421 research outputs found

    Learning Output Kernels for Multi-Task Problems

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    Simultaneously solving multiple related learning tasks is beneficial under a variety of circumstances, but the prior knowledge necessary to correctly model task relationships is rarely available in practice. In this paper, we develop a novel kernel-based multi-task learning technique that automatically reveals structural inter-task relationships. Building over the framework of output kernel learning (OKL), we introduce a method that jointly learns multiple functions and a low-rank multi-task kernel by solving a non-convex regularization problem. Optimization is carried out via a block coordinate descent strategy, where each subproblem is solved using suitable conjugate gradient (CG) type iterative methods for linear operator equations. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated on pharmacological and collaborative filtering data

    Individualized Rank Aggregation using Nuclear Norm Regularization

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    In recent years rank aggregation has received significant attention from the machine learning community. The goal of such a problem is to combine the (partially revealed) preferences over objects of a large population into a single, relatively consistent ordering of those objects. However, in many cases, we might not want a single ranking and instead opt for individual rankings. We study a version of the problem known as collaborative ranking. In this problem we assume that individual users provide us with pairwise preferences (for example purchasing one item over another). From those preferences we wish to obtain rankings on items that the users have not had an opportunity to explore. The results here have a very interesting connection to the standard matrix completion problem. We provide a theoretical justification for a nuclear norm regularized optimization procedure, and provide high-dimensional scaling results that show how the error in estimating user preferences behaves as the number of observations increase

    Scalable Algorithms for Tractable Schatten Quasi-Norm Minimization

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    The Schatten-p quasi-norm (0<p<1)(0<p<1) is usually used to replace the standard nuclear norm in order to approximate the rank function more accurately. However, existing Schatten-p quasi-norm minimization algorithms involve singular value decomposition (SVD) or eigenvalue decomposition (EVD) in each iteration, and thus may become very slow and impractical for large-scale problems. In this paper, we first define two tractable Schatten quasi-norms, i.e., the Frobenius/nuclear hybrid and bi-nuclear quasi-norms, and then prove that they are in essence the Schatten-2/3 and 1/2 quasi-norms, respectively, which lead to the design of very efficient algorithms that only need to update two much smaller factor matrices. We also design two efficient proximal alternating linearized minimization algorithms for solving representative matrix completion problems. Finally, we provide the global convergence and performance guarantees for our algorithms, which have better convergence properties than existing algorithms. Experimental results on synthetic and real-world data show that our algorithms are more accurate than the state-of-the-art methods, and are orders of magnitude faster.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, Appears in Proceedings of the 30th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, pp. 2016--2022, 201

    Data augmentation for recommender system: A semi-supervised approach using maximum margin matrix factorization

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    Collaborative filtering (CF) has become a popular method for developing recommender systems (RS) where ratings of a user for new items is predicted based on her past preferences and available preference information of other users. Despite the popularity of CF-based methods, their performance is often greatly limited by the sparsity of observed entries. In this study, we explore the data augmentation and refinement aspects of Maximum Margin Matrix Factorization (MMMF), a widely accepted CF technique for the rating predictions, which have not been investigated before. We exploit the inherent characteristics of CF algorithms to assess the confidence level of individual ratings and propose a semi-supervised approach for rating augmentation based on self-training. We hypothesize that any CF algorithm's predictions with low confidence are due to some deficiency in the training data and hence, the performance of the algorithm can be improved by adopting a systematic data augmentation strategy. We iteratively use some of the ratings predicted with high confidence to augment the training data and remove low-confidence entries through a refinement process. By repeating this process, the system learns to improve prediction accuracy. Our method is experimentally evaluated on several state-of-the-art CF algorithms and leads to informative rating augmentation, improving the performance of the baseline approaches.Comment: 20 page