC^0, and would consequently imply that NEXP⊈TC0NEXP\not\subseteq TC^0. Specifically, if there exists a quantified derandomization algorithm that gets as input a TC0TC^0 circuit with depth dd and n1+O(1/d)n^{1+O(1/d)} wires (rather than n1+exp(d)n^{1+\exp(-d)} wires), runs in time at most 2nexp(d)2^{n^{\exp(-d)}}, and distinguishes between the case that CC rejects at most 2n11/5d2^{n^{1-1/5d}} inputs and the case that CC accepts at most 2n11/5d2^{n^{1-1/5d}} inputs, then there exists an algorithm with running time 2n1Ω(1)2^{n^{1-\Omega(1)}} for standard derandomization of TC0TC^0.Comment: Changes in this revision: An additional result (a PRG for quantified derandomization of depth-2 LTF circuits); rewrite of some of the exposition; minor correction

    Tight Bounds for Adversarially Robust Streams and Sliding Windows via Difference Estimators

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    In the adversarially robust streaming model, a stream of elements is presented to an algorithm and is allowed to depend on the output of the algorithm at earlier times during the stream. In the classic insertion-only model of data streams, Ben-Eliezer et. al. (PODS 2020, best paper award) show how to convert a non-robust algorithm into a robust one with a roughly 1/ε1/\varepsilon factor overhead. This was subsequently improved to a 1/ε1/\sqrt{\varepsilon} factor overhead by Hassidim et. al. (NeurIPS 2020, oral presentation), suppressing logarithmic factors. For general functions the latter is known to be best-possible, by a result of Kaplan et. al. (CRYPTO 2021). We show how to bypass this impossibility result by developing data stream algorithms for a large class of streaming problems, with no overhead in the approximation factor. Our class of streaming problems includes the most well-studied problems such as the L2L_2-heavy hitters problem, FpF_p-moment estimation, as well as empirical entropy estimation. We substantially improve upon all prior work on these problems, giving the first optimal dependence on the approximation factor. As in previous work, we obtain a general transformation that applies to any non-robust streaming algorithm and depends on the so-called flip number. However, the key technical innovation is that we apply the transformation to what we call a difference estimator for the streaming problem, rather than an estimator for the streaming problem itself. We then develop the first difference estimators for a wide range of problems. Our difference estimator methodology is not only applicable to the adversarially robust model, but to other streaming models where temporal properties of the data play a central role. (Abstract shortened to meet arXiv limit.)Comment: FOCS 202