86,753 research outputs found

    Non-Markovian Dynamics and Entanglement of Two-level Atoms in a Common Field

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    We derive the stochastic equations and consider the non-Markovian dynamics of a system of multiple two-level atoms in a common quantum field. We make only the dipole approximation for the atoms and assume weak atom-field interactions. From these assumptions we use a combination of non-secular open- and closed-system perturbation theory, and we abstain from any additional approximation schemes. These more accurate solutions are necessary to explore several regimes: in particular, near-resonance dynamics and low-temperature behavior. In detuned atomic systems, small variations in the system energy levels engender timescales which, in general, cannot be safely ignored, as would be the case in the rotating-wave approximation (RWA). More problematic are the second-order solutions, which, as has been recently pointed out, cannot be accurately calculated using any second-order perturbative master equation, whether RWA, Born-Markov, Redfield, etc.. This latter problem, which applies to all perturbative open-system master equations, has a profound effect upon calculation of entanglement at low temperatures. We find that even at zero temperature all initial states will undergo finite-time disentanglement (sometimes termed "sudden death"), in contrast to previous work. We also use our solution, without invoking RWA, to characterize the necessary conditions for Dickie subradiance at finite temperature. We find that the subradiant states fall into two categories at finite temperature: one that is temperature independent and one that acquires temperature dependence. With the RWA there is no temperature dependence in any case.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, v2 updated references, v3 clarified results and corrected renormalization, v4 further clarified results and new Fig. 8-1

    Off-diagonal matrix elements of local operators in many-body quantum systems

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    In the time evolution of isolated quantum systems out of equilibrium, local observables generally relax to a long-time asymptotic value, governed by the expectation values (diagonal matrix elements) of the corresponding operator in the eigenstates of the system. The temporal fluctuations around this value, response to further perturbations, and the relaxation toward this asymptotic value, are all determined by the off-diagonal matrix elements. Motivated by this non-equilibrium role, we present generic statistical properties of off-diagonal matrix elements of local observables in two families of interacting many-body systems with local interactions. Since integrability (or lack thereof) is an important ingredient in the relaxation process, we analyze models that can be continuously tuned to integrability. We show that, for generic non-integrable systems, the distribution of off-diagonal matrix elements is a gaussian centered at zero. As one approaches integrability, the peak around zero becomes sharper, so that the distribution is approximately a combination of two gaussians. We characterize the proximity to integrability through the deviation of this distribution from a gaussian shape. We also determine the scaling dependence on system size of the average magnitude of off-diagonal matrix elements.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Space-modulated Stability and Averaged Dynamics

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    In this brief note we give a brief overview of the comprehensive theory, recently obtained by the author jointly with Johnson, Noble and Zumbrun, that describes the nonlinear dynamics about spectrally stable periodic waves of parabolic systems and announce parallel results for the linearized dynamics near cnoidal waves of the Korteweg-de Vries equation. The latter are expected to contribute to the development of a dispersive theory, still to come.Comment: Proceedings of the "Journ\'ees \'Equations aux d\'eriv\'ees partielles", Roscoff 201

    Constructive Wall-Crossing and Seiberg-Witten

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    We outline a comprehensive and first-principle solution to the wall-crossing problem in D=4 N=2 Seiberg-Witten theories. We start with a brief review of the multi-centered nature of the typical BPS states and recall how the wall-crossing problem thus becomes really a bound state formation/dissociation problem. Low energy dynamics for arbitrary collections of dyons is derived, from Seiberg-Witten theory, with the proximity to the so-called marginal stability wall playing the role of the small expansion parameter. We find that, surprisingly, the R3n\mathbb{R}^{3n} low energy dynamics of n+1 BPS dyons cannot be consistently reduced to the classical moduli space, \CM, yet the index can be phrased in terms of \CM. We also explain how an equivariant version of this index computes the protected spin character of the underlying field theory, where SO(3)_\CJ isometry of \CM turns out to be the diagonal subgroup of SU(2)LSU(2)_L spatial rotation and SU(2)RSU(2)_R R-symmetry. The so-called rational invariants, previously seen in the Kontsevich-Soibelman formalism of wall-crossing, are shown to emerge naturally from the orbifolding projection due to Bose/Fermi statistics.Comment: 25 pages, conference proceeding contribution for "Progress of Quantum Field Theory and String Theory," Osaka, April 201

    Probing a topological quantum critical point in semiconductor-superconductor heterostructures

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    Quantum ground states on the non-trivial side of a topological quantum critical point (TQCP) have unique properties that make them attractive candidates for quantum information applications. A recent example is provided by s-wave superconductivity on a semiconductor platform, which is tuned through a TQCP to a topological superconducting (TS) state by an external Zeeman field. Despite many attractive features of TS states, TQCPs themselves do not break any symmetries, making it impossible to distinguish the TS state from a regular superconductor in conventional bulk measurements. Here we show that for the semiconductor TQCP this problem can be overcome by tracking suitable bulk transport properties across the topological quantum critical regime itself. The universal low-energy effective theory and the scaling form of the relevant susceptibilities also provide a useful theoretical framework in which to understand the topological transitions in semiconductor heterostructures. Based on our theory, specific bulk measurements are proposed here in order to characterize the novel TQCP in semiconductor heterostructures.Comment: 8+ pages, 5 figures, Revised version as accepted in PR
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