1,283 research outputs found

    Deterministic Distributed Edge-Coloring via Hypergraph Maximal Matching

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    We present a deterministic distributed algorithm that computes a (2Δ1)(2\Delta-1)-edge-coloring, or even list-edge-coloring, in any nn-node graph with maximum degree Δ\Delta, in O(log7Δlogn)O(\log^7 \Delta \log n) rounds. This answers one of the long-standing open questions of \emph{distributed graph algorithms} from the late 1980s, which asked for a polylogarithmic-time algorithm. See, e.g., Open Problem 4 in the Distributed Graph Coloring book of Barenboim and Elkin. The previous best round complexities were 2O(logn)2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})} by Panconesi and Srinivasan [STOC'92] and O~(Δ)+O(logn)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{\Delta}) + O(\log^* n) by Fraigniaud, Heinrich, and Kosowski [FOCS'16]. A corollary of our deterministic list-edge-coloring also improves the randomized complexity of (2Δ1)(2\Delta-1)-edge-coloring to poly(loglogn)(\log\log n) rounds. The key technical ingredient is a deterministic distributed algorithm for \emph{hypergraph maximal matching}, which we believe will be of interest beyond this result. In any hypergraph of rank rr --- where each hyperedge has at most rr vertices --- with nn nodes and maximum degree Δ\Delta, this algorithm computes a maximal matching in O(r5log6+logrΔlogn)O(r^5 \log^{6+\log r } \Delta \log n) rounds. This hypergraph matching algorithm and its extensions lead to a number of other results. In particular, a polylogarithmic-time deterministic distributed maximal independent set algorithm for graphs with bounded neighborhood independence, hence answering Open Problem 5 of Barenboim and Elkin's book, a ((logΔ/ε)O(log(1/ε)))((\log \Delta/\varepsilon)^{O(\log (1/\varepsilon))})-round deterministic algorithm for (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximation of maximum matching, and a quasi-polylogarithmic-time deterministic distributed algorithm for orienting λ\lambda-arboricity graphs with out-degree at most (1+ε)λ(1+\varepsilon)\lambda, for any constant ε>0\varepsilon>0, hence partially answering Open Problem 10 of Barenboim and Elkin's book

    Some Optimally Adaptive Parallel Graph Algorithms on EREW PRAM Model

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    The study of graph algorithms is an important area of research in computer science, since graphs offer useful tools to model many real-world situations. The commercial availability of parallel computers have led to the development of efficient parallel graph algorithms. Using an exclusive-read and exclusive-write (EREW) parallel random access machine (PRAM) as the computation model with a fixed number of processors, we design and analyze parallel algorithms for seven undirected graph problems, such as, connected components, spanning forest, fundamental cycle set, bridges, bipartiteness, assignment problems, and approximate vertex coloring. For all but the last two problems, the input data structure is an unordered list of edges, and divide-and-conquer is the paradigm for designing algorithms. One of the algorithms to solve the assignment problem makes use of an appropriate variant of dynamic programming strategy. An elegant data structure, called the adjacency list matrix, used in a vertex-coloring algorithm avoids the sequential nature of linked adjacency lists. Each of the proposed algorithms achieves optimal speedup, choosing an optimal granularity (thus exploiting maximum parallelism) which depends on the density or the number of vertices of the given graph. The processor-(time)2 product has been identified as a useful parameter to measure the cost-effectiveness of a parallel algorithm. We derive a lower bound on this measure for each of our algorithms

    Self-stabilizing routing protocols

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    In systems made up of processors and links connecting the processors, the global state of the system is defined by the local variables of the individual processors. The set of global states can be defined as being either legal or illegal. A self-stabilizing system is one that forces a system from an illegal state to a global legal state without external interference, using a finite number of steps. This thesis will concentrate on application of self-stabilization to routing problems, in particular path identification, connectivity and methods involved in destinational routing. Traditional methods for creation of rooted paths to multiple destinations in a computer network involve the creation of spanning trees, and broadcasting information on the tree to be picked up by the individual nodes on the tree. The information for the creation of the tree are all sourced at the root, and the individual nodes update information from the centralized source. The self-stabilization model for networks allows the decision for a creation of a tree and message checking to occur automatically, locally, and more important, in contrast to traditional networks, asynchronously. The creation, message passing occur with a node and its immediate neighbor, and the tree, path is created based on this communicated data. In addition, the self-stabilization model eliminates the requisite initialization of traditional networks, i.e. given any arbitrary initial state the system (a given network) is guaranteed to stabilize to a legal global state, in the case of a broadcast network, a minimal spanning tree rooted at a source