575 research outputs found

    Workflow Scheduling Techniques and Algorithms in IaaS Cloud: A Survey

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    In the modern era, workflows are adopted as a powerful and attractive paradigm for expressing/solving a variety of applications like scientific, data intensive computing, and big data applications such as MapReduce and Hadoop. These complex applications are described using high-level representations in workflow methods. With the emerging model of cloud computing technology, scheduling in the cloud becomes the important research topic. Consequently, workflow scheduling problem has been studied extensively over the past few years, from homogeneous clusters, grids to the most recent paradigm, cloud computing. The challenges that need to be addressed lies in task-resource mapping, QoS requirements, resource provisioning, performance fluctuation, failure handling, resource scheduling, and data storage. This work focuses on the complete study of the resource provisioning and scheduling algorithms in cloud environment focusing on Infrastructure as a service (IaaS). We provided a comprehensive understanding of existing scheduling techniques and provided an insight into research challenges that will be a possible future direction to the researchers

    Application-centric Resource Provisioning for Amazon EC2 Spot Instances

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    In late 2009, Amazon introduced spot instances to offer their unused resources at lower cost with reduced reliability. Amazon's spot instances allow customers to bid on unused Amazon EC2 capacity and run those instances for as long as their bid exceeds the current spot price. The spot price changes periodically based on supply and demand, and customers whose bids exceed it gain access to the available spot instances. Customers may expect their services at lower cost with spot instances compared to on-demand or reserved. However the reliability is compromised since the instances(IaaS) providing the service(SaaS) may become unavailable at any time without any notice to the customer. Checkpointing and migration schemes are of great use to cope with such situation. In this paper we study various checkpointing schemes that can be used with spot instances. Also we device some algorithms for checkpointing scheme on top of application-centric resource provisioning framework that increase the reliability while reducing the cost significantly

    funcX: A Federated Function Serving Fabric for Science

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    Exploding data volumes and velocities, new computational methods and platforms, and ubiquitous connectivity demand new approaches to computation in the sciences. These new approaches must enable computation to be mobile, so that, for example, it can occur near data, be triggered by events (e.g., arrival of new data), be offloaded to specialized accelerators, or run remotely where resources are available. They also require new design approaches in which monolithic applications can be decomposed into smaller components, that may in turn be executed separately and on the most suitable resources. To address these needs we present funcX---a distributed function as a service (FaaS) platform that enables flexible, scalable, and high performance remote function execution. funcX's endpoint software can transform existing clouds, clusters, and supercomputers into function serving systems, while funcX's cloud-hosted service provides transparent, secure, and reliable function execution across a federated ecosystem of endpoints. We motivate the need for funcX with several scientific case studies, present our prototype design and implementation, show optimizations that deliver throughput in excess of 1 million functions per second, and demonstrate, via experiments on two supercomputers, that funcX can scale to more than more than 130000 concurrent workers.Comment: Accepted to ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC 2020). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1908.0490


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    The strong growth in the use of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets in Enterprise Information Systems has led to growing research in the area of mobile Web services. Web services are applications that are developed based on network standards such as Services Oriented Architecture and Representational State Transfer (REST). The mobile research community mostly focused on facilitating the mobile devices as client consumers especially in heterogeneous Web services. However, with the advancement in mobile device capabilities in terms of processing power and storage, this thesis seeks to utilize these devices as hosts of REST Web services. In order to host services on mobile devices, some key challenges have to be addressed. Since data and services accessibility is facilitated by the mobile devices which communicate via unstable wireless networks, the challenges of network latency and synchronization of data (i.e. the Web resources) among the mobile participants must be addressed. To address these challenges, this thesis proposes a cloud-based middleware that enables reliable communication between the mobile hosts in unreliable Wi-Fi networks. The middleware employs techniques such as message routing and Web resources state changes detection in order to push data to the mobile participants in real time. Additionally, to ensure high availability of data, the proposed middleware has a cache component which stores the replicas of the mobile hosts’ Web resources. As a result, in case a mobile host is disconnected, the Web resources of the host can be accessed on the middleware. The key contributions of this thesis are the identification of mobile devices as hosts of RESTful Web services and the implementation of middleware frameworks that support mobile communication in unreliable networks

    Provendo robustez a escalonadores de workflows sensíveis às incertezas da largura de banda disponível

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    Orientadores: Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira, Luiz Fernando BittencourtTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Para que escalonadores de aplicações científicas modeladas como workflows derivem escalonamentos eficientes em nuvens híbridas, é necessário que se forneçam, além da descrição da demanda computacional desses aplicativos, as informações sobre o poder de computação dos recursos disponíveis, especialmente aqueles dados relacionados com a largura de banda disponível. Entretanto, a imprecisão das ferramentas de medição fazem com que as informações da largura de banda disponível fornecida aos escalonadores difiram dos valores reais que deveriam ser considerados para se obter escalonamentos quase ótimos. Escalonadores especialmente projetados para nuvens híbridas simplesmente ignoram a existência de tais imprecisões e terminam produzindo escalonamentos enganosos e de baixo desempenho, o que os tornam sensíveis às informações incertas. A presente Tese introduz um procedimento pró-ativo para fornecer um certo nível de robustez a escalonamentos derivados de escalonadores não projetados para serem robustos frente às incertezas decorrentes do uso de informações imprecisas dadas por ferramentas de medições de rede. Para tornar os escalonamentos sensíveis às incertezas em escalonamentos robustos às essas imprecisões, o procedimento propõe um refinamento (uma deflação) das estimativas da largura de banda antes de serem utilizadas pelo escalonador não robusto. Ao propor o uso de estimativas refinadas da largura de banda disponível, escalonadores inicialmente sensíveis às incertezas passaram a produzir escalonamentos com um certo nível de robustez às essas imprecisões. A eficácia e a eficiência do procedimento proposto são avaliadas através de simulação. Comparam-se, portanto, os escalonamentos gerados por escalonadores que passaram a usar o procedimento proposto com aqueles produzidos pelos mesmos escalonadores mas sem aplicar esse procedimento. Os resultados das simulações mostram que o procedimento proposto é capaz de prover robustez às incertezas da informação da largura de banda a escalonamentos derivados de escalonardes não robustos às tais incertezas. Adicionalmente, esta Tese também propõe um escalonador de aplicações científicas especialmente compostas por um conjunto de workflows. A novidade desse escalonador é que ele é flexível, ou seja, permite o uso de diferentes categorias de funções objetivos. Embora a flexibilidade proposta seja uma novidade no estado da arte, esse escalonador também é sensível às imprecisões da largura de banda. Entretanto, o procedimento mostrou-se capaz de provê-lo de robustez frente às tais incertezas. É mostrado nesta Tese que o procedimento proposto aumentou a eficácia e a eficiência de escalonadores de workflows não robustos projetados para nuvens híbridas, já que eles passaram a produzir escalonamentos com um certo nível de robustez na presença de estimativas incertas da largura de banda disponível. Dessa forma, o procedimento proposto nesta Tese é uma importante ferramenta para aprimorar os escalonadores sensíveis às estimativas incertas da banda disponível especialmente projetados para um ambiente computacional onde esses valores são imprecisos por natureza. Portanto, esta Tese propõe um procedimento que promove melhorias nas execuções de aplicações científicas em nuvens híbridasAbstract: To derive efficient schedules for the tasks of scientific applications modelled as workflows, schedulers need information on the application demands as well as on the resource availability, especially those regarding the available bandwidth. However, the lack of precision of bandwidth estimates provided by monitoring/measurement tools should be considered by the scheduler to achieve near-optimal schedules. Uncertainties of available bandwidth can be a result of imprecise measurement and monitoring network tools and/or their incapacity of estimating in advance the real value of the available bandwidth expected for the application during the scheduling step of the application. Schedulers specially designed for hybrid clouds simply ignore the inaccuracies of the given estimates and end up producing non-robust, low-performance schedules, which makes them sensitive to the uncertainties stemming from using these networking tools. This thesis introduces a proactive procedure to provide a certain level of robustness for schedules derived from schedulers that were not designed to be robust in the face of uncertainties of bandwidth estimates stemming from using unreliable networking tools. To make non-robust schedulers into robust schedulers, the procedure applies a deflation on imprecise bandwidth estimates before being used as input to non-robust schedulers. By proposing the use of refined (deflated) estimates of the available bandwidth, non-robust schedulers initially sensitive to these uncertainties started to produce robust schedules that are insensitive to these inaccuracies. The effectiveness and efficiency of the procedure in providing robustness to non-robust schedulers are evaluated through simulation. Schedules generated by induced-robustness schedulers through the use of the procedure is compared to that of produced by sensitive schedulers. In addition, this thesis also introduces a flexible scheduler for a special case of scientific applications modelled as a set of workflows grouped into ensembles. Although the novelty of this scheduler is the replacement of objective functions according to the user's needs, it is still a non-robust scheduler. However, the procedure was able to provide the necessary robustness for this flexible scheduler be able to produce robust schedules under uncertain bandwidth estimates. It is shown in this thesis that the proposed procedure enhanced the robustness of workflow schedulers designed especially for hybrid clouds as they started to produce robust schedules in the presence of uncertainties stemming from using networking tools. The proposed procedure is an important tool to furnish robustness to non-robust schedulers that are originally designed to work in a computational environment where bandwidth estimates are very likely to vary and cannot be estimated precisely in advance, bringing, therefore, improvements to the executions of scientific applications in hybrid cloudsDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computação2012/02778-6FAPES