13 research outputs found

    Proving Infinitary Normalization

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    Non-termination using Regular Languages

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    We describe a method for proving non-looping non-termination, that is, of term rewriting systems that do not admit looping reductions. As certificates of non-termination, we employ regular (tree) automata.Comment: Published at International Workshop on Termination 201

    Proving Looping and Non-Looping Non-Termination by Finite Automata

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    A new technique is presented to prove non-termination of term rewriting. The basic idea is to find a non-empty regular language of terms that is closed under rewriting and does not contain normal forms. It is automated by representing the language by a tree automaton with a fixed number of states, and expressing the mentioned requirements in a SAT formula. Satisfiability of this formula implies non-termination. Our approach succeeds for many examples where all earlier techniques fail, for instance for the S-rule from combinatory logic

    Termination and Productivity

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    Klop, J.W. [Promotor]Vrijer, R.C. de [Copromotor

    Transducer degrees: atoms, infima and suprema

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    Although finite state transducers are very natural and simple devices, surprisingly little is known about the transducibility relation they induce on streams (infinite words). We collect some intriguing problems that have been unsolved since several years. The transducibility relation arising from finite state transduction induces a partial order of stream degrees, which we call Transducer degrees, analogous to the well-known Turing degrees or degrees of unsolvability. We show that there are pairs of degrees without supremum and without infimum. The former result is somewhat surprising since every finite set of degrees has a supremum if we strengthen the machine model to Turing machines, but also if we weaken it to Mealy machines

    Star Games and Hydras

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    The recursive path ordering is an established and crucial tool in term rewriting to prove termination. We revisit its presentation by means of some simple rules on trees (or corresponding terms) equipped with a 'star' as control symbol, signifying a command to make that tree (or term) smaller in the order being defined. This leads to star games that are very convenient for proving termination of many rewriting tasks. For instance, using already the simplest star game on finite unlabeled trees, we obtain a very direct proof of termination of the famous Hydra battle, direct in the sense that there is not the usual mention of ordinals. We also include an alternative road to setting up the star games, using a proof method of Buchholz, adapted by van Oostrom, resulting in a quantitative version of the star as control symbol. We conclude with a number of questions and future research directions

    Local Termination: theory and practice

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    The characterisation of termination using well-founded monotone algebras has been a milestone on the way to automated termination techniques, of which we have seen an extensive development over the past years. Both the semantic characterisation and most known termination methods are concerned with global termination, uniformly of all the terms of a term rewriting system (TRS). In this paper we consider local termination, of specific sets of terms within a given TRS. The principal goal of this paper is generalising the semantic characterisation of global termination to local termination. This is made possible by admitting the well-founded monotone algebras to be partial. We also extend our approach to local relative termination. The interest in local termination naturally arises in program verification, where one is probably interested only in sensible inputs, or just wants to characterise the set of inputs for which a program terminates. Local termination will be also be of interest when dealing with a specific class of terms within a TRS that is known to be non-terminating, such as combinatory logic (CL) or a TRS encoding recursive program schemes or Turing machines. We show how some of the well-known techniques for proving global termination, such as stepwise removal of rewrite rules and semantic labelling, can be adapted to the local case. We also describe transformations reducing local to global termination problems. The resulting techniques for proving local termination have in some cases already been automated. One of our applications concerns the characterisation of the terminating S-terms in CL as regular language. Previously this language had already been found via a tedious analysis of the reduction behaviour of S-terms. These findings have now been vindicated by a fully automated and verified proof

    Local Termination: theory and practice

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    The characterisation of termination using well-founded monotone algebras has been a milestone on the way to automated termination techniques, of which we have seen an extensive development over the past years. Both the semantic characterisation and most known termination methods are concerned with global termination, uniformly of all the terms of a term rewriting system (TRS). In this paper we consider local termination, of specific sets of terms within a given TRS. The principal goal of this paper is generalising the semantic characterisation of global termination to local termination. This is made possible by admitting the well-founded monotone algebras to be partial. We also extend our approach to local relative termination. The interest in local termination naturally arises in program verification, where one is probably interested only in sensible inputs, or just wants to characterise the set of inputs for which a program terminates. Local termination will be also be of interest when dealing with a specific class of terms within a TRS that is known to be non-terminating, such as combinatory logic (CL) or a TRS encoding recursive program schemes or Turing machines. We show how some of the well-known techniques for proving global termination, such as stepwise removal of rewrite rules and semantic labelling, can be adapted to the local case. We also describe transformations reducing local to global termination problems. The resulting techniques for proving local termination have in some cases already been automated. One of our applications concerns the characterisation of the terminating S-terms in CL as regular language. Previously this language had already been found via a tedious analysis of the reduction behaviour of S-terms. These findings have now been vindicated by a fully automated and verified proof