542 research outputs found

    A multi-fold assessment framework for virtualized collaborative and social learning scenarios

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    Proposem un procés de virtualització de sessions col·laboratives en directe a partir de fòrums de discussió i xats web amb l'objectiu de produir recursos d'aprenentatge en línia interactius per a ser utilitzats pels alumnes i generar un efecte positiu en la participació de l'alumne. Per tal de millorar encara més la implicació de l'aprenentatge, vam dotar al nostre procés de virtualització d'un marc d'avaluació múltiple que proporciona la consciència efectiva i la retroalimentació constructiva als alumnes de la col·laboració original amb interaccions entre els membres del grup. La investigació presentada es centra en l'avaluació electrònica d'aprenentatge col·laboratiu i social i s'estén amb analítiques d'aprenentatge i tècniques d'anàlisi de xarxa social que són capaces d'analitzar i representar les interaccions cognitives i socials amb sessions de col·laboració en viu subjacents.Proponemos un proceso de virtualización de sesiones colaborativas en directo a partir de foros de discusión y chats web con el objetivo de producir recursos de aprendizaje en línea interactivos para ser utilizados por los alumnos y generar un efecto positivo en la participación del alumno. Con el fin de mejorar aún más la implicación del aprendizaje, dotamos a nuestro proceso de virtualización de un marco de evaluación múltiple que proporciona la conciencia efectiva y la retroalimentación constructiva a los alumnos de la colaboración original con interacciones entre los miembros del grupo. La investigación presentada se centra en la evaluación electrónica de aprendizaje colaborativo y social y se extiende con analíticas de aprendizaje y técnicas de análisis de red social que son capaces de analizar y representar las interacciones cognitivas y sociales con sesiones de colaboración en vivo subyacentes.We propose a virtualization process of live collaborative sessions from Web discussion forums and chats with the aim to produce interactive and attractive online learning resources to be used by learners, thus having a positive effect in learner engagement. In order to enhance further learning engagement, we endow our virtualization process with a multifold assessment framework that provides effective awareness and constructive feedback to learners from the original collaborative interactions among group members. The research presented focuses on e-assessment of collaborative and social learning and extends it with Learning Analytics and Social Network Analysis techniques that are able to analyse and represent cognitive and social interactions underlying live collaborative sessions

    Collaborative Complex Learning Objects in Support for Social and Collaborative Just-in-Time Networking

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    Two types of networks are considered with special interest for e-learning environments: social and collaborative networks. There is no consensus about the frontiers dividing the two types, though a set of common interrelated characteristics is found during any learning experience, such as social identity, interaction and empowerment. These and other characteristics may greatly influence the e-learning process when combined and addressed appropriately as well as overcome important limitations of current e-learning systems. For instance, isolation is a critical problem found in many virtual environments and it is directly associated with the lack of the learners' social identity and a low level of collaborative interaction with the environment. Isolation can thus be minimized by an innovative use of both types of networking in just-in-time fashion. These and other factors are considered and addressed in this paper to create adequate systems and tools to enable intelligent networking for e-learning. To this end, the requirements of virtual learning environments are analysed in order to meet social and collaborative needs. As a result, a newly-created tool called Virtualized Collaborative Session is described that includes and executes a new type of Learning Object called Collaborative Complex Learning Objects that allow learners to benefit from live sessions of networking with others and in turn leverage the knowledge constructed collaboratively. Eventually, this approach becomes an attractive learning resource so that learners become more motivated and engaged in the learning process

    An application framework for the systematic construction of multimedia-based Collaborative Complex Learning Resources

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    Aquest treball de tesi proposa aportar una infraestructura de programari per donar suport a nous tipus de metodologies i recursos d'aprenentatge col·laboratiu augmentats pedagògicament i a través d'una plataforma d'aplicació innovadora anomenada Plataforma de Virtualització de Sessions Col·laboratives (VCSF de l'angles Virtualized Collaborative Sessions Framework). El VCSF ajuda a satisfer els requisits pedagògics exigents de l'aprenentatge col·laboratiu en línia d’avui en dia, com ara augmentar la participació de l'estudiant i millorar el rendiment de l'aprenentatge durant la col·laboració. Al seu torn, l'aplicació sistemàtica de la plataforma VCSF, enriquida amb tecnologies semàntiques, permet als desenvolupadors d'e-learning aprofitar experiències d'aprenentatge col·laboratiu prèvies a través de la reutilització de programari, estalviant temps de desenvolupament i esforç. La plataforma ha sigut prototipada i provada amb èxit en entorns reals, el que demostra la capacitat de reutilització del programari i els beneficis pedagògics de l'enfocament VCSF.Este trabajo de tesis propone aportar una infraestructura de software para apoyar a nuevos tipos de metodologías y recursos de aprendizaje colaborativo aumentados pedagógicamente ya través de una plataforma de aplicación innovadora llamada Plataforma de Virtualización de Sesiones Colaborativa (VCSF del inglés Virtualized Collaborative Sessions Framework). El VCSF ayuda a satisfacer los requisitos pedagógicos exigentes del aprendizaje colaborativo en línea de hoy en día, tales como aumentar la participación del estudiante y mejorar el rendimiento del aprendizaje durante la colaboración. A su vez, la aplicación sistemática de la plataforma VCSF, enriquecida con tecnologías semánticas, permite a los desarrolladores de e-learning aprovechar experiencias de aprendizaje colaborativo previas a través de la reutilización de software, ahorrando tiempo de desarrollo y esfuerzo. La plataforma ha sido prototipada y probada con éxito en entornos reales, lo que demuestra la capacidad de reutilización del software y los beneficios pedagógicos del enfoque VCSF.This thesis project aims to provide a software infrastructure to support new types of pedagogically augmented collaborative learning methodologies and resources by means of an innovative application framework called Virtualized Collaborative Sessions Framework (VCSF). The VCSF helps meet challenging pedagogical requirements in online collaborative learning, such as increasing students' engagement and learning performance during the collaboration. In turn, the systematic application of the VCSF platform, enriched with semantic technologies, enables e-learning developers to leverage successful collaborative learning experiences through software reuse, saving in both development time and effort. The framework has been prototyped and successfully tested in real environments, thus showing the software reuse capability and the pedagogical benefits of the VCSF approach

    Best of Both Worlds: The Inclusion of Gamification in Virtual Lab Environments to Increase Educational Value

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    Previous research investigating gamification and virtual laboratories has suggested that both are successful in educational outcomes, but few have looked at both gamification and virtual labs in tandem. This research explores the idea of investigating both contexts within one unified platform. We examine whether using gamification within virtual labs is effective in enhancing learners’ educational performance. Particularly, we employ leaderboards as a motivational gamification mechanism for more engagement and participation that can result in higher learning outcomes. Using a sample of students, our results show that utilization of gamification within a virtual lab environment causes students to exhibit higher performance in terms of more task accomplishments (specifically more complex tasks) and higher self-efficacy. The current findings show promising evidence on the positive influence of gamification within virtual lab learning environments

    FORGE: An eLearning Framework for Remote Laboratory Experimentation on FIRE Testbed Infrastructure

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    The Forging Online Education through FIRE (FORGE) initiative provides educators and learners in higher education with access to world-class FIRE testbed infrastructure. FORGE supports experimentally driven research in an eLearning environment by complementing traditional classroom and online courses with interactive remote laboratory experiments. The project has achieved its objectives by defining and implementing a framework called FORGEBox. This framework offers the methodology, environment, tools and resources to support the creation of HTML-based online educational material capable accessing virtualized and physical FIRE testbed infrastruc- ture easily. FORGEBox also captures valuable quantitative and qualitative learning analytic information using questionnaires and Learning Analytics that can help optimise and support student learning. To date, FORGE has produced courses covering a wide range of networking and communication domains. These are freely available from FORGEBox.eu and have resulted in over 24,000 experiments undertaken by more than 1,800 students across 10 countries worldwide. This work has shown that the use of remote high- performance testbed facilities for hands-on remote experimentation can have a valuable impact on the learning experience for both educators and learners. Additionally, certain challenges in developing FIRE-based courseware have been identified, which has led to a set of recommendations in order to support the use of FIRE facilities for teaching and learning purposes

    Comparing Sense of Community Scores Between Online Information Technology Students Based Domestically and Those Based Internationally

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    The purpose of this quantitative, causal-comparative study is to investigate a student’s sense of community within a globally-available, online, asynchronous, Information Technology (IT) course and explore whether there is a difference in the sense of community scores if the student is currently residing in the United States or is currently residing outside of the United States. A sample size of N = 297 students was drawn from a convenience sample of online students who had self-enrolled in IT classes as part of an IT degree program. The Rovai’s Classroom Community Scale was used to calculate the sense of classroom community for two independent groups. Initially, a Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used for analysis; however, a Mann-Whitney U test was ultimately applied because of failed assumptions. The final results found that the shapes of the three dependent variables were significantly different across the two measured groups, therefore mean rank scores were measured rather than the medians. It was found that the null hypothesis should be rejected for both the Connectedness variable and the Total_CCS_Score variable, while the null hypothesis should be retained for the Learning variable. The research shows that the experience for online IT students is significantly different for students based in the United States and those based outside of the United States. Future studies should consider exploring how to provide or ensure access to the necessary technology and also instructional design elements that might make experiences more alike among the two groups

    Inclusion of Gamification Elements in the Context of Virtual Lab Environments to Increase Educational Value

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    Previous research on gamification and virtual laboratories has suggested that both produce successful educational outcomes, but few studies have looked at both gamification and virtual labs in tandem. Drawing on social cognitive theory, we investigate gamification in the virtual labs’ context to examine whether learners’ educational performance is enhanced. In particular, we employ leaderboards as a motivational gamification mechanism for more engagement and participation that can result in higher learning outcomes. Using a student sample, our results show that using gamification within a virtual lab environment results in higher student performance; specifically, it helps them complete more-complex tasks and increases their self-efficacy. Our findings show promising evidence that gamification in virtual lab learning environments positively influences learning

    Latin American perspectives to internationalize undergraduate information technology education

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    The computing education community expects modern curricular guidelines for information technology (IT) undergraduate degree programs by 2017. The authors of this work focus on eliciting and analyzing Latin American academic and industry perspectives on IT undergraduate education. The objective is to ensure that the IT curricular framework in the IT2017 report articulates the relationship between academic preparation and the work environment of IT graduates in light of current technological and educational trends in Latin America and elsewhere. Activities focus on soliciting and analyzing survey data collected from institutions and consortia in IT education and IT professional and educational societies in Latin America; these activities also include garnering the expertise of the authors. Findings show that IT degree programs are making progress in bridging the academic-industry gap, but more work remains

    Using a Virtual Computing Laboratory to Foster Collaborative Learning for Information Security and Information Technology Education

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    Virtual computer laboratories have been an excellent technological solution to the problem of providing students with hands-on experimentation in information technology fields such as information security in a cost effective and secure manner. A virtual computer laboratory was utilized in this work as a collaborative environment for student learning with the goal of measuring its effect on student learning and attitudes toward laboratory assignments. Experiments were carried out utilizing specially-designed computer-based laboratory activities that included student assessments and surveys upon their completion. The experiments involved both small groups and individual students completing their respective laboratory activities and subsequent assessments/surveys. The analysis of the data collected from both versions of the activity showed that students who performed the collaborative version of the activity benefited more than students who completed it on their own with respect to their learning and attitudes towards the subject areas covered in the laboratory activities


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    E-learning systems (EL) have established themselves as a key management instrument in business strategies for human resource management, for the improvement of the efficiency of processes for professional staff development and for the development of corporate knowledge. The aim of this article is to present some of the new concepts for EL – an ecosystem for EL, collaborative learning, lifelong learning, ubiquitous learning, EL as a method for knowledge creation and the generation of collective intelligence.Furthermore, it aims to outline the potential of the key information technologies – mobile technologies, Web 2.0 and cloud services - for the development of efficient strategies and models for EL usage, its transition into an efficient and effective business practice and its establishment as a leading, electronically implemented activity (e-activity). To achieve the objective of the research article the following methods have been used – logical methods such as analysis, synthesis and comparison, and theoretical research methods such as abstracting and summarizing. The main empirical method applied is that of modelling