5,215 research outputs found

    Progger: an efficient, tamper-evident kernel-space logger for cloud data provenance tracking

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    Cloud data provenance, or "what has happened to my data in the cloud", is a critical data security component which addresses pressing data accountability and data governance issues in cloud computing systems. In this paper, we present Progger (Provenance Logger), a kernel-space logger which potentially empowers all cloud stakeholders to trace their data. Logging from the kernel space empowers security analysts to collect provenance from the lowest possible atomic data actions, and enables several higher-level tools to be built for effective end-to-end tracking of data provenance. Within the last few years, there has been an increasing number of proposed kernel space provenance tools but they faced several critical data security and integrity problems. Some of these prior tools' limitations include (1) the inability to provide log tamper-evidence and prevention of fake/manual entries, (2) accurate and granular timestamp synchronisation across several machines, (3) log space requirements and growth, and (4) the efficient logging of root usage of the system. Progger has resolved all these critical issues, and as such, provides high assurance of data security and data activity audit. With this in mind, the paper will discuss these elements of high-assurance cloud data provenance, describe the design of Progger and its efficiency, and present compelling results which paves the way for Progger being a foundation tool used for data activity tracking across all cloud systems

    Towards Provenance Cloud Security Auditing Based on Association Rule Mining

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    Cloud storage provides external data storage services by combining and coordinating different types of devices in a network to work collectively. However, there is always a trust relationship between users and service providers, therefore, an effective security auditing of cloud data and operational processes is necessary. We propose a trusted cloud framework based on a Cloud Accountability Life Cycle (CALC). We suggest that auditing provenance data in cloud servers is a practical and efficient method to log data, being relatively stable and easy to collect type of provenance data. Furthermore, we suggest a scheme based on user behaviour (UB) by analysing the log data from cloud servers. We present a description of rules for a UB operating system log, and put forward an association rule mining algorithm based on the Long Sequence Frequent Pattern (LSFP) to extract the UB. Finally, the results of our experiment prove that our solution can be implemented to track and forensically inspect the data leakage in an efficient manner for cloud security auditing

    Watchword-Oriented and Time-Stamped Algorithms for Tamper-Proof Cloud Provenance Cognition

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    Provenance is derivative journal information about the origin and activities of system data and processes. For a highly dynamic system like the cloud, provenance can be accurately detected and securely used in cloud digital forensic investigation activities. This paper proposes watchword oriented provenance cognition algorithm for the cloud environment. Additionally time-stamp based buffer verifying algorithm is proposed for securing the access to the detected cloud provenance. Performance analysis of the novel algorithms proposed here yields a desirable detection rate of 89.33% and miss rate of 8.66%. The securing algorithm successfully rejects 64% of malicious requests, yielding a cumulative frequency of 21.43 for MR

    The case for cloud service trustmarks and assurance-as-a-service

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    Cloud computing represents a significant economic opportunity for Europe. However, this growth is threatened by adoption barriers largely related to trust. This position paper examines trust and confidence issues in cloud computing and advances a case for addressing them through the implementation of a novel trustmark scheme for cloud service providers. The proposed trustmark would be both active and dynamic featuring multi-modal information about the performance of the underlying cloud service. The trustmarks would be informed by live performance data from the cloud service provider, or ideally an independent third-party accountability and assurance service that would communicate up-to-date information relating to service performance and dependability. By combining assurance measures with a remediation scheme, cloud service providers could both signal dependability to customers and the wider marketplace and provide customers, auditors and regulators with a mechanism for determining accountability in the event of failure or non-compliance. As a result, the trustmarks would convey to consumers of cloud services and other stakeholders that strong assurance and accountability measures are in place for the service in question and thereby address trust and confidence issues in cloud computing

    Viewpoint | Personal Data and the Internet of Things: It is time to care about digital provenance

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    The Internet of Things promises a connected environment reacting to and addressing our every need, but based on the assumption that all of our movements and words can be recorded and analysed to achieve this end. Ubiquitous surveillance is also a precondition for most dystopian societies, both real and fictional. How our personal data is processed and consumed in an ever more connected world must imperatively be made transparent, and more effective technical solutions than those currently on offer, to manage personal data must urgently be investigated.Comment: 3 pages, 0 figures, preprint for Communication of the AC

    Authentication and authorisation in entrusted unions

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    This paper reports on the status of a project whose aim is to implement and demonstrate in a real-life environment an integrated eAuthentication and eAuthorisation framework to enable trusted collaborations and delivery of services across different organisational/governmental jurisdictions. This aim will be achieved by designing a framework with assurance of claims, trust indicators, policy enforcement mechanisms and processing under encryption to address the security and confidentiality requirements of large distributed infrastructures. The framework supports collaborative secure distributed storage, secure data processing and management in both the cloud and offline scenarios and is intended to be deployed and tested in two pilot studies in two different domains, viz, Bio-security incident management and Ambient Assisted Living (eHealth). Interim results in terms of security requirements, privacy preserving authentication, and authorisation are reported
