6 research outputs found

    Sensor authentication in collaborating sensor networks

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    In this thesis, we address a new security problem in the realm of collaborating sensor networks. By collaborating sensor networks, we refer to the networks of sensor networks collaborating on a mission, with each sensor network is independently owned and operated by separate entities. Such networks are practical where a number of independent entities can deploy their own sensor networks in multi-national, commercial, and environmental scenarios, and some of these networks will integrate complementary functionalities for a mission. In the scenario, we address an authentication problem wherein the goal is for the Operator Oi of Sensor Network Si to correctly determine the number of active sensors in Network Si. Such a problem is challenging in collaborating sensor networks where other sensor networks, despite showing an intent to collaborate, may not be completely trustworthy and could compromise the authentication process. We propose two authentication protocols to address this problem. Our protocols rely on Physically Unclonable Functions, which are a hardware based authentication primitive exploiting inherent randomness in circuit fabrication. Our protocols are light-weight, energy efficient, and highly secure against a number of attacks. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first to addresses a practical security problem in collaborating sensor networks. --Abstract, page iii

    Systematic-RLNC Based Secure and QoS Centric Routing Scheme for WSNs, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2019, nr 4

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    In this paper a highly robust and efficient systematic-random linear network coding (S-RLNC) routing scheme is proposed. Unlike classic security systems, the proposed S-RLNC transmission model incorporates an advanced pre-coding and interleaving concept followed by multigeneration mixing (MGM) based data transmission to assure secure and QoS efficient communication. The proposed S-RLNC MGM based routing scheme exhibits higher throughput (99.5-100%) than the existing NCC-ARQ-WSN protocol (80%). Unlike NCC-ARQ-WSN, the proposed model incorporates multiple enhancements, such as RLNC concept, systematic network coding, MGM concept, IBF provision and redundant packet optimization. Combined, all these optimizations have strengthened the proposed S-RLNC MGM to exhibit optimum performance for secure and QoS-centric communication over WSN

    Location based services in wireless ad hoc networks

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    In this dissertation, we investigate location based services in wireless ad hoc networks from four different aspects - i) location privacy in wireless sensor networks (privacy), ii) end-to-end secure communication in randomly deployed wireless sensor networks (security), iii) quality versus latency trade-off in content retrieval under ad hoc node mobility (performance) and iv) location clustering based Sybil attack detection in vehicular ad hoc networks (trust). The first contribution of this dissertation is in addressing location privacy in wireless sensor networks. We propose a non-cooperative sensor localization algorithm showing how an external entity can stealthily invade into the location privacy of sensors in a network. We then design a location privacy preserving tracking algorithm for defending against such adversarial localization attacks. Next we investigate secure end-to-end communication in randomly deployed wireless sensor networks. Here, due to lack of control on sensors\u27 locations post deployment, pre-fixing pairwise keys between sensors is not feasible especially under larger scale random deployments. Towards this premise, we propose differentiated key pre-distribution for secure end-to-end secure communication, and show how it improves existing routing algorithms. Our next contribution is in addressing quality versus latency trade-off in content retrieval under ad hoc node mobility. We propose a two-tiered architecture for efficient content retrieval in such environment. Finally we investigate Sybil attack detection in vehicular ad hoc networks. A Sybil attacker can create and use multiple counterfeit identities risking trust of a vehicular ad hoc network, and then easily escape the location of the attack avoiding detection. We propose a location based clustering of nodes leveraging vehicle platoon dispersion for detection of Sybil attacks in vehicular ad hoc networks --Abstract, page iii

    Providing End-to-End Secure Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Performance Evaluation of Security Solutions for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In the recent years, wireless communication is involving not only computers, but a multitude of heterogeneous devices. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) contribute to the new paradigm of pervasive computing, and this translates into new requirements for new applications. WSNs are employed not only on their own, but also in Cooperating Objects Systems (COSs), where mobile physical agents share the same environment to fulfill their tasks, either in group or in isolation. Sensor nodes are typically resource constrained devices deployed in unattended, possibly hostile environments. WSNs and COSs are a tempting target for an adversary, since a security infringement may easily translate into a safety one, with possible consequences in terms of damages to things and injures to people. Main security requirements for WSNs are secure communication, key management and secure bootstrapping. Security usually involves resource greedy operations, while sensors are resource constrained devices. This means that security requirements must be satisfied assuring a lightweight impact in terms of memory occupancy, network performance and energy consumption. In this thesis work, we start from a performance evaluation of the security sublayer of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard in terms of memory occupancy, network performance and energy consumption. Then, present and evaluate a solution to a vulnerability of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard that causes a selective Denial of Service attack. Finally, we present PLASA: a modular and reconfigurable security architecture for WSNs. PLASA extends the STaR architecture. STaR is a secure communication module we designed to provide confidentiality and/or authenticity of communications in a trans- parent and flexible manner. PLASA enhances STaR, introducing modules for key management and secure bootstrapping, so providing a complete system that is suitable not only for the WSN, but for the entire COS