500 research outputs found

    Utilizing sub-topical structure of documents for information retrieval.

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    Text segmentation in natural language processing typically refers to the process of decomposing a document into constituent subtopics. Our work centers on the application of text segmentation techniques within information retrieval (IR) tasks. For example, for scoring a document by combining the retrieval scores of its constituent segments, exploiting the proximity of query terms in documents for ad-hoc search, and for question answering (QA), where retrieved passages from multiple documents are aggregated and presented as a single document to a searcher. Feedback in ad hoc IR task is shown to benefit from the use of extracted sentences instead of terms from the pseudo relevant documents for query expansion. Retrieval effectiveness for patent prior art search task is enhanced by applying text segmentation to the patent queries. Another aspect of our work involves augmenting text segmentation techniques to produce segments which are more readable with less unresolved anaphora. This is particularly useful for QA and snippet generation tasks where the objective is to aggregate relevant and novel information from multiple documents satisfying user information need on one hand, and ensuring that the automatically generated content presented to the user is easily readable without reference to the original source document

    Task-Oriented Query Reformulation with Reinforcement Learning

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    Search engines play an important role in our everyday lives by assisting us in finding the information we need. When we input a complex query, however, results are often far from satisfactory. In this work, we introduce a query reformulation system based on a neural network that rewrites a query to maximize the number of relevant documents returned. We train this neural network with reinforcement learning. The actions correspond to selecting terms to build a reformulated query, and the reward is the document recall. We evaluate our approach on three datasets against strong baselines and show a relative improvement of 5-20% in terms of recall. Furthermore, we present a simple method to estimate a conservative upper-bound performance of a model in a particular environment and verify that there is still large room for improvements.Comment: EMNLP 201

    Promoting user engagement and learning in search tasks by effective document representation

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    Much research in information retrieval (IR) focuses on optimisation of the rank of relevant retrieval results for single shot ad hoc IR tasks. Relatively little research has been carried out on supporting and promoting user engagement within search tasks. We seek to improve user experience by use of enhanced document snippets to be presented during the search process to promote user engagement with retrieved information. The primary role of document snippets within search has traditionally been to indicate the potential relevance of retrieved items to the user’s information need. Beyond the relevance of an item, it is generally not possible to infer the contents of individual ranked results just by reading the current snippets. We hypothesise that the creation of richer document snippets and summaries, and effective presentation of this information to users will promote effective search and greater user engagement, and support emerging areas such as learning through search. We generate document summaries for a given query by extracting top relevant sentences from retrieved documents. Creation of these summaries goes beyond exist- ing snippet creation methods by comparing content between documents to take into account novelty when selecting content for inclusion in individual document sum- maries. Further, we investigate the readability of the generated summaries with the overall goal of generating snippets which not only help a user to identify document relevance, but are also designed to increase the user’s understanding and knowledge of a topic gained while inspecting the snippets. We perform a task-based user study to record the user’s interactions, search be- haviour and feedback to evaluate the effectiveness of our snippets using qualitative and quantitative measures. In our user study, we found that richer snippets generated in this work improved the user experience and topical knowledge, and helped users to learn about the topic effectively

    Mobile content enrichment

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    Delivering an effective mobile search service is challenging for many reasons. Certainly small-screen mobile handsets with limited text input capabilities do not make ideal search devices. In addition, the brevity of Mobile Internet content hampers effective indexing and limits retrieval opportunities. In this paper we focus on this indexing issue and describe an approach that leverages Web search engines as a source of content enrichment. We present an evaluation using a mobile news service that demonstrated significant improvements in search performance compared to a standard benchmark sys-tem

    CiteFinder: a System to Find and Rank Medical Citations

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    This thesis presents CiteFinder, a system to find relevant citations for clinicians\u27 written content. Inclusion of citations for clinical information content makes the content more reliable through the provision of scientific articles as references, and enables clinicians to easily update their written content using new information. The proposed approach splits the content into sentences, identifies the sentences that need to be supported with citations by applying classification algorithms, and uses information retrieval and ranking techniques to extract and rank relevant citations from MEDLINE for any given sentence. Additionally, this system extracts snippets from the retrieved articles. We assessed our approach on 3,699 MEDLINE papers on the subject of Heart Failure . We implemented multi-level and weight ranking algorithms to rank the citations. This study shows that using Journal priority and Study Design type significantly improves results obtained with the traditional approach of only using the text of articles, by approximately 63%. We also show that using the full-text, rather than just the abstract text, leads to extraction of higher quality snippets

    Effective summarisation for search engines

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    Users of information retrieval (IR) systems issue queries to find information in large collections of documents. Nearly all IR systems return answers in the form of a list of results, where each entry typically consists of the title of the underlying document, a link, and a short query-biased summary of a document's content called a snippet. As retrieval systems typically return a mixture of relevant and non-relevant answers, the role of the snippet is to guide users to identify those documents that are likely to be good answers and to ignore those that are less useful. This thesis focuses on techniques to improve the generation and evaluation of query-biased summaries for informational requests, where users typically need to inspect several documents to fulfil their information needs. We investigate the following issues: how users construct query-biased summaries, and how this compares with current automatic summarisation methods; how query expansion can be applied to sentence-level ranking to improve the quality of query-biased summaries; and, how to evaluate these summarisation approaches using sentence-level relevance data. First, through an eye tracking study, we investigate the way in which users select information from documents when they are asked to construct a query-biased summary in response to a given search request. Our analysis indicates that user behaviour differs from the assumptions of current state-of-the-art query-biased summarisation approaches. A major cause of difference resulted from vocabulary mismatch, a common IR problem. This thesis then examines query expansion techniques to improve the selection of candidate relevant sentences, and to reduce the vocabulary mismatch observed in the previous study. We employ a Cranfield-based methodology to quantitatively assess sentence ranking methods based on sentence-level relevance assessments available in the TREC Novelty track, in line with previous work. We study two aspects of sentence-level evaluation of this track. First, whether sentences that have been judged based on relevance, as in the TREC Novelty track, can also be considered to be indicative; that is, useful in terms of being part of a query-biased summary and guiding users to make correct document selections. By conducting a crowdsourcing experiment, we find that relevance and indicativeness agree around 73% of the time. Second, during our evaluations we discovered a bias that longer sentences were more likely to be judged as relevant. We then propose a novel evaluation of sentence ranking methods, which aims to isolate the sentence length bias. Using our enhanced evaluation method, we find that query expansion can effectively assist in the selection of short sentences. We conclude our investigation with a second study to examine the effectiveness of query expansion in query-biased summarisation methods to end users. Our results indicate that participants significantly tend to prefer query-biased summaries aided through expansion techniques approximately 60% of the time, for query-biased summaries comprised of short and middle length sentences. We suggest that our findings can inform the generation and display of query-biased summaries of IR systems such as search engines

    POLIS: a probabilistic summarisation logic for structured documents

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    PhDAs the availability of structured documents, formatted in markup languages such as SGML, RDF, or XML, increases, retrieval systems increasingly focus on the retrieval of document-elements, rather than entire documents. Additionally, abstraction layers in the form of formalised retrieval logics have allowed developers to include search facilities into numerous applications, without the need of having detailed knowledge of retrieval models. Although automatic document summarisation has been recognised as a useful tool for reducing the workload of information system users, very few such abstraction layers have been developed for the task of automatic document summarisation. This thesis describes the development of an abstraction logic for summarisation, called POLIS, which provides users (such as developers or knowledge engineers) with a high-level access to summarisation facilities. Furthermore, POLIS allows users to exploit the hierarchical information provided by structured documents. The development of POLIS is carried out in a step-by-step way. We start by defining a series of probabilistic summarisation models, which provide weights to document-elements at a user selected level. These summarisation models are those accessible through POLIS. The formal definition of POLIS is performed in three steps. We start by providing a syntax for POLIS, through which users/knowledge engineers interact with the logic. This is followed by a definition of the logics semantics. Finally, we provide details of an implementation of POLIS. The final chapters of this dissertation are concerned with the evaluation of POLIS, which is conducted in two stages. Firstly, we evaluate the performance of the summarisation models by applying POLIS to two test collections, the DUC AQUAINT corpus, and the INEX IEEE corpus. This is followed by application scenarios for POLIS, in which we discuss how POLIS can be used in specific IR tasks