5 research outputs found

    Handling Disturbance and Awareness of Concurrent Updates in a Collaborative Editor

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    International audienceWhen people work collaboratively on a shared document, they have two contradictory requirements on their editors that may affect the efficiency of their work. On the one hand, they would like to know what other people are currently doing on a particular part of the document. On the other hand, they would like to focus their attention on their own current work, with as little disturbance from the concurrent activities as possible. We present some features that help the user handle disturbance and awareness of concurrent updates. While collabora-tively editing a shared document with other people, a user can create a focus region. The user can concentrate on the work in the region without being interfered with the concurrent updates of the other people. Occasionally, the user can preview the concurrent updates and select a number of these updates to be integrated into the local copy. We have implemented a collaborative editing subsystem in the GNU Emacs 5 text editor with the described features

    Improving Textual Merge Result

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    International audienceIn asynchronous collaborative systems, merging is an essential component. It allows to reconcile modifications made concurrently as well as managing software change through branching. The collaborative system is in charge to propose a merge result that includes user's modifications. The users now have to check and adapt this result. The adaptation should be as effort-less as possible, otherwise, the users may get frustrated and will quit the collaboration. The objective of this paper is to improve the result quality of the textual merge tool that constitutes the default merge tool of distributed version control systems. The basic idea is to study the behavior of the concurrent modifications during merge procedure. We identified when the existing merge techniques under-perform, and we propose solutions to improve the quality of the merge. We finally compare with the traditional merge tool through a large corpus of collaborative editing

    Concurrency Control and Awareness Support for Multi-synchronous Collaborative Editing

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    International audienceCollaborative editing tools have become increasingly popular in the last decade, with some systems being used by massive numbers of users. While traditionally collaborative editing systems would either target synchronous or asynchronous collaboration settings, some recent systems support both types of collaboration, even supporting disconnected work. In this paper we analyze the limitations of existing systems and propose a data management solution that overcomes such limitations. The proposed concurrency control algorithm, based on conflict-free data types, builds on the ideas previously developed for synchronous collaboration, extending them to support asynchronous collaboration. Our solution also includes the necessary information for providing comprehensive awareness information to users. The evaluation of our algorithm shows that comparing our solution with traditional solutions in collaborative editing, the conflict resolution strategy proposed in this paper leads to results closer to the ones expected by users

    Enhancing rich content wikis with real-time collaboration

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    International audienceWikis are one of the most important tools of Web 2.0 allowing users to easily edit shared data. However, wikis offer limited support for merging concurrent contributions on the same pages. Users have to manually merge concurrent changes and there is no support for an automatic merging. Real-time collaborative editing reduces the number of conflicts as the time frame for concurrent work is very short. In this paper we propose extending wiki systems with real-time collaboration. We propose an automatic merging solution adapted for rich content wikis. Our solution is integrated into a widely used wiki system

    Providing Awareness in Multi-synchronous Collaboration Without Compromising Privacy

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    When involved in collaborative tasks, users often choose to use multi-synchronous applications in order to concurrently work in isolation. Hence, privacy of their changes is maintained until they decide to publish their contributions. Not being aware of changes made by their collaborators, they often create concurrent modifications which might generate conflicts or lead to redundant work. We propose an awareness mechanism that solves this problem by computing and providing awareness in multi-synchronous collaboration while at the same time respecting user privacy by allowing users to specify the detail of information made available to their collaborators. The computation of awareness is based on metrics that measure the effect of changes for the different types of changes, on the different syntactic document levels and document parts. For the visualisation of awareness, we employ the concept of edit profiles. ACM Classification Keyword