5 research outputs found

    Implementing a mobile campus using MLE Moodle

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    Mobile learning is considered the next step of online learning by incorporating mobility as a key requirement. Indeed, the current wide spread of mobile devices and wireless technologies brings an enormous potential to e-learning, in terms of ubiquity, pervasiveness, personalization, flexibility, and so on. For this reason, Mobile Learning is attracting significant research efforts covering a fairly variety of learning settings, from schools and universities to workplaces and cities. This research has evidenced that mobile technology can offer new opportunities for learners to learn inside and beyond the traditional instructor-oriented educational paradigm. However, mobile technologies are still in its infancy and many challenges arise. In this paper we analyze, from both learning and technological perspectives, the development of learning applications using mobile devices. To this end, proxy and proxy less architectures are considered as way to extend traditional virtual campuses with mobile clients. The objective is twofold: to access learning materials and to support learning activities. A prototype of a Virtual Campus is developed using MLE-Moodle -the Mobile Learning module of Moodle. The proposed Virtual Campus enables mobile clients to perform online learning activities and is a step towards achieving the “anytime, anywhere” paradigm.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Using mobile devices to support online collaborative learning

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    Mobile collaborative learning is considered the next step of on-line collaborative learning by incorporating mobility as a key and breakthrough requirement. Indeed, the current wide spread of mobile devices and wireless technologies brings an enormous potential to e-learning, in terms of ubiquity, pervasiveness, personalization, flexibility, and so on. For this reason, Mobile Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning has recently grown from a minor research field to significant research projects covering a fairly variety of formal and specially informal learning settings, from schools and universities to workplaces, museums, cities and rural areas. Much of this research has shown how mobile technology can offer new opportunities for groups of learners to collaborate inside and beyond the traditional instructor-oriented educational paradigm. However, mobile technologies, when specifically applied to collaborative learning activities, are still in its infancy and many challenges arise. In addition, current research in this domain points to highly specialized study cases, uses, and experiences in specific educational settings and thus the issues addressed in the literature are found dispersed and disconnected from each other. To this end, this paper attempts to bridge relevant aspects of mobile technologies in support for collaborative learning and provides a tighter view by means of a multidimensional approach.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    “Providing context aware learning services to learners with portable devices”

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    [[abstract]]Context aware learning service is an interactive model between learners and learning services based on learners' surrounding learning environments. We envision that providing context aware learning services is an important step to enhance current Web and mobile based e-learning by finding right collaborator, right information and right learning services in the right place at the right time. The major contributions of this paper are the provision of context-aware learning services, namely context-aware content access for learners with portable devices

    Contribución al diseño y desarrollo de herramientas docentes basadas en TIC para entornos heterogéneos

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    [SPA] Las modalidades actuales de e-learning están basadas en la mejora del proceso de aprendizaje a través de la potenciación de ciertas habilidades en los alumnos, como en el aprendizaje colaborativo, competitivo o basado en problemas. Sin embargo, parece que aún hoy no hay ninguna fórmula de e-learning capaz de recopilar una serie de principios pedagógicos más genéricos en una única plataforma o sistema. Por ello, en este documento se presenta una plataforma basada en tecnologías web para la creación, desarrollo e implementación de ambientes educativos heterogéneos llamada CADI. Ofrece una interfaz gráfica de usuario para que los alumnos puedan interactuar con el único requisito de contar con un dispositivo genérico compatible con WiFi. Su innovador diseño permite al profesor seleccionar y combinar los recursos desarrollados para crear actividades muy variadas, mostrándose en cada caso los contenidos adaptados a cada dispositivo concreto y superándose así las fallas de estandarización existentes en la actualidad en el mundo de los dispositivos móviles. La utilidad del sistema fue evaluada a través de la realización de un proyecto piloto a un grupo de alumnos veteranos. La experiencia mostró que el uso del sistema ayudó a los estudiantes a conseguir mejores resultados académicos en su evaluación. También mostró que los alumnos no tuvieron ningún problema en interactuar con el sistema desde el principio, promoviendo en última instancia su aprendizaje activo. Este documento aborda la descripción de dicho sistema desde un punto de vista pedagógico, pero también práctico, al describir aspectos relacionados con su diseño, implementación y posterior evaluación en un escenario real de aplicación.[ENG] Current e-learning forms are commonly based on improving the learning process through the enhancement of certain skills in students, such as collaborative, competitive or problem-based learning. However, it seems that there is still no e-learning formula that gathers the implementation of a number of more generic educational principles in a single e-learning system or platform. Therefore, this document presents a web-based framework for the creation, development and implementation of heterogeneous learning environments called CADI. It offers a graphical user interface for students to interact with only the need for any generic WiFi compliant device. Its innovative design allows the instructor to select and combine the developed resources to create varied activities, providing content adapted to every single device, thus overcoming the current standardization issues around heterogeneous mobile devices and its capabilities. The usefulness of the system was tested by introducing a case study to a group of senior college students. The experience showed that the use of the system helped students to achieve better results in their evaluation. It also showed that the students had no problems interacting with it from the outset, promoting their active learning. This thesis deals with the characterization of the system from a pedagogical point of view, but also practical, describing aspects of their design, implementation and subsequent evaluation in a real application scenario.Universidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Arquitectura para gestão de actividades em plataformas distribuídas de e-Learning

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    Doutoramento em Ciências e Tecnologia da ComunicaçãoO desenvolvimento de LMSs bem como dos conteúdos a serem utilizados nos cursos que os mesmos suportam, tem sido feito pelos produtores de software e de conteúdos, sem atender a quaisquer normas, fazendo com que não seja possível a compatibilização dos diferentes sistemas existentes. Preocupações de reuso e interoperabilidade estão na base de diversos projectos de normalização nesta área, levados a cabo por organizações e consórcios internacionais, envolvendo organismos governamentais, empresariais e académicos de todo o mundo. Até ao momento, os principais esforços têm sido canalizados para a questão da construção de unidades de aprendizagem (conteúdos) que possam ser reutilizáveis, estando em curso trabalhos relacionados com a normalização dos LMSs, por forma a que estes possam gerar, utilizar e trocar entre si, conteúdos com as mais diversas amplitudes, indo do simples texto até ao curso completo. Algumas das organizações e consórcios que mais se têm evidenciado neste tipo de trabalho incluem a ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning), o IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc., o AICC (Aviation Industry Computer Based Training Committee), e o IEEE LTSC (Institute of Electriical and Electronic Engineers Learning Technologies Standard Committee), entre outros. O projecto SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) da ADL é talvez aquele que neste momento melhor representa o esforço que tem sido feito no sentido da normalização referida. Contudo, até à data, nenhum dos projectos conhecidos se preocupou com questões de gestão operacional dos cursos, deixando por cobrir aspectos achados importantes para o aumento da probabilidade de sucesso dos processos de ensino/aprendizagem. A presente tese pretende descrever o trabalho de obtenção de um referencial para a camada de gestão on-line dos processos de e-learning suportados por LMSs. Tal camada é proposta de forma a poder integrar-se no todo que constiui uma plataforma de ensino/aprendizagem desenvolvida de acordo com as recomendações SCORM e, para além da proposta de uma camada de metadados de gestão, apresenta a forma como a referida integração poderá ser realizada.The development of the LMSs as well as the development of the contents to be used inside the courses that the LMSs support has been done without any standard guidelines. This fact addresses the problem of the existence of non compatible systems in the e-learning market. So, interoperability and reuse are the concerns of several organizations and consortia involving governmental and corporate members. Till now, the main efforts of those organizations and consortia are focused on the building and delivering of contents that could be reused. Simultaneously there are some works running towards a standardized process of LMSs development, so that it could be possible to create courses and generate, use and interchange contents among them. Those contents could have different levels of granularity, beginning on a simple text and ending in a complete course. Some of the most important organizations and consortia working in the area are ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning), IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc, AICC (Aviation Industry Computer Based Training Committee, IEEE LTSC (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Learning Technologies Standard Committee) and others. The ADL SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) project is perhaps the one that, at this moment, better represents the efforts made in the standardization works referred. However, till today, there isn’t any known project covering the on-line management of activities execution during a course operationalization. We believe that such such management capabilities could allow better results in what concerns the success of the teaching/learning process. This thesis describes the work done towards a proposal of a referential for an on-line management layer to be integrated in the global architecture of a LMS. Doing this work, we had in mind the need of integration of the proposed new layer with the existent SCORM recommendations for the LMSs development. The integration process and the management metadata are also presented and described